My Journey To Becoming a Quilter

Our lives are like quilts – bits and pieces,
joy and sorrow, stitched with God’s love.

My friend Lanie called me back last Spring (2011) and asked me if I would be interested in taking a quilting class with her. I had taken a quilting class years ago when I was in my late 20’s. That busy season of life as a stay-at-home mom with two little boys didn’t allow much time for learning to quilt. Fast forward to now when I am in the “empty nest/Gran Jan” season of life and everything in me said, “YES!” So I signed us both up that very day.

We went to class at a wonderful shop called “A Scarlet Thread.”   The owners are believers in Jesus Christ – wonderful people. The shop is the largest quilt store in Georgia and the ladies who work there are kind and helpful, always making us feel at home. One of the side blessings of the 8 week Tuesday night class was our “road trip.” We had to travel over an hour each way and the class itself was two hours long. There is nothing like precious “windshield time” in the car for long uninterrupted conversation with a dear friend. We took turns driving each week and came up with a plan the first night. Whoever didn’t drive bought supper that night (and Starbucks on the way home to keep us AWAKE)! God blessed us with traveling safety for the entire two months we went to class as we logged many miles up and down Interstate 75!

I have decided to keep a record of the quilts I make for my own joy and hopefully as a memory for my grandchildren one day as well. I had no idea the joy and contentment that quilting would bring me.  Last year was unprecedented for my husband and me in ministry. It was a difficult yet blessed time of growth for us spiritually. Aside from time in God’s Word and praying – this creative outlet calmed my heart as I would sit at the sewing machine…sewing and praying.

Here are the quilts I’ve made so far, beginning with the first one I made back when I was 29 years old. As God would have it, Lanie’s own mother, Mrs. Polly, is the one who finished the hand quilting for me several years ago. She passed away back in 2010, making it more of a treasure to me. It is called a “Sampler” quilt – each block is a different type of patchwork. This one hangs in my home office/library. My oldest son’s mother-in-law, Catharine DeLoach, finished the binding for me. She is very talented.

#2. (May 2011) My second quilt was made during the class at “A Scarlet Thread.”  The pictures show both the front and the back.  I need to make a label for this one…


#3. (June 2011) What ever made me think I was ready to give a quilt away as such a newbie quilter? All I can say is…LOVE. I made this quilt for Beth Moore for her birthday. Keep in mind that I finished my last class the end of May and her birthday is June 16th. It was stitched with love and I told her it was flawed, just like me! She sent me a picture of her and the Director of Living Proof Ministries, Sabrina, holding it up. (The colors in the picture of the label below are truer.)

#4. (August 2011) When I began this quilt I really didn’t have anyone in mind to give it to -I just loved the colors and the pattern was very simple as you can see. Straight ROWS with two vertical inserts. The beautiful batik fabric was so much fun to sew. I ended up giving it to my youngest son’s wife, my daughter-in-law, Erin. She loves purple and it was just meant to be. She loves it!

#5. #6. #7.  The Grandchildren all received quilts from Gran Jan for Christmas last month.  The two grandboys were John Deere themed and my granddaughter’s was just pink and precious.  This is Zeke’s quilt with a solid green backing:

This is Jackson’s quilt with a solid yellow backing (and a closeup of the label):
This is Miss Madie’s pink quilt (front and back).

#8. This is my Dad’s “fleece” shaggy raggy quilt. It is very WARM and he loves it too! This was part of his Christmas gift too. I used my new embroidery machine to make his label.

#9. This is the first “baby quilt” I’ve made. It was a joy to give this to the newborn daughter of a young woman who serves with me in Women’s Ministries at our church.
I have 3 more quilts started now – one that has proven a bit difficult, so I just work on it sparingly; one for my youngest son that I’m almost through piecing, and then another baby quilt that I just bought the fabric for last week.  My oldest son and his wife have many beautiful quilts made by her mom – she is a very talented quilter, so I haven’t made any for them…yet. 🙂
This I know – I am having a wonderful time. I have a lot to learn but I’m loving every moment and I’m thankful to have the resources to enjoy this delightful hobby!
God is so good to me!

1,000 GIFTS, #444 to #462


WOW! We are two weeks into 2012 and it has been a month since I wrote a post on my journey to 1,000 gifts of grace! I have had the best Christmas holiday and I’m thankful – blessed – content – and looking forward to 2012.

