1,000 GIFTS, #729 to #748

This counting continues, and as I near the goal of 1,000 GIFTS, I know in my heart I will always love this discipline. When you live with your eyes wide open and a heart full to see and receive God’s Hand at work all around in everyday living, your perspective changes and it is for good. I realize too that a pattern has emerged…JOY that centers around my church, my marriage, my family and friends, my home, and my love for gardening, Bible study, women’s ministry, and sewing and quilting. That in itself is a gift…
729. The sameness of a routine that is peaceful…work, church, family, chores. No one is sick, everyone has a job, we all are serving our Savior. It doesn’t get any better than that.
730. The peace that comes from knowing beyond any shadow of doubt that if the peaceful routine is interrupted…my Heavenly Father still reigns…and He is well in control.
731. A shopping Saturday with my friend Lanie. There’s a peaceful JOY that comes from spending time with a close friend…no agenda, just shopping and a nice lunch.
732. Zinnias. I plant them each summer by saving the seeds of the current season’s flowers. I gave this bouquet to the receptionist where I work. 
733. Teaching young women in Sunday School while their teacher (my sweet young friend Natalie) was in Ukraine on a mission trip. What a delight to my heart. These young women encourage me so much with hope for the next generation.
734. The children of our Pastor and his wife.  Precious…little stairsteps, so close in age. I look forward to watching them grow up.
735. Our pastor taught through the book of Philemon the past few weeks. He preached a message on forgiveness that was the best I’ve ever heard. I’m going to share those notes soon. Life-changing for some folks. I’m thankful that Christ forgives and I’m thankful that others are willing to forgive me when I ask them…
736. Little grandsons running through the sprinklers on a hot evening…JOY abounded.
737. Stepping outside before dawn with a good cup of coffee to see the MAJESTY of a sunrise…

738. Tomato bounty from our garden this summer. So thankful.
739.  Extra responsibilty at work last week led me to seek strength from the Word of God.
740. These two grandbabies sporting their shirts Gran Jan made them for their vacation. I’m looking at Miss Madie and thinking she is saying “Jan-Jan.” 🙂
741. My dad and my grandson in the garden this past Saturday. I love having my family close. So many families live far away from each other, and I don’t take for granted that mine are close, both physically and in the love we have for one another.
742. Thankful for a new quilt to finish – this one is for my husband. It is from the class I took last month with my friend lanie. It was so much fun to make.

743. Our fourth grandchild is due in late September…her room is being made ready. Our hearts are getting ready too. I can hardly wait to meet her. Let the monogramming begin!
744. This recipe is so much fun. It comes from The Pirates House restaurant in Savannah. It is a fun and easy way to “make pickles.” They are really good too.
745. Attended a beautiful wedding this past Saturday, 7-21-12, as David and Kelli exchanged vows before a big group of family and friends. (I thought this cake was beautiful.) It always really touches me to attend the wedding of a couple who are both active in their faith. David is called to ministry and will be planting a church in Florida some time next year.
746. Late one afternoon last week these big old thunder clouds rolled in while the sun was still shining. I love this photo so much.
747. The JOY that comes from worship – worship with my church family. United in heart and so at peace in our church family as we serve together.  Thankful beyond words.
748.  The JOY in anticipating a women’s ministry event.  We are planning on a “road trip” to Charleston next month to a Living Proof Live event.  Can’t wait to see Beth Moore and worship with Travis Cottrell and thousands of my sisters in Christ. There will be much JOY on the way over and back “on the bus” too. Fellowship sweet. 
May God Bless You and Keep You and Hold You in the Palm of His Hand,

1,000 GIFTS, #690 to #710

I’m getting closer to the mark of the 1,000th gift, and as much as I anticipate reaching the goal, the greater JOY has been the journey. I mean that. I am thankful for this JOY and discipline, knowing that His grace gifts will not end even when I reach the goal…

690. Glory glory glory – precious TIME unbound by the clock or a schedule…time to just “be,” as I’m off work this week. Lots of projects lined up, but I can’t wait to get started on them all…one at a time, just like this counting.

691. I saved zinnia seeds from last summer all winter long and planted them in the Spring – they are bringing much JOY and I’ve enjoyed sharing them. They have grown exceedingly abundantly more than I could have imagined.

