1,000 GIFTS, #288 to #304
1,000 GIFTS, #270 to #287
277. Thankful for Jeremy’s wife, who also celebrated a birthday last week…she is a gift to our family.
280. Three sweet grandbabies chasing those bubbles…it just doesn’t get any sweeter!
281. My daughter-in-law Erin worked so HARD to get a picture of these 3…it is nigh impossible…but I love her for trying!
1,000 GIFTS, #246 to #269
247. A precious email from my friend Teresa who has caught the JOY of counting 1,000 gifts. She is our Women’s Ministry Bible Study Director and loves the Word of God.
261. A great email from my friend Leah Adams requesting prayer support for some new teaching material God is calling her to concerning being “covenant keepers.” She’s great!
1,000 GIFTS, #231 to #245
August 1, 2011 at 7:52 am
James 3:18 (NLT)
And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.
238. Yesterday after church we went to the home of my youngest son and his wife to visit and take a nap as we had to be back at church early Sunday afternoon. We live out in the country and it just saves a trip home! Besides that…we get to fellowship with our youngest grandboy Jackson. D-E-L-I-G-H-T.
239. This is the fabric for another new quilt!!! I had ordered some accompanying fabric and found out it was discontinued. But just today a kind woman in Customer Service at Hancocks of Paducah, KY told me she personally went and found the exact yardage I needed for my quilt. What a blessing. I thanked her…
240. The book I ordered came in the mail last week. It is a new book that I love for two reasons. The topic – the Word of God…and the artist…one of my favorites. Karla Dornacher. Her gifts bless me.
241. I’ve shared from my heart about the death of my sister Jean 26 years ago. I wrote this post last year on the 25th anniversary of her death. It is the “most read” post on my blog. Just this past Saturday I got to spend time with my niece Amy, Jean’s beautiful daughter. She lives in California, and is visiting home this week. Time with her is rare. There are no words to describe how much she is like her Momma. Although Amy was only 23 months old when Jean died…she is JUST LIKE HER. What a gift.
Quietness. Yes! Even with my sanguine and outgoing personality, I love solitude and quietness. I actually crave it. Quietness…some definitions I love:
- making no noise or sound, especially no disturbing sound
- restrained in speech, manner, saying little
- free from disturbance or tumult; tranquil; peaceful, a quiet life
- being at rest
- refraining or free from activity, especially busy activity
- making no disturbance or trouble; not turbulent; peaceable
- free from disturbing thoughts & emotions, mentally peaceful, a quiet conscience
- expressed in an unobtrusive way
- not showy or obtrusive; subdued
- not busy or active
The past few months have been a lesson for me in the discipline of quietness. I read a tweet recently by James MacDonald of Walk in the Word Ministries. It simply said:
I wasn’t “facing a fiasco” as mentioned in the tweet, but had been through a season in life that was difficult and quite frankly, was draining me in body, soul, and spirit. As I sought solitude God began to speak to me through His Word, drawing me to quietness, to “not knowing everything going on.” This “not knowing” brought peace. Here are some passages that really encouraged my heart:
What If Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops?