(Use a 9″ x 13″ baking dish, or I actually prefer a 12″ cast-iron skillet)
INGREDIENTS (step by step pictures below)
4 cups of fresh peaches, which is about 7 medium peaches
(*see note below for using canned peaches)
1 cup of sugar
1 1/2 sticks of butter (I use salted)
1 1/2 cups of White Lily self-rising flour
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 1/2 cups of whole milk
*First* thing (even though it is step #4):
Go ahead and preheat your oven to 350 degrees and put a stick and a half of butter in your baking dish (or cast-iron skillet) and slide in the oven to melt! It helps that delicious crust set up when the butter is good and hot in the dish!
*[May use two 16 oz. cans or one 29 oz. can of peaches in heavy syrup. Do not drain! If using canned peaches, skip to step 4.]
Allow the sugar to dissolve.
Set aside when done.
Or my preference, a 12″ cast iron skillet.
Once the butter is melted, remove the dish from the oven.
or warm skillet and DO NOT STIR!
cooked them in, over the batter. You don’t have to use all the syrup,
but you will regret it if you don’t! Trust me! This is a juicy cobbler, not dry!
and brush it over the hot cobbler before serving.
georgia jan! saw your comment in siestaville to jill(?) about the cobbler so i had to click your link and check it out! then i saw that you had isaiah 58:11 at the top of your page just like i do! special! 🙂 anyway so then i had to say a proper siesta hello!
This looks wonderful!
I tried again and it turned out delicious!! i did learn in a magazine i browsed at the library, the easiest way to peel a peach is to blanch it for 30 seconds. i tried it this time around and the skins slid right off. very little mess.
i will definitely make this again!
Oh my stars that looks delicious! And I was just admiring the peaches in the store last night, so guess what I might be doing today? 🙂
I just loved seeing the southern bakers best friend – White Lily – on your counter. It was my mother’s favorite brand and it was also milled close to her home. After she and my dad moved away, she would always stock up on White Lily when they returned to the area.
I am hoping the Salesman and I will do our joint blackberry picking tomorrow and I will try your cobbler recipe. The field still has the big bales of hay in it; but there are so many bushes on the edges of the property that he usually just drives me around in this truck and I am able to just sit and pick through the truck window! It’s always a fun little adventure.
Your peaches and my berries are just too many miles apart. Love you dear one,
PS So glad you emphasized the DO NOT STIR – I would have been tempted to stir!
Oh Jackie! Yes mam – you MUST use self-rising flour. That’s what makes the delicious crust rise up through the peaches and milk batter to form the topping!
Try again and use Self-Rising flour. I use White Lily myself – but depending on where you live, it may not be available.
Us Georgia peaches love White Lily flour.
But I am so glad you tried the cobbler – you’ll do just fine – make another one!
Hi there Siesta! I tried this recipe tonight, but i failed miserably. tell me… might it be the fact that i used regular flour and not self-rising?? i only thought of that after i sampled it and the cobbler part of it was dense and chewly, like it hadn’t risen. (Eureka!!) sadly, i thought flour was flour, until now. i’m definitely going to try this again if you think that might have been my problem. 😀
blessings to you!
Siesta Jackie from just north of KC, MO. (blog name Rooney).
Just love the pictures! Cobbler looks so good.
How are u?
Oh Georgia Jan! This looks sooo amazing ~ making this wanna be southern girl really ache for a bowl full of that heavenly dessert with some vanilla ice cream on top.
pretty please?!
This is the recipe my mom has always used! So simple but sooooo delicious!
I think I just might make one for tonight!
Sweet Georgia Jan,
I am going to the kitchen to prepare meeeee some Peach cobbler!
Yummmmmmm eeeeeeeeee!!!!!
I love the granite on your counter top. I just put black granite down in one of our kitchens at our home remodel and am debating on the other kitchen.
I love how you did the PLAY BY PLAY in your photos!! I AM A VISUAL SANGUINE PERSONALITY!!!!!
The ADHDDdaadahhhaddddd can get in the way if I don’t have photos to follow!! Ohhhh there went a butterfly or was that a firefly = lightning bug !!!!!
I love you!!
Have a blessed 4th of July weekend and enjoy the Fireworks with Gary!!! <3
(((( HUGS )))))
I am going to have a houseful. We have drop-in’s all day long ~
We will walk to the 4th parade
View the sand sculpture’s on beach (competition every year)
bbq burgers/hotdogs
play games
deck to watch fireworks.
Expecting over 25
I like peach cobler. . .grew up on it. . .Arkansas peaches, even had a peach stand in my yard when I was a kid! I know your Georgia peaches are delicious! Love your step by step pictures! Thank you for sharing.
Yummy! Thank you for sharing and your pictures were so bright and crisp. 😉 Love YOU!
I just love you! I was at the store yesterday and they had just put out peaches and they smelled so good and I thought of you and your recipe and I read your blog this morning and you posted your peach cobbler! Thank you!! I will be making your cobbler this week!
Many blessings to you!
Girlfriend, you are better than Paula Deen. Love the pictures and love the recipe. I can just taste it now. Yuuuuummmmmmyyyy!!
oh, Jan that looks absolutely delicious. Writing that recipe down now!