692.  Fresh corn from my Dad’s garden and his JOY in sharing it with so many folks.

693. I kept my oldest grandboy weekend before last, he even came to church with us on Sunday! I loved every single moment with him. It is very special to have one-on-one time with my grandchildren. I enjoy having them ALL, but the noise level and activity of three 3 and under is wild sometimes. He enjoyed playing on my mom’s front porch as we visited with her.

694.  He enjoyed helping Pop water the new pecan trees…his little tractor was a birthday gift to him when he was two.
 695.  Our children’s ministry presented the musical, “What’s Up Zak?” , the story of Zacchaeus…Jesus Changes Everything… It was tremendous and there were souls saved that morning!!! God is so faithful. I am so thankful for all the workers who gave their time to serve our children and their families. We were blessed to have the author of the musical worshipping with us and she was blessed too – thank you for coming Mrs. Ingram.
696. Zeke loved climbing up in Zacchaeus’s Sycamore Tree…
697. A very special surprise visitor to my office last week! My youngest grandson Jackson. Made my day…
698. The sweet voice of my little granddaughter Madie Ruth. She spent the night with us this past Thursday and I loved having her…she said, “I love you Jan-Jan.” Made me smile every time. 
699. My first garden tomato ripened on the first day of summer…and now they are bountiful. Enjoyed a tomato sandwhich for supper Sunday night, a Southern delicacy.
700. A nest of sparrows in my mother’s fern on her front porch. His Eye is on the Sparrow…and is also on you…do you know that truth?
701. Peaceful times at dusk, reflecting Psalm 92:2 – “His faithfulness at night…” These two geese have taken up here at our pond and the female is injured – she doesn’t fly. The male stays by her side. They mate for life – isn’t that wonderful?

702.  Our church’s annual “Family Night Spectacular” was just that – spectacular. Sweet sweet sweet fellowship and fireworks! The Family of God. What grace is this?

703. Zeke and Jackson enjoyed the games at the church family fun night…
704. Hay cutting at the farm…I love the smell of freshly mown hay. That is my dad in his tractor.
705.  A “twister pinwheel” quilting class day before yesterday and time with my friend Lanie that began with pancakes at IHOP and much fun and laughter around the sewing machines at a new quilt shop in Macon we discovered…Couture Sewing Center that is run by two sweet sisters.

706. The wedding of my sweet young friend, Ashley (see blessing #676)…Jesus was lifted high at this wedding…
707.  A beautiful sunset one night last week…
For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens,
And Your truth unto the clouds.
Psalm 57:10
708. A new bluebird house that my sweet husband put up for me…in my beautiful garden which he built for me too.  I love you Gary. We have so many bluebirds here at the farm and I can’t wait for the ones who come to this little house…
709. I got outside very early this morning to beat the record heat we’ve been having the past few days and pruned my hydrangeas. There are many many spiritual applications in the garden, and none stronger to me than pruning…I prayed as I pruned that the Master Gardener would prune my heart too. It’s painful but necessary.
 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away;
and every branch that bears fruit He prunes,
 that it may bear more fruit.
John 15:2

710.  This beautiful Swallowtail butterly was enjoying the zinnias in my garden, and I had my iPhone with me outside so I captured the moment…

I hope you will find time this week to capture the moments He sends your way each day as you stop and count the gifts of grace that surround you – hard gifts, sweet gifts, tangible gifts, gifts unseen…all from His Hand.

