So much “living has been lived” since I blogged a month ago! Life is good because God is good, He is always good. He continues to faithfully reveal His love to me in wonderful ways. I take pictures all the time with my iPhone camera, so I really want to let my pictures do the blogging for me…as I did when I was counting grace gifts to 1,000 here on my blog the past two years. There have been lots of celebrations this month in our family! My life continues again with familiar themes of faith, family, fun, farm, and always of course…the flowers…
June 1st marked a very special day for my husband and me – the 25th anniversary of ministry at our wonderful church! Our church family gave us a love offering and a paid vacation trip of our choosing. Last night (June 9th) we celebrated with a reception and so many memories flooded our hearts. They are precious people, a loving and generous church family. God surely blessed us when He led us there with our two little boys 25 years ago…
I was blessed to serve on the planning team for the recent Living Proof Life event in Atlanta. My church had 76 ladies attend and we had a wonderful time. Beth Moore and Travis Cottrell make a great team as the Word was shared and the Worship was divine. The last session was a celebratory time of responsive reading, singing, praying, and dedication like nothing I’ve ever experienced – unprecedented for one of the LPL events. So thankful for the time I shared with friends there.
This group of ladies with our fearless leader Mandy Parker were tremendous servants.
(Mandy is in the white blouse kneeling on the first row.)
My friend Sophie Hudson, author of this book below, “A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet” was at the conference (on the far right in the picture above). She is a genuine, precious woman of faith. I LOVE HER and this book is one I will re-read and go to often. She loves her family, her Southern heritage, and I so get her. She is one of the blessings that have come to me from “the internets.”
May is the month my two middle grandchildren celebrate their birthdays exactly two weeks apart! They each celebrated their 3rd birthdays with sweet parties planned by my daughters-in-law. Madie had a “Bubblegum Party” theme (since she is now allowed to have bubble gum), and Jackson had a “Jake the Pirate Party.” They each had so much fun at each others’ parties with family and friends, and Gran Jan had fun making the birthday shirts they wore at their parties. Here are the hugging cousins at Madie’s party…it just doesn’t get any sweeter!
Here is the Birthday Princess wearing her “#3 Bubble Gum Machine” shirt made with love by Gran Jan. She is a sweet girl!
Here is Jackson’s “#3 Pirate Birthday” shirt made with love by Gran Jan.
My daughter-in-law Carrie took this picture of Zeke and Madie on their last day of playschool. She couldn’t have captured a sweeter moment! It is perfection and I’m so thankful to have it here to share with you. One of my favorite pictures ever. I pray these two will always be there for each other…nothing like siblings!
We also celebrated my nephew Payton’s graduation from high school on May 25th with a HUGE FAMILY GATHERING complete with matching “Maloy Family” shirts compliments of my sister Joan. We enjoyed delicious King Crab and all the trimmings at the “Crab Fest 2013.” It was so great to have everyone together and my daughter-in-law Erin has great skills for setting up a photography shoot!
Both my boys have celebrated wedding anniversaries recently…Jeremy & Carrie celebrated 9 years May 22nd and Jonathan and Erin celebrated 5 years on June 7th. NO GREATER JOY for this mom than to see my sons and daughters-in-law building homes together!
Zeke played tee-ball with Upward Sports Ministries at our church this Spring and we had a great time watching him “play ball!”
My son was one of the coaches and we enjoyed watching him too!
Little Miss Emery is now 8 months old and brings everyone JOY with her sweet and precious disposition. She is a GOOD GIRL!
Grandbaby #5, our gender tie-breaker! (We have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters.)
We love you already and can’t wait to meet you in just under 3 months.
Mother’s Day 2013 was special and I’m thankful for my boys’ wives who gave me great gifts – pretty red jewelry from Carrie and this photo collage flowerpot that Erin put together with all the grandchildren’s pictures around the whole pot! I love it!
Today is Memama Morton’s 91st Birthday. She is the Morton Family Matriarch and the best mother-in-law this daughter-in-law could ever have. She loved me from the start, she prays for our family, and she has never once “interfered” with our lives. I pray I can be as good to my daughters-in-law as she has been to me. We love you so much Memama!
We’ve had a great Spring 2013. The weather has been cool and rainy, my flowers and garden are flourishing, and best of all
God’s tender mercies are new every morning…
Glorious gardenias and roses…
My “Blushing Bride” Hydrangeas…
Wonderful sweet-smelling Confederate Jasmine over the spring arbor…
As I close this post tonight, I am thinking toward a very special day, the most special day a man and woman can celebrate. Tomorrow is our 36th wedding anniversary. Gary and I began our lives together 6-11-1977. God has blessed us with a wonderful family, a fruitful ministry, and a solid marriage based on trust and love. I am so thankful that 36 years ago as a young (way too young to be getting married) 19 year old woman that God knew what I needed and provided you for me when I didn’t even know He was taking care of me. I love you Gary – and my love for you is stronger than ever. Being your wife has been my life’s greatest joy. Thank you for taking such good care of me… even going to the blueberry garden early in the morning last week to pick blueberries for my yogurt. You’re a fine man and I’m one spoiled, blessed woman!
Love to all of you and thank you for reading all the way to the end…life’s SIMPLE JOYS are really the best,
and only made sweeter when surrounded by the love of Christ.
Happy Hitchin’ Day, my friend. Another grandbaby to love? I had no idea. How did I miss that? I love all your pictures!! This was such a wonderful post. You are such a blessing to so many of us. My only regret is that you are on one end of Georgia and I am on the other. I’d love to have you come sit a spell on my porch and chat.
Leah – That beautiful back porch that faces that huge open pasture? I would love that – with some coffee and long conversation. I love you sweet friend. I think of you so often. My squash plants are blooming!!! Come see me
Jan, this us the sweetest post!! What a precious family you have, and congrats on grand baby #5!! Thank you for sharing!
Much love
Thank you Kelly – you inspire me. I love seeing your tweets. Love your family too! I hope we will cross paths again one day soon.
Loved getting to meet you at LPM! Thank you for the example that you set forth for all of us. (Our flowers are spectacular this year too! First time to have a “grape” daylily and one that almost looks like a peony! His Creation awes & humbles me every day.)
Thank you Beth! I must see this picture of the grape daylily! I am intrigued. Can you send it to me, or post it on my Facebook wall? Are we friends there? Jan Maloy Morton is my FB name. It was a great conference – I’m glad to have met you too. His Creation awes me too – He speaks to me so strongly through His wonderful Creation.
Has it REALLY been 25 years! Praise God! We were there for the first 10 and loved every minute! Bro. Gary gave me a love for church music that now has Kirk and serving together in. We love working together… leader and pianist….God is amazing! Thanks Gary and Jan for your faithful service. Love to see your grand babies. Your gardens are beautiful! Love the embroidery work too! All right up my alley!
Kim – you made my day! Thank you for commenting on my blog. We are deeply connected through those early years of music ministry at SBC. I’m so thankful to hear about you and Kirk – you have always been so near and dear to me. I think we have much in common “up the alley!” Please keep in touch. Love to all of you!
I love this post so much! From the flowers (which you know I can NOT get enough flower pictures, though they make me LONG to visit you) to the smiles at LPM (and the smiles of faces I love) to the TIE BREAKER!! (HOORAY!) to your sweet family photos. I love you, Jan!
Holly – you come on this side of the Mississippi and come to the COUNTRY. I will take good care of you. And guess what, the resurrection ferns are happy today with all the rain. I love you sweet friend.