444. This is one of my favorite ornaments – and describes the truth of CHRISTmas. Although I wrote a Christmas post here, I’m still celebrating the JOY of one of the best Christmases our family has had in several years…full of His peace.

445. Me and my husband and our three grandchildren – what FUN! Thankful for sweet children who worked HARD to help us attempt to get a picture with three – three and under…
446. I came home from work one evening and my sweet husband had put up Christmas lights on the gate at the end of our driveway. The sky was so pretty and I counted it a blessing that he would do something that special for me!
447. Babysitting this precious little grandson. He was absolutely the sweetest boy this morning, and I LOVE JACKSON BOY! GRAN JAN’S JOY!
448. There is nothing like children at Christmas time…except grandchildren! We had the best time enjoying Zeke, Madie, and Jackson…it had been a long time since I bought some boy toys, and it was my first time to buy a doll [for sweet Madie].
449. These two little cousin cherubs are exactly two weeks apart in age…they are precious. I know I count them over and over (in various blessings), but let me tell you – I can’t help it! This was Christmas Eve.
450. How many people have walked the aisles of churches and Billy Graham crusades while the song “Just As I Am” was being sung? Travis Cottrell has a fresh and glorious arrangement to this song that has really ministered to our church family. WE LOVE IT!  Thank you Travis!
451. My dearest friend Lanie and I love to sew and quilt and recently have also been doing some machine embroidery. The week after Christmas we had our “QTT” (Quilting Time Together) sew-in and made some cute things for our grandchildren. The quietness of getting away and being with a long time friend is a great gift of God’s grace.
452. Lanie and I have also started a fun idea we are calling the “Boomerang Bag.” She gives me a gift in a bag and then I give her a gift back in the same bag…and so on. She gave me this mug and I gave her some quilting fabric last week.  [Right now, it’s her turn and I’m waiting for the Boomerang Bag to show back up.] Grin. The element of anticipation makes it all the more fun. No rules, no timeframe, just surprise fun.
453. This precious young mom serves on the Women’s Ministry Leadership Team at my church. She is working on her doctorate from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and she is also the mom of this beautiful baby girl, who is 5 months old today. I made my first baby quilt for her and she sent me this picture. I love this family.
Here is the quilt. I had so much fun making it.
454. Hot tea on a cold winter’s night. I love Constant Comment Tea  with its sweet orange and and spice flavor. God is so good to create all the wonderful flavors we enjoy.
455. I know we say the “blessing” over our food and some people even call it saying Grace, but do you truly stop and thank God for your food? After my trip to South Africa two years ago (journaled here) my outlook on all of my material blessings has not been the same. I took a picture of my salad last week and my co-workers laughed at me…but they thought it was a pretty salad too. And I was grateful to have it.
456. One of the most wonderful gifts of God’s grace thus far in 2012 has been the arrival of our new pastor, Dr. Jim Perdue and his sweet family. We are beyond excited and thankful. He preaches expositionally – verse by verse by verse from God’s Holy Word. We are thrilled – he is a man of integrity and he loves us like a pastor-shepherd should. He began his ministry on the first day of the first month of 2012. THANK YOU JESUS FOR NEW BEGINNINGS.
457. I am so thankful to have my parents – both healthy and active in our lives. My Dad is a great cook and here he is doing what he does best…”doctoring up” something my sister Jo had already prepared…WE LOVE YOU DAD!
458. My mom and sisters and I went to the Fabulous Fox in Atlanta the week before Christmas. We ate at Cheesecake Factory and we had a wonderful time. I love my family. I love being the oldest sister. I love being the brunt of all their jokes. This is me and my mom.
My two younger sisters…aren’t they beautiful?
459. I absolutely love birds and really just love being outside to daily enjoy God’s grace gifts. Last week I had the delight to pull up at work to a tree FULL of cedar waxwings. They are migratory and were eating all the berries off a Bradford tree.
460. A bit of Springtime on my kitchen window sill during winter. This is a pink hyacinth forced to bloom. I am thankful (again) for God’s gifts of flowers and change of seasons. I also love those babies in that picture…they warm my heart no matter the season…
461. And one of God’s greatest grace gifts to me – Bible study. I especially love the authors of this new study – James, Mercy Triumphs, Beth Moore and her daughter, Melissa Fitzpatrick. I will begin facilitating this in March. I’m praying for a great harvest.
462. My last gift tonight on this post was actually the start to my day this January morning. A beautiful colorful sky. Thank you Creator God.
In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice;
 In the morning I will order my prayer
to You and eagerly watch.
Psalm 5:3



Giveaway ~ Happy New Year!

