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South Africa – 2

Well…we can breathe a sigh of relief that we are really on our way…the passports came! The first picture is before I even opened the envelope! Flights will be booked next week and that is a serious prayer request from my heart to yours! I am not askeered (scared), I am a-claustrophobic! Seriously claustrophobic. In fact, my “most requested story to tell and act out with lots of drama” is about my trip to Chattanooga and RUBY FALLS back in the day when I was a young woman and certainly knew better than to act like I did. The problem was I did not know that Ruby Falls was an UNDERGROUND waterfall until I got down there…all the way down there in a mineshaft. My, my, my. My husband knew we were in trouble when he saw me laying on the ground, holding on to the tour guide’s ankles and begging her to take me back UP! She didn’t, and I still suffer today…bless my heart. Anyway, back to South Africa. The flight from Atlanta is around 16 hours, so pray for me. That’s a long time to be confined. Any good ideas besides a double dose of Ambien? Love y’all so much! Jan


The following pictures tell the story
of Zeke’s first haircut…
bless his little heart!
This is Lowe’s Barber Shop…
a Family Tradition for the “Morton Men!”


Daddy shows Zeke how it’s done…
Wow! Chair #2…with “Handlebars…our favorite barber!”

So far so good…Daddy on my right, and Grandaddy on my left!

The situation deteriorates quite rapidly…

It is ON!
My daddy and my grandaddy are in on it!

Can I ever trust you again?

“AFTER…and All is Well!”


Water Baby!

I just had to put up a few pictures of the grandboy. Here he is above with his Mommy, having a wonderful time – he LOVED the water! He has been to swimming lessons already, which is amazing to me, since he is only 9 months old, but they sure do wonders with these little ones in the pool.

Here he is, nice and cozy with his Daddy after swimming lessons…monogrammed towel and all:

And here is my favorite one of all…”Chief Morton Mohawk Man!”

I am having so much fun! He is crawling and pulling up and chattering and talking and bringing joy to our lives.

Have a good evening my bloggy friends,
Gran Jan


South Africa – 1

Today marks the beginning of a journey to South Africa! The actual trip is late August of this year, but the process has begun in earnest. We have known about this mission opportunity since late Winter, but the details are coming together and I am beside myself. My husband and I finally got everything together and applied for our passports today! After finding out that I wasn’t “certified,” there was a delay. I have had a copy of my birth certificate for a VERY long time :), but only recently discovered it wasn’t certified. I got that taken care of this past week, so we are well on our way. The nice gentleman at the Post Office told us the turn around time is actually just 3 or 4 weeks! I want to keep up with this journey on my blog, so I’m going to number the posts…so today is number one! I appreciate your prayers as God brings me and this mission trip to your mind. Much love, Jan


A Contrast in Babies…USA and India

I have been following Melissa Moore Fitzpatrick’s blog journal this week over at the LPM Blog. She and several other bloggers are sharing their journeys to India as part of the Compassion bloggers’ trip. It has been an amazing journey for that team as shared through their posts – and we have been privileged to participate by praying and reading their blog. Of course, the best way we can participate is by sponsoring a child. My husband and I have been sponsoring a little boy since February. His name is Iduar and he lives in Colombia, South America.

The following excerpt from Melissa’s post just wore me out:

A six-month old infant lying alone on a bed in a shack without any supervision *for the entire day* since both his parents are out working daily labor jobs and living desperately from hand to mouth.

The reason I am so slain by that thought is of course the obvious: six-month old babies don’t stay alone for any length of time, much less an entire day.

And another reason is that our 8-month grandson is spending the night with us tonight! We have enjoyed every minute of his company and he has never ONCE been out of our arms. We’ve visited all the farm animals (chickens, cows, sheep, donkeys) and we watched as my Dad, (Zeke’s great-grandfather) worked in his beautiful vegetable garden. Six adults and one blessed little boy – his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents all doting on his every action – laughter and joy abounding.
My mind kept thinking about that 6 month old in a shack some- where alone because his parents had to do what they had to do to survive. I cannot wrap my mind around that.

One little boy here in the USA all tucked in tonight, sleeping in the very baby bed his father slept in – with a full tummy, smelling so sweet and clean, and rocked to sleep by his Gran Jan…

One little six-month old in India that was alone for a whole day – in filth, hungry, crying – oh God – why?

I say thank You Father for Your love, mercy, and grace to me and my family.

Mark 10:14 (Amplified Bible)
But when Jesus saw [it], He was indignant and pained and said to them, Allow the children to come to Me–do not forbid or prevent or hinder them–for to such belongs the kingdom of God.

Please consider sponsoring a child – for $32 a month you can make a difference.

Gran Jan


Spring Sweetness

My favorite Spring Sweetness of all is this picture from Easter Sunday. I cannot stop looking at my little grandson, Zeke. Would you look at that sweet face?

The pink flowering dogwood, pink azalea and wisteria vine are all so beautiful this time of year – reminding me of the change of seasons. Our lives have seasons and it is my favorite analogy of womanhood. All of life is a season. I am in the season called “empty nest.” But this I say…my nest is not empty…look how full my table was Easter Sunday!

They come home, they go. You young wives and mothers, please enjoy your time with your husbands and your children. Trust me – it flees quickly.

“Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come…”
Song of Solomon 2:12