1,000 GIFTS, #675 to #689

The tag line under the One Thousand Gifts book states “a dare to live fully right where you are.”  Well…right where I am is at home, at church, at work, in the garden, in my car, at the grocery store, sharing a meal with my family, in the choir loft, riding my bike over to visit my parents, in my quiet time place, in my sewing room, in my kitchen or laundry room, in a doctor’s office with a friend… All of these are simple places, nothing exotic like a fancy cruise ship or a remote tropical island. Yet in all these places my heart’s desire is to be fully there so as not to miss one single JOY He has for me. I often pray and ask the Lord to make me focused and fruitful. In the busyness of life, the simple joys are what keep me on center, and this week has been one of just that—blessed simplicity.
675. We celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary last Monday on June 11, and about mid-morning the receptionist called me to the front of my office building…be still my heart. My sweet husband sent me 35 of the most beautiful pink roses I have ever seen. I counted every one! Thank you sweet man of mine. God graced me when He brought you into my life…
676. Let me tell you about Ashley. I had 30 guests at my home this past Tuesday as I helped hostess a bridal shower for this sweet young woman. When I first met Ashley I noticed her blue yarn bracelet and was prompted in my spirit to ask her if she was going through the Beth Moore “Believing God” Bible study. (If you’ve done the study, you know what the blue bracelet represents.) She was, and we bonded instantly – sweet mercy it was wonderful. She and a group of cheerleaders from the University of GA (she was Captain) didn’t have the accompanying DVDs which are such an asset to the study, so I loaned them to her from our church’s women’s ministry library…and we bonded even tighter! I love her – she gives me hope for the future generation of young women who are believers in Jesus Christ.
677. Zeke came for a visit and a heavy rain the night before left the most wonderful puddle, so we “ripped and romped” as my Granny used to say. Yes we did. There was no mud, just a big deep puddle over a low grassy spot…pure JOY!
678. A day of celebration spent with my dearest friend Lanie. I accompanied her to the oncologist who gave her yet another good report. She is two years free from ovarian cancer. Hallelujah to our Great Physician. We celebrated and shopped all the way to Atlanta and all the way home…with a stop at our favorite quilt store, A Scarlet Thread.
679. Our little Jackson Boy spent a week at the beach with his parents (my youngest son and his wife) and his other grandparents. They had a wonderful time together and my daughter-in-law got some great pictures – she always takes the best pictures and I’m so thankful she shares them with Gran Jan.
680. So blessed by simple family time over pizza and salad and fun around the table. Could these two be any cuter?  Cousins born 2 weeks to the day apart. I can’t wait to see all God has in store for them as they grow up together…Jackson and Miss Madie Ruth.
681. A visit to the farm always includes some time seeing the moo cows. I love it that the boys were dressed alike. My daughters-in-law have great minds and they are great moms. 🙂
682. It’s magnolia time in Georgia. If you’ve never inhaled the scent of a magnolia, I can tell you that our Creator did as HE said, “He saw everything He had made, and it was good.”  I have two trees and they were gifts from some of the women in my church. I love that.

683. While driving home from my day in Atlanta with Lanie, a thunderstorm was brewing as I got closer to home. I am so thankful for the much needed rain. I could see this one coming and we ended up with 2 inches of rain and some great puddles…for little grandboys and Gran Jans.

684. This picture in our blueberry garden is of all five of my men: my husband, my two sons, and my two grandsons.  We have certainly had a great harvest this spring, and not just in blueberries…
685. Jackson and his Pop. Sweetness.
686. I enjoyed some time with my youngest sister Jo this weekend. She is also the mom to two sons and a great mom she is. I really enjoy her company and it was good to sit on the porch with her and with our parents. She loves to come get fresh vegetables from the gardens.  More simple times, family times.
687. Thankful for my Pastor and the wonderful Father’s Day message he preached yesterday. Counting gifts of grace in my life include my own father, my husband who is a wonderful dad to our boys; and my boys, who are wonderful dads to their children. Blessings to the next generations.
688. My husband and I had a sweet time of prayer yesterday at the end of our church service…hearts full, thankful for our two sons and the fathers they are becoming. They are raising our grandchildren up to know and love Jesus and His Word. We were just pouring our hearts out in praise to the Lord for this week of celebrating 35 years of marriage and God’s Grace in our lives with our boys and their wives and our grandchildren. Gifts of JOY.
689. And I am most thankful to report that my church family sponsored all 80 of the children that Compassion sent to me for our Compassion Sunday two weeks ago.  I love my church family so much. Thank you all for helping release children from poverty in Jesus’ Name.
Love and Blessings,
Gran Jan

1,000 GIFTS, #639 to #659

Jumping right in this week, with a heart at peace and a mind that is FULL…of His grace gifts.
639. Sweet time with some sweet ladies Thursday evening – sharing, walking, and picking fresh blueberries right here at the Farm.  Kindred spirits, His gifts of friendship.
640. My sweet husband and I made some hospital visits on Saturday. I love going with him and hearing his strong voice pray for the folks we visited. I love that I have a praying husband, I’m thankful for his prayers. Grace.
641. We visited this sweet baby girl, less than 24 hours old…her name means “My God Has Answered” in Hebrew.  Many folks prayed for this baby for years and He indeed answered in a wonderful way. 
642. My quilting brings me JOY…and the JOY multiplies when I finally get to give the quilts to the ones for which I make them. Below is Eliana’s quilt from the front…she’s all wrapped up in it above.
643. Talking with the man who is helping paint our farm fence, and hearing Hector’s story, how he came to America and knowing once again how God’s Grace is sufficient.
644. Compassion Sunday at my church yesterday. A young high school girl and I planned the event together.  Her name is Mary C. and God melded our hearts together beginning when I use to pick her and and take her to Awana at church on Wednesday nights, when she was still in elementary school…
645. Mary C and I shared our JOY in sponsoring children through Compassion on Sunday morning and as of last night, 49 CHILDREN HAVE BEEN SPONSORED!!!
646. Memories of first hearing about Compassion at a Live Concert when Travis Cottrell was recording his “JESUS SAVES” project. Shaun Groves told his story that night and I just came away being mesmerized by him and his love for this organization.
647. Picking up a packet after hearing Shaun speak and becoming the “sponsor” of a little boy who lives in Colombia, South America – and now feeling like Iduar is a part of my life…because he is.
648. Following the prompting of my husband a year later to “sponsor” another child through Compassion, a little girl named Gloria who lives in Uganda, who is also a part of our lives. 
649. Sharing the good news with Shaun by way of Twitter yesterday and having him respond blessed me. I’m thankful for his ministry and it has been multiplied now at my church with 49 more children released from poverty in Jesus’ Name…
650. Praying that God will make a way for me to one day go on a Compassion bloggers trip. That is a dream of mine.
651. The grace of long-time friends. Sharing a meal with Jack and Lanie after church on Sunday. Easy laughter that comes from spending a lot of time together.  
652. Praying for my boys and their families. Seeing them be good husbands and daddies. Not a day passes that my husband and I don’t thank the Good Lord above for His grace in blessing us with these sons.
653. Planning two bridal showers for later on this month.  Both couples love Jesus and are serving Him, one couple will be in full-time ministry. Thankful for these young people and the joy of blessing them blesses me.
654. Little grandboys with sunglasses on…
655.  Cool weather to sit on the front porch and have coffee and conversation.  One of our favorite things to do. Reconnecting after a busy day.
656. Ministering to long-time friends of 23 years who have had a death in their family. We do not grieve as those who have no hope. Thankful for the ministry of the Word.
657. Thankful for a pastor who says “The Power Is In the Word,” and then he preaches like he believes that.
658. Thankful for a youth pastor and his wife who are at the beach this week with hundreds of young people…pouring into them…making a difference.
659. Thankful for you who take the time to read this blog.  Would you consider leaving a comment? Thank you if you do.
God bless you ALL,

