Oh So Easy Lasagna!


This recipe has been a favorite in our family for a long time and is so easy to prepare. I made it often when my boys were both still in high school because you can feed a crowd! Add a nice green salad and good Italian bread and everyone is happy!


One box of lasagna noodles, prepare as directed
2 lbs. lean ground beef, browned and drained
1 medium-large chopped onion (saute in olive oil until done)
1 large jar of your favorite prepared marinara sauce, or 2 small jars (28 ozs. each)
(We like the Prego Three Cheese variety.)
1 16 oz. container of Cottage Cheese
Shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (about 4 cups)
Shredded Mozzarella cheese (about 4 cups)
Shredded Parmesan cheese (about 2 cups)

1. Brown ground beef, add cooked onion and prepared pasta sauce
and simmer for at least 30 minutes – longer if you have the time.
2. Boil lasagna noodles in water, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and about 1 Tablespoon
of canola or olive oil to the water so the noodles won’t be sticky. Do not overcook the pasta,
 it should be slightly firm as you will bake the lasagna as well.
3. Ladle a layer of the meat sauce on the bottom of a 9×13 casserole dish.
4. Next, place a layer of lasagna noodles over the sauce.
5.  Now cover the noodles with more meat sauce (be generous) and
 then dollop the cottage cheese as shown below:
6. Be more generous and sprinkle 2 cups each of cheddar and mozzarella cheeses on top!
 Lasagna noodles, more meat sauce, cottage cheese dollops,
and then shredded cheddar and mozzarella cheeses.
8. Finish with the Parmesan cheese.
9.  Bake for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees until cheese melts
 and the lasagna is nice and bubbly!
10.  Before you slice and serve the lasagna, it is important to let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Enjoy and be blessed!  Every day you have together with your family…every meal shared around the table…they are gifts from God. 

1,000 GIFTS, #11 to #23

Multitude Monday is here again, bringing with it the wonderful joy of counting gifts as encouraged by Ann Voskamp in her wonderful blog, A Holy Experience. I am also reading her book One Thousand Gifts  and there is a Book Club that will bless you greatly with weekly video discussions from Ann herself! I am on my way to counting gifts, as the author says, the graces of daily living. This week, I am going to count my blessings in pictures…all taken this past week on my Blackberry phone.

11. Sunday dinner with these two sweet girls last week while in Birmingham for a worship pastor’s conference with my husband. Here are Robyn, Sophie, and me. DELIGHT!

12.  A wonderful light and fluffy snowfall while in Birmingham…good for writing in mine and my sweetheart’s initials…on the hood of his truck!
13.  A snowy night…the view from our room at the Conference Center.
14.  Homemade buttermilk biscuits…my maternal grandmother’s recipe.

15.  Green cabbages harvested from my garden this past Saturday, 2-12-11
16.  A fire in my outside fire pit (a Christmas gift from my husband) this weekend…with a good cup of coffee and precious conversation with that sweet man…

17.  The sweetness of fruit and a grandboy who peeled his first clementine…all by himself!
18.  Hens on our farm, now producing eggs daily!
19.  These Valentine’s Day flowers were on my desk this morning when I arrived at work. My sweet husband had delivered them on his way to the church where he serves as worship/executive pastor. Pale pink and highly scented…my favorite.
20. Grandboy Zeke opening his Valentine’s Day card from Pop & Gran Jan…
21. Granddaughter Madie opening her Valentine’s Day card from Pop & Gran Jan…
22.  Grandboy Jackson opening his Valentine’s Day card from Pop & Gran Jan…
23.  A Valentine’s Day card from my husband, full of promises made and kept…

Grace-filled week and I thank you Father for all of the above, and for all that is yet to come, because of Your sweet grace…


1,000 GIFTS, #1 to #10

I have wanted to join the ranks of gift counters for a long time now, ever since I discovered Ann Voskamp’s wonderful blog, A Holy Experience.  Every time I visit it truly is…a holy experience. Her words are anointed, her writing so fresh and free. I love this young woman’s heart and would love to meet her one day and give her a big old southern girl hug around the neck!

Since I’m just beginning my list of 1,000 gifts and it is a “Multitude Monday,” I’m going for it. I am in a good place to do this – away for a conference with my husband that is very specific…for just worship pastors and their wives. It’s good to be with like-minded folks and those who are seeking to have the mind of Christ. It’s been a good day. 

1.  to be a pastor’s wife, specifically to one whose calling is to lead in worship
2.  to share the joy of time away to refresh and renew
3.  hearing over 50 “music men” sing together in worship…glory voices!
4.  a text from my daughter-in-love this morning
5.  the joy of mentoring a young wife tonight about raising boys
6.  reading Ann Voskamp’s book “One Thousand Gifts” this afternoon in the quiet of a beautiful retreat center
7.  fellowship this evening with a fellow garden enthusiast, specifically a lover of daylilies
8.  roundtable discussions with other ministers wives…talking shop and occupational “hazards”  😉
9. typing this blogpost while my own music man sleeps next to me…weary from a long day of taking in so much with his peers
10. connecting with a young steward at this retreat center named Daniel…and sharing with him about the Daniel of the Bible…JOY!

Thank you Jesus for the JOY of this day…a gift…the beginning of thousands.


A Winter’s Walk Around the Farm

What a peaceful Monday I’ve enjoyed today. It started off great with a call from my boss saying, “stay put, don’t come to work, you HAVE to stay home.” What a delight! After a late breakfast, my husband asked me if I would enjoy a long walk, so we bundled up and I grabbed my camera…and off we went! Come for a walk around the farm with us…

Unlatching the gate, here we go…
 We started back at the 12 acre woods…
 The trees were covered with ice from the freezing rain.
 The pine trees were bent over, heavy from the ice.
 Our donkeys, Ellie and Little Bit…
The sheep…
 Out of the woods, headed to the pastures.
 One look back at the beautiful woods.
 Headed up to the front of the farm, near the “road.” 🙂
 Our farm home in the country…I love this place!
 An icy lantern at the front gate.
 Willow Oak Lane
 We walked around the pond…
 Past the cows near the woods…
 Saw more sheep…
 My icy bird feeder that was covered with
birds before I took the picture…
 Our frozen patio…
 My vegetable garden…the collards survived!
 Home again…
These boots were made for walking…
If you were blessed enough to be snowed in (or “iced in” like we were), I hope you’ve enjoyed your day off.  Days like these are so welcome in our  fast-paced busy lives…
I’ve just heard from my boss again! Guess what?  I HAVE TO STAY HOME AGAIN TOMORROW!!! Yee-hah!

K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Sister!

Good Evening Friends…
Today is almost over.  It’s been a good day with family and friends. Yes, being the Georgia girl that I am, I’ve had my collard greens and black-eyed peas twice today…both at lunch and then again at supper! And guess what? I grew the collard greens myself in my backyard garden.  What a simple pleasure!

Since this is the first day of a new year and the first day of a new decade as well (with a marvelous number pattern…1-1-11), I wanted to post a quick note.  I am getting older, thank you Jesus. I am loving this season of my life.  I’ve learned to pick my battles – to know the difference between the energy expended on events that amount to no more than an ant bite or serious enough to be considered a snake bite!  Wisdom comes with age and experience and it is oh so sweet. Tough, but sweet.

I’m not one to set unrealistic goals or make “new year’s resolutions.”  I’ve been there before and failed miserably and dealt with the self-imposed guilt that most always follows.  However, I do dearly love a fresh start and thank God for His mercies new every morning and His sweet amazing grace; so I am going to attempt to “KISS” this year which stands for Keep It Simple SisterWith the Good Lord’s help and in keeping His will for my life, I am going to filter requests for my time through my family’s needs and the women’s ministry I so dearly love.  Did you know that “no” is a complete sentence? I am going to slow down a bit and take better care of myself…so that I may take better care of my family.  This will mean regular exercise and smarter food choices.  I want to enjoy every single minute of my grandchildren and be able to keep up with them! (Zeke is not happy that he had to share his Gran Jan with the babies…)

Thank you for your love and support and for stopping by to visit my blog. One more very important thing…I’m going to do something wonderful for my soul this year, and that is to participate in Beth Moore’s Scripture Memory Team again.  What a JOY and DELIGHT!  If you haven’t heard about this, visit her web site here for instructions.  It is not too late to get involved and you will be blessed beyond measure for hiding God’s Word in your heart.

Remember, KISS 2011 by “Keeping It Simple Sister.”

*Gran Jan*


Christmas 2010 Family Photos

Merry Christmas
from the Mortons!
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

*Gran Jan*


Cookbook Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Terry of the Ater-Price Family Blog!  Your cookbook, “Christmas in the Country” will soon be on it’s way to you!

Thank you to those of you who shared your thankful thoughts.

I am also very thankful to each of you who visit this blog, which is basically the rambling thoughts of a blessed woman…

So thankful!
Gran Jan
