1,000 GIFTS, #827 to #843

I’m worn out tonight, but my heart is wonderfully full. Weary in body, but joyful in spirit. I saw a tweet last week by Dr. Paige Patterson (President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX) that said:
“Be wary when you are weary…”
It really resonated with me because I know how I can “be” when I become weary. The first thing that tells on me is my not-so-good-attitude. I become critical and irritable. The only cure is spiritual rest and physical rest.  But tonight my weariness is physical and it is because I have gone wide open this past weekend…and it’s all good!

827.  A letter from my Compassion child, Iduar. Nothing can bring me a sense of peace or “rightness” like knowing the JOY of sponsoring this young man in Colombia.
828. This is the week we are expecting our 4th grandchild, a girl…the JOY is amazing because there is a knowing in my heart – a knowing of just how incredibly wonderful it is to be Gran Jan.
829. I literally just finished a dress for her earlier this evening. It is a size “1” so she won’t be able to wear it until next spring/summer, but I just had to make something.  It was the smallest size on the pattern…and yes, there is monogram.
830.  I helped my oldest son with his two children this weekend as his wife attended a ladies retreat. I love being available to them. That is one of the reasons Gran Jan is weary this evening, but as I said, it’s a “good weary.” 
831.  My Dad wanted little Miss Madie to have an apple from his apple tree, so we complied of course.  She loved it and then didn’t want to come back to my house.
832.  Here she is with my mom, Gigi (for Great-Grandmother). My mom was singing “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray…” My grandmother, Gigi’s mother, used to sing that song to me too…
833. My baby boy and his baby boy (can you tell???) having a popsicle picnic.  It won’t be long until he will be daddy to a daughter. We can hardly wait.
834. Homemade poundcake and a happy husband. He said, “you know poundcake is my favorite, don’t you?” Yes, we’ve only been married 35 years and I know these things…I did something different. I used a muffin tin and made “poundcake cupcakes,” and each one had it’s own little crust (which is the best part).
835. I have no idea if these pumpkins will bear before frost, but I am sure enjoying the vine. It is growing like Jack’s beanstalk…right before my eyes. So fun.
836. An incredible day of worship at church yesterday with songs of praise that focused on the Name of Jesus: “Be Unto Your Name,” “Something About That Name,” “Your Great Name,” and “Something Happens.”  WE HAD CHURCH and I am still processing the JOY.
837. Vance Pitman, a church planter from Las Vegas, NV preached in our services yesterday. I was so encouraged by his message of our purpose as believers, as a church. He was definitely a blessing and I am thankful our Pastor invited him to come be with us.
838. Being reminded that “Ministry is the overflow of intimacy with God.” God calls us to Himself, and as we spend time with Him through prayer and His Word, we realize that intimacy proceeds ministry. He calls us to BE and then we can DO.  A great message from Rev. Pitman.
839. One of the sweetest things Zeke (four years old) has ever said to me was this past weekend. As we were watching Disney’s Cinderella, he told me not to worry about the stepsisters being so mean to her because Cinderella’s “favorite grandmother” was coming to help. I know he meant “fairy godmother,” but he repeated “favorite grandmother” 3 times…and I will have to admit I liked it, a lot.
840. Sweet time of prayer with a friend who is grieving the death of her mom this past summer and all that ensues – her posssessions, the memories. I love how God graces us to learn from others and share with them at the same time.
841. Tickets already received for the May 31-June 1, 2013 Living Proof Live event with Beth Moore here in the grand state of Georgia! Planning with my Women’s Ministry Team is already underway. I love these ladies and I love how we love the ladies we serve. It is a GIFT of His Grace.
842. Being asked to teach Sunday School “at the last minute,” yesterday and finding myself with young ladies who are engaged to be married. The Lord prompted me to share Philippians 2:1-4 with them…great advice for us all, and most especially for those getting ready to become wives.
1 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ,
if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit,A)”>
if any tenderness and compassion,B)”>  2 then make my joy completeC)”> by being like-minded,D)”>
having the same love, being oneE)”> in spirit and of one mind.
 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.F)”>
Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,
G)”> 4 Not looking to your own interests
but each of you to the interests of the others.H)”>

843. Welcoming glorious Autumn this past Saturday, my favorite of all the seasons…
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
*Gran Jan*

Beth Moore – Living Proof Live Charleston

This exact time last week I was just settling back in at home from an awesome weekend, talking as fast as I could re-living everything to my sweet husband. Fifty-one ladies from Second Baptist Church attended the Living Proof Life event (sponsored by Lifeway) in Charleston, SC. There were 9,000 women there and it was one of the best events I’ve ever attended. It will definitely be one of my favorite memories of 2012. I’m asking God to let His Word and the worship remain in my bones…to help me press in closely and retain all that His Spirit revealed to me.

Beth taught from Genesis 32-33, “Embracing the Facing,” was her title. I’ve never heard the story of Jacob and Esau taught more powerfully/practically. Here are Beth’s eight points (underlined) with notes added:

1. We’re here to become more honest versions of ourselves (get honest/get blessed).
2. We cannot walk in our full birthright as part fraud (desire full daughtership). Do we pray it then work it, or pray it then obey it? Every independent action to work out a situation is an act of unbelief. We work at our rest when we give situations to God then take them back. Our working on them is pure laziness – it is much harder to just leave the thing alone…
3. We’ve got to stick a “WITH” back in the way we work people (work WITH people, not WORK people). Are we heel grabbers or hand takers? Ask yourself these questions to see how they fit when you are “working with people:”
     *What’s in it for me?
     *Is there a single slice of insincerity?
4. It’s time to go face down and face up (we want the healing without the dealing).
5. Children of faith can’t wrestle with people without wrestling with God*I will not let go until He blesses me” said Jacob – there IS a blessing coming. We are close to Jesus when we are wrestling with Him. The Hebrew for embrace (habaq) and wrestle (abaq) are very similar. [Intimacy with Jesus in both situations.]
6. God can use a crippling defeat to bring about our greatest victory (Jacob’s hip being put out of socket crippled him – right before his victory and reunion with his brother.)  Don’t regret what He brings out of those regrets.
7. God can bring a shocking peace to our fiercest wars.
8. We’ve grasped the blessing when we keep trying to GIVE IT AWAY! (At that moment, Jacob had the full right of his sonship.)

  Here are some highlights of our weekend
We pulled out of the church parking lot at 8:00 a.m. Friday morning…
Very thankful for Mr. Phil Randall our excellent bus driver,
and Cindy Schult, our precious Women’s Ministry Events Director.
We stopped for a wonderful picnic lunch at the SC Welcome Center…
We were blessed with RESERVED FRONT ROW seats…
 I had appliqued a little shirt for Beth’s granddaughter that said: “No Place Like Bibby’s,” (Beth’s grandmother name). I gave it to Travis Cottrell on Friday night, and asked  him to give it to her in case I didn’t get to see her. She loved it and showed it to everyone as she was sharing about her family.
 Here is a close-up of the shirt – I made one for my granddaughter too…”No Place Like Gran Jan’s!”
 Travis sang my favorite song from his latest CD – “Thanks Be To Our God.” You can hear it in the recap video at the bottom of this post. 
I love these girls…they have fun everywhere they go…
I love that women had time to fellowship with each other.
We posed for a group photo before having lunch and heading home…
 I stayed afterward for a group photo with the “Siestas.” Beth had made signs for us…mine says “Mayor of Siestaville,” and her’s says “Mama.”
 And finally, the amazing talents of Mr. Rich Kalonick…I am so very grateful to have this recap that he so beautifully compiled.

Speak Lord, Speak

1,000 GIFTS, #770 to #785

Life is good because God is good. I’m very thankful (currently overwhelmed by His grace) as I sit here on a rainy Monday evening continuing this compilation of counting gifts to one thousand. I’ve scrolled back through these gifts several times and it brings me so much JOY to do so. To see His Hand, His faithfulness to undeserving me.
770. Something I don’t talk about much here is my “day job,” but I’m grateful to have one. I will testify that it has not been easy to be a pastor’s wife who works full time outside the home. His Grace has kept me going. In the early days I did it to help meet financial needs in our family. Even then God provided a job to this momma so I could be close to my boys and not miss any of their activities as I’ve worked in our local school system. They’ve long been out of school, but I’m still there…by God’s grace.
771. Two young couples I know expecting babies this winter each found out their unborn babies are boys…exactly the desires of their hearts. I’m happy with them.
772. My blog title is Gran Jan’s JOY, so it should be no secret by now that my grandchildren are just that. And most especially when one of them is enjoying a cupcake at her big brother’s Spiderman party. Delight. Miracles all of them. His Grace.
773. The birthday boy with the Spiderman cake. He is so precious. He thinks Spiderman kills spiders and we love him for it.
774. So thankful for my new Serger and looking forward to the sewing I want to do for my granddaughters. It finishes seams like a dream.
775. I came home from a women’s ministry team meeting one night and my husband had made jalepeno cornbread. From my recipe. It was delicious. It is now his job.  I love him so much.
776. Going to choir rehearsal and working on this music…JOY as I think about God sending His Son to earth…His Grace coming down.
777. Yesterday was one of the sweetest days in our church. Our pastor preached a powerful message from the book of Joshua on the power of a changed life – Rahab. Then last night we came together and witnessed the baptism of 16 people as they each shared  testimonies ending with “I am Not Ashamed.” It was tender and emotional and a night of praise. I love my church. Thank you David Falldine for this photo…
778. Music is such a gift of His grace. Being married to a worship pastor is pure JOY to me. I love what Gary gets to do and he loves what God has called him to do. This song has ministered to our church family so much in worship…Ten Thousand Reasons.
779.  Fresh okra from the garden…one of the last vegetables of summer.

780. Pickled okra made from my friend Lanie’s recipe. My friend Leah in North Georgia and I love making squash pickles – wonder if Leah makes okra pickles? 🙂

781. Looking forward to Fall and the sweet potatoes growing in my garden and wishing the little bunny that keeps eating the green vines would seriously stop it.
782. A phone call from this sweet saint, Esther Burroughs. She is planning to come speak to a group of worship pastor’s wives next February 2013. We were talking about the event as my sweet husband is helping sponsor the Metro II Conference in beautiful Savannah, GA. I can hardly wait for our time together.
783. Early mornings in the Word with song #13 on repeat. “Thanks Be To Our God.”  Actually counting His gifts of grace as Travis Cottrell sings them. These lyrics are a balm.
784. One of the best ladies events I have ever attended just this past weekend, Living Proof Live in Charleston. SC with 50 ladies from my home church and 9,000 total in attendance. This event requires a blog post all it’s own. Soon. “Embracing the Facing” was Beth Moore’s teaching topic from Genesis 31-32 – Jacob and Esau. It was strong and good.
785. Hearing my little grandson Jackson telling the story of Adam and Eve, of Naaman, and Jonah from his Jesus Storybook Bible. One of the blessings of this season of life is seeing the spiritual development of my grandchildren and being thankful for their parents (our children) raising them up in the LORD.
Count your own blessings my friends – whether you record them this way or use the iPhone app that Ann Voskamp has or whether you treasure them in your heart…keep counting His goodness to you. He is a Great and Mighty God.

1,000 GIFTS, #729 to #748

This counting continues, and as I near the goal of 1,000 GIFTS, I know in my heart I will always love this discipline. When you live with your eyes wide open and a heart full to see and receive God’s Hand at work all around in everyday living, your perspective changes and it is for good. I realize too that a pattern has emerged…JOY that centers around my church, my marriage, my family and friends, my home, and my love for gardening, Bible study, women’s ministry, and sewing and quilting. That in itself is a gift…
729. The sameness of a routine that is peaceful…work, church, family, chores. No one is sick, everyone has a job, we all are serving our Savior. It doesn’t get any better than that.
730. The peace that comes from knowing beyond any shadow of doubt that if the peaceful routine is interrupted…my Heavenly Father still reigns…and He is well in control.
731. A shopping Saturday with my friend Lanie. There’s a peaceful JOY that comes from spending time with a close friend…no agenda, just shopping and a nice lunch.
732. Zinnias. I plant them each summer by saving the seeds of the current season’s flowers. I gave this bouquet to the receptionist where I work. 
733. Teaching young women in Sunday School while their teacher (my sweet young friend Natalie) was in Ukraine on a mission trip. What a delight to my heart. These young women encourage me so much with hope for the next generation.
734. The children of our Pastor and his wife.  Precious…little stairsteps, so close in age. I look forward to watching them grow up.
735. Our pastor taught through the book of Philemon the past few weeks. He preached a message on forgiveness that was the best I’ve ever heard. I’m going to share those notes soon. Life-changing for some folks. I’m thankful that Christ forgives and I’m thankful that others are willing to forgive me when I ask them…
736. Little grandsons running through the sprinklers on a hot evening…JOY abounded.
737. Stepping outside before dawn with a good cup of coffee to see the MAJESTY of a sunrise…

738. Tomato bounty from our garden this summer. So thankful.
739.  Extra responsibilty at work last week led me to seek strength from the Word of God.
740. These two grandbabies sporting their shirts Gran Jan made them for their vacation. I’m looking at Miss Madie and thinking she is saying “Jan-Jan.” 🙂
741. My dad and my grandson in the garden this past Saturday. I love having my family close. So many families live far away from each other, and I don’t take for granted that mine are close, both physically and in the love we have for one another.
742. Thankful for a new quilt to finish – this one is for my husband. It is from the class I took last month with my friend lanie. It was so much fun to make.

743. Our fourth grandchild is due in late September…her room is being made ready. Our hearts are getting ready too. I can hardly wait to meet her. Let the monogramming begin!
744. This recipe is so much fun. It comes from The Pirates House restaurant in Savannah. It is a fun and easy way to “make pickles.” They are really good too.
745. Attended a beautiful wedding this past Saturday, 7-21-12, as David and Kelli exchanged vows before a big group of family and friends. (I thought this cake was beautiful.) It always really touches me to attend the wedding of a couple who are both active in their faith. David is called to ministry and will be planting a church in Florida some time next year.
746. Late one afternoon last week these big old thunder clouds rolled in while the sun was still shining. I love this photo so much.
747. The JOY that comes from worship – worship with my church family. United in heart and so at peace in our church family as we serve together.  Thankful beyond words.
748.  The JOY in anticipating a women’s ministry event.  We are planning on a “road trip” to Charleston next month to a Living Proof Live event.  Can’t wait to see Beth Moore and worship with Travis Cottrell and thousands of my sisters in Christ. There will be much JOY on the way over and back “on the bus” too. Fellowship sweet. 
May God Bless You and Keep You and Hold You in the Palm of His Hand,

1,000 GIFTS, #675 to #689

The tag line under the One Thousand Gifts book states “a dare to live fully right where you are.”  Well…right where I am is at home, at church, at work, in the garden, in my car, at the grocery store, sharing a meal with my family, in the choir loft, riding my bike over to visit my parents, in my quiet time place, in my sewing room, in my kitchen or laundry room, in a doctor’s office with a friend… All of these are simple places, nothing exotic like a fancy cruise ship or a remote tropical island. Yet in all these places my heart’s desire is to be fully there so as not to miss one single JOY He has for me. I often pray and ask the Lord to make me focused and fruitful. In the busyness of life, the simple joys are what keep me on center, and this week has been one of just that—blessed simplicity.
675. We celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary last Monday on June 11, and about mid-morning the receptionist called me to the front of my office building…be still my heart. My sweet husband sent me 35 of the most beautiful pink roses I have ever seen. I counted every one! Thank you sweet man of mine. God graced me when He brought you into my life…
676. Let me tell you about Ashley. I had 30 guests at my home this past Tuesday as I helped hostess a bridal shower for this sweet young woman. When I first met Ashley I noticed her blue yarn bracelet and was prompted in my spirit to ask her if she was going through the Beth Moore “Believing God” Bible study. (If you’ve done the study, you know what the blue bracelet represents.) She was, and we bonded instantly – sweet mercy it was wonderful. She and a group of cheerleaders from the University of GA (she was Captain) didn’t have the accompanying DVDs which are such an asset to the study, so I loaned them to her from our church’s women’s ministry library…and we bonded even tighter! I love her – she gives me hope for the future generation of young women who are believers in Jesus Christ.
677. Zeke came for a visit and a heavy rain the night before left the most wonderful puddle, so we “ripped and romped” as my Granny used to say. Yes we did. There was no mud, just a big deep puddle over a low grassy spot…pure JOY!
678. A day of celebration spent with my dearest friend Lanie. I accompanied her to the oncologist who gave her yet another good report. She is two years free from ovarian cancer. Hallelujah to our Great Physician. We celebrated and shopped all the way to Atlanta and all the way home…with a stop at our favorite quilt store, A Scarlet Thread.
679. Our little Jackson Boy spent a week at the beach with his parents (my youngest son and his wife) and his other grandparents. They had a wonderful time together and my daughter-in-law got some great pictures – she always takes the best pictures and I’m so thankful she shares them with Gran Jan.
680. So blessed by simple family time over pizza and salad and fun around the table. Could these two be any cuter?  Cousins born 2 weeks to the day apart. I can’t wait to see all God has in store for them as they grow up together…Jackson and Miss Madie Ruth.
681. A visit to the farm always includes some time seeing the moo cows. I love it that the boys were dressed alike. My daughters-in-law have great minds and they are great moms. 🙂
682. It’s magnolia time in Georgia. If you’ve never inhaled the scent of a magnolia, I can tell you that our Creator did as HE said, “He saw everything He had made, and it was good.”  I have two trees and they were gifts from some of the women in my church. I love that.

683. While driving home from my day in Atlanta with Lanie, a thunderstorm was brewing as I got closer to home. I am so thankful for the much needed rain. I could see this one coming and we ended up with 2 inches of rain and some great puddles…for little grandboys and Gran Jans.

684. This picture in our blueberry garden is of all five of my men: my husband, my two sons, and my two grandsons.  We have certainly had a great harvest this spring, and not just in blueberries…
685. Jackson and his Pop. Sweetness.
686. I enjoyed some time with my youngest sister Jo this weekend. She is also the mom to two sons and a great mom she is. I really enjoy her company and it was good to sit on the porch with her and with our parents. She loves to come get fresh vegetables from the gardens.  More simple times, family times.
687. Thankful for my Pastor and the wonderful Father’s Day message he preached yesterday. Counting gifts of grace in my life include my own father, my husband who is a wonderful dad to our boys; and my boys, who are wonderful dads to their children. Blessings to the next generations.
688. My husband and I had a sweet time of prayer yesterday at the end of our church service…hearts full, thankful for our two sons and the fathers they are becoming. They are raising our grandchildren up to know and love Jesus and His Word. We were just pouring our hearts out in praise to the Lord for this week of celebrating 35 years of marriage and God’s Grace in our lives with our boys and their wives and our grandchildren. Gifts of JOY.
689. And I am most thankful to report that my church family sponsored all 80 of the children that Compassion sent to me for our Compassion Sunday two weeks ago.  I love my church family so much. Thank you all for helping release children from poverty in Jesus’ Name.
Love and Blessings,
Gran Jan

1,000 GIFTS, #562 to #578

It is with great JOY I begin this Monday journey of counting to 1,000 as it is Spring Break here and I’m off work this week. Holy Week and time at home, His grace multiplied.
562. This beautiful pecan grove is part of an old home place. I love the way the trees arch toward each other across the road. Around these parts we always say that spring has officially arrived when the pecan trees leaf out…a bit early this year.
563. I love time in the garden and I was there most of the day today getting ready to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, green beans, and squash later this week.  I pulled up the remains of my winter garden and got one last batch of collard greens.  There’s something about the hard work and solitude there that brings me peace of heart.
564. My sweet North Georgia friend, Leah of The Point Ministries shared some of her beautiful miniature hosta plants and mailed them to me. I love that girl, she is a gift of grace to my life. She has a heart for God and she loves and teaches His Word.
565. I received my love for gardening from my maternal grandmother.  She loved to share cuttings from her garden. Not only did I receive some plants this week, I mailed a dozen daylilies from my garden to my friend Beth Moore in TX. She got them planted on Saturday – I know she will enjoy them. Made my heart happy to share them with her.
566. I love the night sky and especially loved this showing of the moon, Venus, and Jupiter last week. (The moon is in the center, Venus is in the middle and if you look really hard you can see Jupiter at the bottom of the picture, just above the tree line.)  What a wonderful Creator God.
567.  I had the wonderful honor to sing our country’s “National Anthem” at the retirement ceremony of an Air Force Lt. Colonel last week. I had a blast – the McElwain family is precious and they honored Christ in every way. What a delight that was – I love living in a military town – as the daughter of a Career Marine I feel right at home.
568. Two Saturdays ago, me, my mom and my dear friend Lanie spent the entire day participating in a “quilt shop hop” across Georgia. (We were celebrating my mom’s birthday too.) We made it to six of the 10 shops and had an absolutely delightful day together. I bought a pattern for this Twister Quilt:

569. Friday night pizza at our favorite family pizza place. Fun times when we can all be together.

570. Gran Jan has a new car tag…I love it. Being a grandmother has blessed me in so many ways.  I’m advertising the JOY.
571. Look at this little sweetie helping his daddy wash his truck. Grandchildren are God’s grace for raising your own children. Grandparenting is absolutely wonderful and I’m getting so excited about #4 on the way this fall.
572. A rainy Saturday at home and candelight – two of my favorite things.
573. I potted new ferns on my front porch during that cool morning rain this past Saturday. These are the Kimberly Queen variety – very hearty and heat tolerant.
574.  Fresh green beans smell so good when they are cooking.  And here in the South we cook them a long time and then a little longer.
575. I sat outside with my James Bible study homework one evening last week and enjoyed a nice fire in the fire pit. It was so peaceful. This study has really touched my heart and stirred me up. That’s a good thing. 
576. This past Sunday evening our pastor served the first Lord’s Supper since he became our pastor on January 1. He brought a great message – he is a great Bible expositor and has the heart of a pastor too. We are so thankful for his ministry – God has brought such love and peace to our midst. He is doing a work as we are growing and new families are joining each week.
577. Ladies Night Out last Thursday with some special friends as we attended an event sponsored by Covenant Care Ministries, a Christian adoption agency. I have several friends who have adopted children through their ministry. God is so good.
As Easter approaches this weekend I am ever mindful that without Christ’s death on the cross there would be no hope of Heaven. He paid my sin debt with the shedding of His blood. I received His gift of grace almost 27 years ago and I have never been the same.
SO thankful that…

1,000 GIFTS, #524 to #537

His grace gifts abound and I am so very thankful. Life is busy – and my blog of late has basically been all about the counting. This counting sums up my life these days as I live and   love to see His gifts of grace. This living intentionally to see His Hand carries over to eyes open wider to see His grace everywhere. Will you consider leaving a comment about His grace in your life? I would love to hear from you. 
523. My wonderful dentist Dr. Alex Bell, Jr.  Yes – my dentist. I had a great appointment 2 weeks ago. Dr. Bell has been my dentist for almost 24 years. His sons and my sons grew up together and his wife Sandy is one of the sweetest ladies I know. I’m thankful for their attentive care to our family. We use to be neighbors and the memories of that time are so sweet to me.
524. Grandson Zeke spending the night and then staying the WHOLE next day. We were literally inseparable for 24 hours. We made cookies and we watched movies and we laughed and played and took a nap together and had popcorn and he makes me forget anything except what I’m doing right at that moment…which is enjoying him…Gran Jan’s JOY. He has begun to tell me that “he loves me with all his heart.” Gets to me every single time.
525. Special delivery to my many birdfeeders with sunflower seeds. Pure joy.
526. Special help filling the birdfeeders…more JOY.
526. A trip to Atlanta with three sweet coworkers for a School Board conference. We girls had a great time. I am blessed to work with some wonderful people – supportive and kind.
527. Leap Year Wednesday – February 29, 2012 was the night we began the new Beth Moore study – “James, Mercy Triumphs.”  We had 35 for class and just yesterday at church there were more women buying books…
528. Happy faces of women in Bible study…
529. Spring is still two weeks away and we’ve barely had winter here…on a walk last week during my lunch hour I saw dogwoods blooming…
530. This is a beautiful flowering shrub that blooms in the winter in our part of the state…Taylor’s Pink Perfection  The color is divine and so is the JOY of this plant during the winter.
531. The JOY continues with making things for my grandchildren…
532. Yellow violas blooming in an antique bucket hanging on my garden fence.
533. Tomato soup and crackers at my desk…quiet lunch times during a busy day.
534. I dearly love pimento cheese. So does my oldest son. It’s a Southern thing. My friend Sophie (BooMama) and I texted about our pimento cheese love recently when we saw new recipes featured in the February Southern Living magazine. Sophie’s blog and her writing is another favorite of mine. Pimento cheese and bacon…my my my.
535. The blessing of driving country roads to and from work each day. Lord bless the farmers. Thank you for sending the rain this weekend and greening up the landscape. Thousands of pecan trees have been planted in the distance.
536. Look who was at my supper table tonight…eating two helpings of Gran Jan’s chicken and rice. God’s tender mercies – blessing me with three grandchildren…
537. AND NEWS OF ONE MORE GRANDCHILD ON THE WAY! Gran Jan times four…in late September. Thank you Jesus.