1,000 GIFTS, #595 to #614

This Multitude Monday finds me at peace and I can say with confidence this counting has much to do with my restful countenance.  Twenty Twelve is passing quickly to me, how about you?
595.  My Wednesday night Bible study class completed our study of the book of James. We were a weepy mess that last night…what a gift that study was to us. I love this fourteenth verse from the fourth chapter (this is the Amplified version).  Read it and ponder the brevity of our lives. Rest in the assurance that our Blessed Controller has everything well in control.
Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow.
What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor
(a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while
and then disappears [into thin air].
596. I wrote my last post from the Metro Worship Conference. It was a gift from God to be there and I am thankful for our church that supports that time away for my husband. Texas was wonderful – great weather and great hospitality from the host pastors there.  These next round of counted blessings were truly that to me, unexpected gifts.
597. The days were long and full as we went from “daylight to dark” every day – but there was time for fun too, like when I got up close to this TX Longhorn. When he turned to walk through the gate, he tipped his head to get his horns through. It tickled me. We all need to “adapt.”
598. I loved seeing these young people who put on a “private rodeo” for us. They were so gracious and lined the fence and wished us all well. So refreshing.
599. Hymns have been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. I have memories of my parental grandmother singing hymns and playing the piano. We were blessed to hear Keith & Kristyn Getty in concert. “The Power of the Cross,” and “In Christ Alone” are two of my all-time favorites. The Gettys are modern hymn writers – what a grace gift.
600. One of the sweetest gifts of all for me was meeting the sweet Mrs. Sheri Bell. Her husband is the Worship Pastor at the amazing Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano. He was our gracious host all week. Sheri and I just “hit it off,” and had so much in common (besides being married to music men). We both love gardening. Because of that…
601. We loved our time together at the Dallas Arboretum walking and enjoying the beautiful gardens. She planned so many wonderful things for us that week.
602. And a highlight for my soul was the JOY of hearing Sheila Walsh as she spoke to us worship pastors’ wives. She is so genuine and so kind. Her message really stirred me up and I’m thankful for the stirring and the tender mercies of Jesus. 
603. Our last night at the Metro Conference was a “NIGHT OF WORSHIP.” Have you ever seen such a choir? They sang and then Pastor Jack Graham called all the worship pastors and wives down to the front of the church and prayed over us – it was one of the sweetest times ever. His Grace was thick in that place.
604. So blessed to attend the wedding of the son of long-time friends at our home church when we returned home.  Thankful for Christian & Olivia as they start their lives together in Christ. Hope and grace for the next generation.
605. Gardening joys as Spring continues…green beans, tomatoes, butter peas, cucumbers, green peppers, zucchini and yellow squash!
606. Jasmine blooming over my swing is especially sweet…
607. The first hydrangea – what an awesome Creator to bless us with such beauty…
608. A Blueberry bounty and my grandchildren LOVE them. It is so fun to go out to the garden with them and pick fresh blueberries. A simple JOY, but that is what I love. I picked a quart just tonight…

609. Jackson’s JOY at every tractor, especially his Pop’s…

610. I am so thankful for my pastor and his family. They began their ministry with us on the first day of this year and I can truthfully say that God graced our church when He brought them into our lives. I made these little ladybug shirts for his girls this past weekend. His wife has a blog that blesses me so much! Visit Stephanie at her blog here.

611. Dinner out last week with the “Rincon Retreat” girls. Just sweet fellowship – no agendas other than celebrating the bond of women’s ministry.
612. Farm and country living is grand – critters everywhere.  The “farm cat” brought us a surprise day before yesterday…her kittens. There are four of them and they are wild as can be, but oh so cute…they are hiding behind my hydrangea bushes. I need a cat whisperer. I know where the term “hissy fit” comes from now…we will NOT keep them!
613. Thankful for the gift to celebrate my Dad’s birthday yesterday. My sister Jo had us all over for Sunday dinner, it was so good. I’m thankful for my Dad. He is a wonderful father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. A proud Career Marine, Vietnam War Veteran and my dad.
614. My last gift to count on this Multitude Monday is so dear to my heart that I can barely contain my excitement. I began this blog “Gran Jan’s JOY” almost four years ago while awaiting the joy of becoming Gran Jan.  We found out last week that grandbaby #4 is…
Praise God From WHOM All Blessings Flow
Praise Him All Creatures Here Below
Praise Him Above Ye Heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


1,000 GIFTS, #538 to #561

After ending my last post with the wonderful news of grandchild number four on the way, His grace gifts continue to bless and astound me. He is a Faithful God.
538. And these three precious gifts from the Good LORD bring Gran Jan’s JOY to great heights. We had fun this past Saturday at our monthly family breakfast at the farm:
539. So thankful there was a single blue popsicle in the box when the request is made by my grandson, “I want a blue one Gran Jan.” 
540. Fresh brown eggs and stone ground grits from the Callaway Gardens Country Store make breakfast so good (and butter – never forget the butter).
541. A morning spent dividing daylilies in my mom’s garden – made especially easy by a good hard rain the night before.

542. Thankful for the good health of my parents and that they live next door. Yes, of course, families can get out of sorts with one another, but His grace is sufficient. And we are family.

543. Firewood gathered by my husband for sweet times around the firepit. (Gift #520).

544. I love a “series” of preaching messages, so I love that our new pastor, Dr. Jim Perdue is preaching through a series each Sunday morning. Right now he is taking us through the Beatitudes from The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5). The series is called “Blessed,” and we certainly are…beyond measure…to have him as our pastor. His wife and children are so precious to us and they’ve only been with us 3 months.

