1,000 GIFTS, #246 to #269

Although I haven’t posted in several weeks, I’m always counting…the JOY ever close as I see God’s grace at work all around me, and most hopefully…deep within my heart, where the needs are greatest. Oh to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be.
246.  Remembering our time in South Africa two years ago this week. That trip changed my heart forever. I kept a journal and logged it all here.
247.  A precious email from my friend Teresa who has caught the JOY of counting 1,000 gifts. She is our Women’s Ministry Bible Study Director and loves the Word of God.
248.  A long encouraging email from Jennifer, a brand new mommy of a baby girl. Jennifer is a Christian counselor and her words matter. She is the youngest woman who serves in women’s ministries at our church.  She is our little gleaning Ruth, but truthfully, we learn from each other.
249.  My moonflower vine is blooming. I love seeing God’s handiwork and His creation blesses me so. These vines bloom at dusk, my favorite time of day.
250.  A party for my mother-in-law’s birthday.  She has been a godly influence on my life and I’m so thankful for her. Family is everything to me and she has welcomed me and loved me for a long time. I’m forever grateful to her for raising such a wonderful son, my husband!
251.  It was LOUD grace, but I counted 14 little boys under the age of 10 at Memama’s birthday party.  P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S. 
252.  There were two roses among those boys, my granddaughter Madie Ruth being one of them!
253.  My dad’s mucadine vines are loaded this year.  He loves to garden.
254. Our Interim Pastor, Rev. Joel Southerland, has been preaching from  the 4th chapter of  James. He has certainly encouraged us in the Word of God. He ended our August 15th Sunday night service by asking all our staff pastors and their wives, our deacons and their wives and our pastor search team and their spouses to come down to the front of the church.  We literally had an “encouragement hug-fest,” and were loved on and hugged and blessed by our church family.  Pure therapy from God’s Word by God’s people.
255.  This was his message that Sunday evening:
Seven Things You Can Do Instead of Slander:
     1. Edify (Ephesians 4:29)
     2. Encourage (Proverbs 12:25)
     3. Give Testimony (Psalm 145:10-12)
     4. Give Thanks (Ephesians 5:20)
     5. Praise God  (Psalm 9:1-2)
     6. Teach Others (Proverbs 13:14)
     7. Pray (Matthew 5:44) (Romans 12:14)
256. My first born son and his wife and their son all have August birthdays. My sweet daughter-in-law planned a party for the “boys” since their numbers matched up…here’s the cake:
257. My youngest son and his wife gave Zeke a “toy laptop” for his birthday.  It is very nice and a great teaching toy. When we asked Zeke what he was going to do with his laptop, he said, “I’m going to use this to work on my sermons…” He’s watching everything his daddy does. God’s grace has blessed me with sons who are modeling godly lives for their children.
258.  After record triple digit heat this summer, it was nice to have some recent rain. Last week we enjoyed two rainy evenings at home! Delight. This was my view as I drove from work, right before turning on the road to home. Summer rains are so precious.
259. My friend Jennifer, the new mommy sent me this “WAIT” acrostic last week…I love it and it is timely – I hope it will be a grace gift to you as well:
Withstand: the schemes of the devil and he will flee from you (Ephesians 6:11).
Anticipate: the need – go back to the last word God spoke before His silence.
Serve HIM in that manner while waiting on a new word.
Integrate: your faith into everyday life.
Trust: simply the most difficult, because it can be done only in a Spirit-filled life.
260. The gift of sight confirmed by a great report from my eye doctor this past week.  He is a delight – a Messianic Jew, Dr. Eisner.  We love to talk about the LORD together.
261. A great email from my friend Leah Adams requesting prayer support for some new teaching material God is calling her to concerning being “covenant keepers.”  She’s great!
262. A quick, yet wonderful and blessed trip this past weekend to Hilton Head Island, SC. We were the guests of my son’s in-laws, so Zeke and Madie had both sets of grandparents together and received a double portion of love. We had dinner in a restaurant that was near the marshes of the island.  It was so peaceful there.
263. On our way to Hilton Head we stopped for the day in Savannah, GA, one of our favorite places to visit in our beautiful state…I love the live oak trees and the history of this city. I am thankful for some overdue uninterruped conversation with my sweet mate.
264.  A short little video sent to me last evening by my youngest son’s wife. I love my smartphone and am so thankful for the way she keeps me in the know with little snippets of Jackson’s day. Grace indeed.
265.  A four-mile bike ride on Hilton Head, then meandering through the ruins of an old estate from the 1800’s called the Baynard Plantation. 
266.  An impromptu fun game with Zeke and my husband in those dappled-light woods near the ruins.  Brought back memories of him playing with our boys…
267.  Plans for a treehouse came forth from their play time.  The grandchildren are in for fun at the farm when Pop builds the tree house!
268.  To be a mom and a grandmom.  Daily DOUBLE portions of Grace.
269.  To be HIS daughter, ALL GRACE…
Encourage one another and build each other up,



