542. Thankful for the good health of my parents and that they live next door. Yes, of course, families can get out of sorts with one another, but His grace is sufficient. And we are family.
543. Firewood gathered by my husband for sweet times around the firepit. (Gift #520).
544. I love a “series” of preaching messages, so I love that our new pastor, Dr. Jim Perdue is preaching through a series each Sunday morning. Right now he is taking us through the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5). The series is called “Blessed,” and we certainly are…beyond measure…to have him as our pastor. His wife and children are so precious to us and they’ve only been with us 3 months.
545. I love my church – if you’ve been around this blog very long, you know that I love my family and my church. It was a special delight to help hostess a shower recently for a young man that I’ve had the pleasure of watching grow up. Christopher Alford is marrying a fine young woman and I’m thankful for his godly parents and extended family. The blessing of community – the family of God – and a local church = God’s grace indeed.
546. My oldest son Jeremy celebrated 10 years as Pastor of Cross Point Baptist Church the first Sunday of March. We thank the Good LORD for that special milestone and blessing of God. But when you note that he is only 30 years old and has been pastoring that same church one-third of his life…that is God’s Amazing Grace. I love you son, and yes, I am proud – I am your mother.
547. My youngest son works at our local military base (a Project Manager) and we received the greatest compliment last week from someone who “just wanted us to know” that Jonathan is a man of great integrity and already respected in his field at his young age. I love you son, and yes, I am proud – I am your mother.
548. Having both sons and their wives and our grandchildren within 20 minutes of home is one of the greatest blessings of my life. God’s grace and goodness multiplied. I praise Jesus for that grace gift in this day of families on the move.
549. The response to the new Bible study by Beth Moore, “James, Mercy Triumphs” has been wonderful. God is using His Word to touch lives. The power is in the Word of God. May He continue to speak and may we be “swift to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” (James 1:19)
550. My friend Sophie (Boo Mama) shared the most wonderful app on her blog last week and I am LOVING it. It is FREE and is called Red Stamp You can use it to create wonderful e-cards like this that can be texted, emailed, tweeted, sent to Facebook, printed, mailed, whatever. It is so much FUN.
551. I have driven by this little white country church ever since we moved to the country almost 5 years ago…to my dismay I discovered last week that the church was MOVING, literally. It has been empty for some time now. I would love to know the history.
553. Spring cometh – tonight when you are asleep – at least if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere. March 20, 2012, at 1:14 A.M. (EDT). I can’t wait because I love to garden. These gorgeous flowers were in the garden center last week.
558. This picture is from a women’s leadership planning retreat held back in January (see gifts #485-#489). We have decided to get together again next month just for fellowship, because I’m telling you this…we had one of the best retreats I’ve ever been on. Kindred hearts united to serve our Great God. More Grace.
559. I picked this little man up to come spend the night with me, and on our way home we passed the local fire station and lo and behold they were washing the fire truck. He was beside himself. I’m thankful for the firemen who let him see this truck up close.
560. A joint project by two grandmothers – how special is that? Me and Mrs. Catharine, Madie’s maternal grandmother. She is making the dress and I put the bunny applique and name on the front. Catharine is an accomplished quilter and seamstress. I’m having a blast.
561. Lastly tonight I want to share the beautiful sunrise from this very morning, the last full day of winter. I don’t know where you are right now in your spiritual life, but tomorrow is Spring and you can begin anew with Christ. I’m so thankful that God’s grace and mercies are new every morning – whether you are in a “winter” season or on the brink of something fresh and new, He will meet you there. I know this for sure because He’s done it for me. He is our Redeemer, oh Praise His Name!