545. I love my church – if you’ve been around this blog very long, you know that I love my family and my church. It was a special delight to help hostess a shower recently for a young man that I’ve had the pleasure of watching grow up. Christopher Alford is marrying a fine young woman and I’m thankful for his godly parents and extended family.  The blessing of community – the family of God – and a local church = God’s grace indeed.

546. My oldest son Jeremy celebrated 10 years as Pastor of Cross Point Baptist Church the first Sunday of March. We thank the Good LORD for that special milestone and blessing of God. But when you note that he is only 30 years old and has been pastoring that same church one-third of his life…that is God’s Amazing Grace. I love you son, and yes, I am proud – I am your  mother.

547. My youngest son works at our local military base (a Project Manager) and we received the greatest compliment last week from someone who “just wanted us to know” that Jonathan is a man of great integrity and already respected in his field at his young age. I love you son, and yes, I am proud – I am your mother.

548. Having both sons and their wives and our grandchildren within 20 minutes of home is one of the greatest blessings of my life. God’s grace and goodness multiplied. I praise Jesus for that grace gift in this day of families on the move.

549. The response to the new Bible study by Beth Moore, “James, Mercy Triumphs” has been wonderful. God is using His Word to touch lives. The power is in the Word of God. May He continue to speak and may we be “swift to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” (James 1:19)

550. My friend Sophie (Boo Mama) shared the most wonderful app on her blog last week and I am LOVING it. It is FREE and is called Red Stamp  You can use it to create wonderful e-cards like this that can be texted, emailed, tweeted, sent to Facebook, printed, mailed, whatever.  It is so much FUN.

551. I have driven by this little white country church ever since we moved to the country almost 5 years ago…to my dismay I discovered last week that the church was MOVING, literally. It has been empty for some time now. I would love to know the history.

552. But imagine my delight when I saw this sight the very next morning, about 1/2 mile from my office…someone obviously cared enough to restore this church.  I am so glad that not only can churches be restored, but because of HIS Grace, we may be restored too.

553. Spring cometh – tonight when you are asleep – at least if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere. March 20, 2012, at 1:14 A.M. (EDT). I can’t wait because I love to garden. These gorgeous flowers were in the garden center last week.

554. These two little sweethearts made a trip to the chicken house Saturday morning and were so proud of their findings…more brown eggs. They have NO FEAR!
555. The most beautiful full moon this month…I took this picture on my way home from Praise Team practice, after James Bible Study…my heart was as full as this moon.
556. This little sweetheart is the son of a couple on our Praise Team. He sits right there at the pastor’s podium while we are rehearsing. I love little church boys. So thankful to God for young couples raising their children up to love Him and His Word. Thankful for a church where the Word is preached and where families can grow in grace.
557. These right here is the Women’s Ministry Leadership Team at my church. We had one of the sweetest meetings last week – planning and praying for God’s Will as we seek ministry opportunities. God is doing a great work among us. I love you ladies.

558. This picture is from a women’s leadership planning retreat held back in January (see gifts #485-#489). We have decided to get together again next month just for fellowship, because I’m telling you this…we had one of the best retreats I’ve ever been on. Kindred hearts united to serve our Great God. More Grace.

559. I picked this little man up to come spend the night with me, and on our way home we passed the local fire station and lo and behold they were washing the fire truck. He was beside himself. I’m thankful for the firemen who let him see this truck up close.

560. A joint project by two grandmothers – how special is that? Me and Mrs. Catharine, Madie’s maternal grandmother. She is making the dress and I put the bunny applique and name on the front. Catharine is an accomplished quilter and seamstress. I’m having a blast.

561. Lastly tonight I want to share the beautiful sunrise from this very morning, the last full day of winter. I don’t know where you are right now in your spiritual life, but tomorrow is Spring and you can begin anew with Christ. I’m so thankful that God’s grace and mercies are new every morning – whether you are in a “winter” season or on the brink of something fresh and new, He will meet you there. I know this for sure because He’s done it for me. He is our Redeemer, oh Praise His Name!



