138. Speaking of birds…the hummingbirds are back…I so love them!

Jesus follower, Wife, Mom, GranJan, biscuit-maker, gardener, quilter.
93. A new devotional book Reliving the Passion as I prepare my heart for Easter…
94. Continuing to memorize scripture with lots of friends on the SSMT…Siesta Scripture Memory Team!
95. Going to “Sonic” last night after church with dear friends Jack & Lanie and sitting outside at the picnic tables until way past our bedtime 🙂 Laughing like teenagers.
96. Enjoying these violet violas while they last…because when the warm weather cometh they will not be happy! (I like cooler weather too.)
Multitude Mondays – Marching Toward 1,000 Gifts in March
66. New life on the farm, two baby calves, a new bull and a new heifer.
67. The Bradford pear trees are shouting the promise of springtime! This tree is in the parking lot at my office…and there are three of them in a row…so beautiful.
68. Help with watering the Texas sweet onions by a sweet Georgia grandboy.
69. Saturday morning breakfast pancakes shaped like a chicken, a cow, and a pig. These are from Williams Sonoma and my friend Beth Moore has the “Star Wars” pancake molds for her grandchildren.
70. Answered prayer so gloriously confirmed. There is nothing like it, nothing.
71. An email from a friend of 23 years – we are both coming out of a season of intense spiritual warfare and her wisdom and sweet friendship blessed me.
72. Knowing a scripture passage by heart just when my husband needed it…
73. A grandboy who asked to be rocked before bedtime, and then wanted to hear “How Great Is Our God” sang by his Gran Jan.
74. Worship in church Sunday as we sang one of my favorite hymns “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and hearing the glorious sound of the penny whistle played by my sweet friend, Joan.
Oh To Grace How Great a Debtor…
Here I am again on another Multitude Monday and LOVING this delightful discipline of counting toward 1,000 gifts.
#45. An awesome planning meeting on Tuesday night with my Women’s Ministry Leadership Team at the Olive Garden…good food, great fellowship, and hope of a glorious future as we serve the women in our church and community. I love you Cindy, Teresa, and Jennifer!
#46. Lunch with a sweet young woman that I love so much. We dined at “The Swanson” (a local restaurant in a downtown historical home) and encouraged each other as we’ve both been through some trials in our lives and church the past few months. God is so faithful.
#47. A great haircut from my sweet hairdresser, Brooke. Her shop is Salon Seven because she was born 7-7-77. Isn’t that the neatest thing? And she is a believer. And my son is her pastor. Love that.
#48. I attended a class by our local county extension agent entitled “Vegetable Gardening 101.” I loved it and the teacher just happens to be a deacon from my church. He did great.
#49. Sweet fellowship around great coffee with a great group of friends. Encouragement.
#50. As I type this it is thundering and the rain is coming down hard on my metal roof.
Multitude Monday is proving to be a real blessing and something in my heart feels lighter with joy as I anticipate counting to 1,000…thank you Ann Voskamp. God gave you this plan for His people for this time. Gratitude is healing therapy. This past week…
24. The gift of my husband’s life as we celebrated his birthday on Feb 15th. I LOVE THIS MAN!
25. I am so grateful for the way Gary takes care of me and that God brought him into my life and that our marriage was part of God’s plan before we were ever born.
26. Bible study with my ladies every Wednesday evening…we just finished Loving God With All Your Mind by Elizabeth George on Feb 16th, such a timely study.
27. Two days off from work this past Thursday and Friday, a chance to s-l-o-w down a bit, and b-r-e-a-t-h-e.
28. Time in my garden with red potatoes, Texas sweet onions, English peas, and snow peas all planted.
29. A harvest of the collard greens I planted last fall to make room for the onions, and the greens are now in the freezer…can’t wait to cook them, my three men love them!
30. A family lunch on Saturday with the boys and their wives and our 3 grands…simple joys that are priceless.
31. A bottle of bubbles and a 2 1/2 year old grandson to chase them…
32. A new camera…I can’t wait to learn how to use it.
33. A missionary from South Africa who preached Sunday at church. Dr. Harold Peasley of Multi Ministries from Johannesburg preached a message from Genesis on the life of Lot. So good.
34. Memories of our trip to South Africa from August 2009 were so real as we reunited with Dr. Peasley and my journal contains everything. I will never forget these children: