Especially for Holly
For my friend Holly from Colorado, vist her here. This wonderful concept is taught in the study, Believing God, by Beth Moore. Visit Beth here. I posted last month about my moonvine that has large white flowers and blooms at night…hence the name “moonflower.” I also shared about the fascinating night-time hummingbirds that visit. Holly replied that she was interested in these nighttime creatures, so I told her I would try to send some information. I looked around the world wide web, but the pictures were not really pretty and I wanted to actually TAKE a picture, so I’ve been waiting! Well tonight during my evening stroll around the garden I heard the familiar “sound” of rapid wings fluttering and my heart skipped a beat…because it has been a long time since I actually saw the nighttime visitors…check it out Holly!!! Can you see this one in flight as well? This was taken just about an hour ago.
The night hummingbird (actually a moth) is just above the pink flowers right at the edge of the sidewalk. Here’s another view where he is taking off again. I had the absolute best time attempting to take these pictures, all the while thinking how blessed I was to see this “delight.”
This picture on the left is not great because I was fluttering around myself (what a sight in itself!) trying to take the pictures. The hummingbird moth is right near the window on the far right of the picture. They are quite large. What does all this mean to me? I am reminded that we serve a God who never sleeps or slumbers, He is always awake (Isaiah 40:28). We can rest in Him, because He cares for us. Our God who is up all day and night for ever and ever even created wondrous delights that are up at night too! Now, me personally, I look forward to the day when there will be NO MORE NIGHT – because we will be with Jesus and He is the LIGHT and will SHINE forever and ever, AMEN! Night-night, sleep tight… Love, Jan