1,000 GIFTS, #509 to #523

As I begin this second half of counting His gifts of grace all around me, I’ve thought about this journey that was begun last February. I’m not the same person I was, all glory to Jesus. I have been stretched in my faith and I wouldn’t trade the lessons learned for anything. I absolutely love this season of life I am in…
509. The deep contentment that comes from a long, steady marriage. I love what my friend Beth Moore has said before that applies to this joy:  “a long walk of obedience in the same direction.”  That long walk of obedience can apply to many areas of our lives…by God’s grace.
510.  The joy of family. I love Saturday morning breakfasts with everyone around the table. There are four generations here…my parents, me and my husband, my sons and their wives and our grandchildren. I was sitting by my mom and Zeke before I stepped away to take this picture…
511. Impromptu gatherings. This Valentine’s night supper last week at a local pizza restaurant was so much fun. I love my boys and their wives & the grandchildren so much – thankful to spend this “day of love” with them for a meal.

512.  Kissing Cousins. Sweet Madie grabbing a kiss from sweet Jackson… She had just told me to “take her picture.”  These two grandchildren are 2 weeks to the day apart in age. JOY!

513.  Blueberry pancakes are always on the table. Looking forward to June when our blueberries are in season again.
514.  Today…a holiday from work called “President’s Day,” is so welcome to me. I am committed to pray for this election year as we seek a new President. This scripture from Daniel 2:20-22 comforts me in these days of uncertainty in our country…
Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
For wisdom and might are His.
And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.
He reveals deep and secret things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And light dwells with Him.
515. Late afternoon sun breaking through the clouds.
516. When our former minister resigned (December 2010), our church went through an interim time in search of a new senior pastor. [I wrote about our new pastor in this past last November.  We are so blessed by the awesome expository preaching of our pastor Dr. Jim Perdue. He is a shepherd to us.] Before Pastor Jim came, God blessed us with a wonderful interim pastor – Rev. Joel Southerland. We honored the Southerland family at church yesterday and then had a big old churchwide fellowship last night! EVERYONE was talking about the sweetness of the Spirit in our midst. This is Brother Joel & his precious wife Sherryde. God blessed our hearts with this couple and their girls Savana and Mikayla. They will always be part of our lives as they were instruments of love and healing in our church. We love y’all.
Wall to wall fellowship at SBCWR…
517. Sweet Miss Madie and her Hollywood entrace to the family breakfast this past Saturday…this girl does not meet a stranger.
518. Jackson loves loves loves tractors, big trucks, motorcycles, anything with wheels. This is my Dad’s big John Deere out in the hay barn. They stopped there on their way out this past Saturday. Jackson has to see the moo cows and chickens…and the tractors.
519. My best friend Lanie is making a quilt called “What Cancer Cannot Do.” I wept tears of joy and thankfulness to God when she showed the finished quilt top to me last week. This is the quilt label…how I praise God for sparing her life. (Teal is the color for ovarian cancer.) She encourages all women to have their annual physicals. That is when her cancer was discovered.  One of the quotes on the quilt top says, “Cancer cannot destroy friendship.”  Amen my sweet friend.
520. Right now as I type this, there is a big fire in this new firepit my husband purchased. It has 3 Willows Farm cut out on the rim in two places. We love living in the country with redneck firepits made from big old recycled propane tanks…we are going green here at the farm.
521. My oldest son Jeremy and his wife Carrie took their two children, Zeke and Madie, to go see Memama Morton this morning. She is their great-grandmother and my precious mother-in-law. She will be 90 in June and is the matriarch of our family…a godly woman who has taught me so much. I love her dearly. We enjoyed a long visit with her this past Friday evening.
522. For some reason my 3 grandchildren love my pantry. Maybe it’s the Spiderman and Dora snacks that I keep there. 🙂  
523. I love to browse seed catalogs and think of the delicious fresh vegetables we will enjoy from my garden this summer.  In fact, I need to head outside now and PRUNE back the rosebushes and crepe myrtles. 

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post – I wouldn’t take anything for the journey of my life this past year, the PRUNING has been hard, but oh so necessary for growth. Thank you Jesus.

 John 15:1-2 (Amplified Version)
I AM the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser.
Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing]
 He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and
 repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit,
to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit.