1,000 GIFTS, #216 to #230

Although I’ve never met Ann Voskamp, her heart for Jesus shines through cyberspace – her blog, her books, her tweets…and she blesses me. This discipline or holy habit or awareness, or whatever you name it…this way of counting grace gifts to one-thousand is a wonder! The consciousness of intentionally seeing God at work all around is uplifting. Some of the gifts are divine and spiritual, some are tangible “things,” some are His glorious creation seen around the farm, some are just in my heart, but ALL are from His Hand, Grace.
216. Singing “I Bless Your Name” at church with our praise team. I love singing with Melissa, Meredith, Tammy, Megan, Gary, Lou, and Gary R.  God is knitting our hearts together more each time we sing.
217. A heart that is healing, sweet victory, answered prayers, awareness of true friends, health, peace of mind – these have been mine in abundance the past few weeks.  I am so thankful.
218. Our long-time pastor, Rev. Rastus Salter always talked about how good the “late peaches” are, the Elberta peaches. He was right – they are the best.  He passed away in 2005 and is certainly enjoying the fruit of his labors. In the presence of Jesus!
219. An impromptu pizza party with my husband, our boys, their wives and our 3 grandchildren. Sometimes unplanned is more fun.  Just “y’all come,” and let’s get together.  And when it ends up that Zeke spends the night, well that is just icing on that sweet cake!
220. Could she be any cuter? This is sweet Miss Madie with her first pigtails. She is talking up a storm and holding her own with big brother Zeke.  She and cousin Jackson are precious to watch together.

221. Front porch rocking chairs, hummingbirds zooming by, and long talks with my sweet husband.  We always say to each other, “it just doesn’t get any better.”  I pray we will be blessed to grow old together (Gran Jan & Pop pillows were made by our daughter-in-law Erin!) I love that man. I love to hear people speak of his integrity… and I’ve heard that spoken often these past months, and it blesses me every time!


222. Fig preserves. Delightfully Southern.  One of my Dad’s sisters (he had eight) taught me how to make them.  Aunt Jimmie Lou.  Even her double name is delightfully Southern! There is nothing better on a hot buttered biscuit than fig preserves.

223. My moonflower vine has blooms. I can’t wait to share the first flowers with you.  One of my favorite authors, Jan Karon, has a book entitled The Trellis and the Seed that is about encouragement…using these wonderful flowers. I grow them from seed each spring and give away all but a few plants to enjoy for myself.
224. I finished the quilt top from the beautiful jelly roll* of batik fabrics.  I can’t wait to quilt it. *By the way, a “jelly roll” is an entire fabric collection that has been laser cut into 2 and 1/2″ strips, then rolled up like a bakery confection and tied with a bow.  Each pack contains one 44″ long strip of each fabric in the group. I LOVE THEM! The possibilities are endless.
225. Which leads to this…the next quilts I’m planning! I bought a lot of John Deere fabric to make quilts for the boys – the big boys and the little boys!
226. New life on the farm just today – this Monday.  A new calf, and three new lambs – one a set of twins…this wee one is but hours old.
227. Twins – the momma is black and white like this baby.  These are just a few hours old…
228. Hearing the reports from the mission teams that went to Brazil and to Ukraine from my church. Seeing people I know and love light up and come alive when others are won to Christ – of seeing them “love to tell the story.”
229. A letter from my Compassion child, a daughter in Uganda. We wept. I am so thankful to partner with Compassion International to sponsor a boy in Colombia, and a girl in Uganda. I so love this ministry.
230. My magnolias are blooming again. I have two trees – they were given to  me by the women of our church at the Women’s Ministry Christmas Brunch, 2007.  I love that!
Blessings to you on this summer Monday,

1,000 GIFTS, #80 to #98

80. Back to Bible study with my Wednesday night girls, I love them so much!
81. A homemade Chocolate Cobbler. Go HERE for my posted recipe and pictures.
82. Time in my garden with glorious warm weather on Saturday and Sunday.
                             Texas Sweet Onions!                         Daffodils!
83. Joining my friend Travis Cottrell by becoming a backer on his new worship project.
84. Assurance that Jesus Christ is the Solid Rock, even during times of devastation in our world. 
85. Thankful for Samaritan’s Purse and their gifts to help the people in Japan suffering intensely after the earthquake and tsunami.
86. Enough hair for my 10-month old granddaughter Madie Ruth to have a real ponytail.
87. The opportunity to pray with some of my co-workers this week. We are asking God to give His grace to a family in the death of two young sisters in a car accident…they were headed home from church and the weather was so stormy. 
88. Singing with our Praise Team this past Sunday morning…”Jesus Messiah” by Chris Tomlin and “I Bless Your Name” by Selah. Awesome worship.
89. Thankful that my Dad is continuing to recover well from back surgery 5 weeks ago.
90. Good conversations with my sons this week. I love them with all my heart. We are friends.
91. Calls, emails, and cards of encouragement from friends at church who know that the past months have been extremely difficult in ministry. God is doing a mighty work in our church…things are better than ever and we praise His Holy Name. Our God is Greater.
92. Helping my husband move these two cows to the pasture behind our house…I am not a cowgirl, but I had a blast! That’s Helen on the left, and Thelma Lou on the right…

 93. A new devotional book Reliving the Passion as I prepare my heart for Easter…

94. Continuing to memorize scripture with lots of friends on the SSMT…Siesta Scripture Memory Team!
95. Going to “Sonic” last night after church with dear friends Jack & Lanie and sitting outside at the picnic tables until way past our bedtime 🙂  Laughing like teenagers.
96. Enjoying these violet violas while they last…because when the warm weather cometh they will not be happy! (I like cooler weather too.)

97.  The sacred echo of this verse in my heart… James 4:14
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.
For what is your life?
 It is even a vapor that appears for a little time
and then vanishes away.
98. Which is exactly why I rejoice in the simple JOY of counting to 1,000…FOR ALL IS GRACE.

1,000 GIFTS, #11 to #23

Multitude Monday is here again, bringing with it the wonderful joy of counting gifts as encouraged by Ann Voskamp in her wonderful blog, A Holy Experience. I am also reading her book One Thousand Gifts  and there is a Book Club that will bless you greatly with weekly video discussions from Ann herself! I am on my way to counting gifts, as the author says, the graces of daily living. This week, I am going to count my blessings in pictures…all taken this past week on my Blackberry phone.

11. Sunday dinner with these two sweet girls last week while in Birmingham for a worship pastor’s conference with my husband. Here are Robyn, Sophie, and me. DELIGHT!

12.  A wonderful light and fluffy snowfall while in Birmingham…good for writing in mine and my sweetheart’s initials…on the hood of his truck!
13.  A snowy night…the view from our room at the Conference Center.
14.  Homemade buttermilk biscuits…my maternal grandmother’s recipe.

15.  Green cabbages harvested from my garden this past Saturday, 2-12-11
16.  A fire in my outside fire pit (a Christmas gift from my husband) this weekend…with a good cup of coffee and precious conversation with that sweet man…

17.  The sweetness of fruit and a grandboy who peeled his first clementine…all by himself!
18.  Hens on our farm, now producing eggs daily!
19.  These Valentine’s Day flowers were on my desk this morning when I arrived at work. My sweet husband had delivered them on his way to the church where he serves as worship/executive pastor. Pale pink and highly scented…my favorite.
20. Grandboy Zeke opening his Valentine’s Day card from Pop & Gran Jan…
21. Granddaughter Madie opening her Valentine’s Day card from Pop & Gran Jan…
22.  Grandboy Jackson opening his Valentine’s Day card from Pop & Gran Jan…
23.  A Valentine’s Day card from my husband, full of promises made and kept…

Grace-filled week and I thank you Father for all of the above, and for all that is yet to come, because of Your sweet grace…



Psalm 113:3

This field of sunflowers is near my home…
what a delight!
(These pictures were taken by my friend, Carmen)

From the rising of the sun
unto the going down of the same
the LORD’s name is to be praised.

Love, Jan


Beauty For A Day

You can tell from my blog pictures that I love gardening! I especially love hydrangeas, but I love daylilies just as much. They are such a unique flower. The Latin name is Hemerocallis. The name comes from two Greek words meaning “beauty” and “day,” because of the fact that each flower lasts only one day. They are absolutely beautiful this year and are at their peak right now! I have early, mid, and late blooming types, so the season extends to about 3 months. Each flower sends up a “scape,” with lots of buds, so even though each bloom only lasts a day, there are more the next morning to bring joy and delight! (New every morning, like the mercies of God.)


Resurrection Ferns

John 11:25
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.”
I first learned about resurrection ferns while reading the historical novels of one of my favorite authors, Eugenia Price. Most of her books are set on or around my beloved Georgia coast, St. Simons Island. Her books on the beautiful city of Savannah are marvelous. When we built our home and moved to “farm country” almost 2 years ago, I noticed that some of our pecan trees have these resurrection ferns on the main trunks and large branches. They appear dead but after the rain they revive. What an analogy of this great verse from John 11:25 and especially as we prepare to celebrate the GLORIOUS resurrection of Jesus Christ this coming weekend. Resurrection ferns feed off the air and may curl up and look dead, but they aren’t. They’re just surviving… They bloom when they receive lots of water! The resurrection fern gets its name because it can appear dead, but when just a little water is present, the fern will uncurl and reopen, and “resurrect.” Sometimes I too may “curl up and look dead” but thankfully, I am not! (I may be in survival mode myself!) But Hallelujah and Praise His Name when the Living Water of Jesus is poured out on me, I will uncurl and open and be alive to Him, and hopefully will remain dead to sin.

Springtime abounds here in Georgia! The hope and power and promise of the Resurrection can be seen, even in the ferns on my pecan trees.
Love, Jan