Back in the fall of 2010 I discovered some of the most worshipful, soothing, calming, peaceful, wonderful music through an email recommendation I received from Jennifer Rothschild’s ministry. (I love her Women’s Ministry Website.) I wrote a post about the music here.

Well – a new CD has been released by Breakaway Music: “Hidden in My Heart, Volume II.”  Visit this link to listen to Scripture Lullabies.  If you like what you hear, come back and leave a comment about how God has used MUSIC to bless you…in your quiet time, in worship, at church – any way He has used the ministry of music to your heart.

 I ordered two of the new CD’s and I
want to give one away!

As a worship pastor’s wife of 34 plus years, I can tell you that I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for His gift of music.  Please leave your comment by January 31st.  I will randomly draw for a winner and announce it here on my blog.

Happy New Year!


Last Day of 2011 & Christmas Reflections

As this last day of 2011 comes to a close in about 5 hours, I have been reflecting as most of us do when a new year rolls around. The same thing is going on over on Beth Moore’s Blog, and I also loved the post on the InCourage blog with 20 Questions for Reflection by Tsh Oxenreider

Christmas…I am blessed with a job in our local school system and the office closes for the last 2 weeks of the year which gives me a great Christmas break.  I’ve been extra busy but have enjoyed every moment.  Here are a few pictures for my memories on this blog…

I don’t do a whole lot of Christmas decorating – just the mantle,
our tree and some wreaths outside on the doors and windows.
This ornament is very special to me. 
Our First Christmas as Husband and Wife – 1977
Our Three Beautiful Grandchildren
Christmas with grandchildren in the home changes everything for the better.
Our 2011 Christmas Tree
I love a lot of lights on the tree – this one had 400 clear lights
and 900 festive colored lights. It was beautiful.
Our delightful 14th Annual Women’s Ministry Christmas Brunch speaker
Leah Adams of The Point Ministries
 Our awesome Church Choir and orchestra’s Christmas program
was the most worshipful ever this year.
One of my most favorite things in the
entire universe is singing in this choir!
Most Christmas lights I’ve ever seen – near downtown Perry, GA 
Sweet time reminiscing memories of family and friends as I
mailed Christmas cards this year…
My mom and sisters and I on our trip to Atlanta last week to
see Amy Grant & Vince Gill at the Fabulous Fox Theatre!
Sweet time with memories made.
One of my favorite Christmas coffee mugs!
Collards are still in my garden,
 I picked these at 3:30 and we ate them for supper at 6:00
Now that is FRESH!
Jalepeno Cornbread for the collards – so good.
GRAN JAN’S JOY in babysitting this sweet grandboy while my
son and his wife finished Christmas shopping (for him). 

 Santa is a member of my church (he really is). 
And I was so glad he was able to be there Christmas morning.
C-   Counselor
H-   Holy One
R-   Redeemer
I-    I AM
S-   Shepherd
T-  Teacher
M-  Mediator
A-  Almighty
S-  Savior

Ready for 2012 and all that our Almighty God has in store. He has been Faithful and True to me with abundant Grace and Mercy in 2011.  I love Him so.


1,000 GIFTS, #427 to #443

So many times on this journey to 1,000 gifts I am reminded of the old hymn “Count Your Blessings.” I’ve heard it and sang it so many times in church with my husband leading in worship. I’ve been in church services when people would testify of His blessings. So really this counting is not a new thing, but a great discipline of old. The chorus of the hymn says:

Count your blessings,
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings,
See what God has done.
Soooooooooooooooooo, here I go, almost half-way there!

427.  Since my post almost a month ago I celebrated my birthday on November 16. I’m thankful for all the cards and gifts and wonderful birthday messages on Facebook. I really was overwhelmed with love. I’m thankful for LIFE.

428.  Birthday flowers from my husband (roses), and my sweet friend and partner in women’s ministry, Cindy (fall bouquet). The colors were vivid and brought me so much JOY. Our Creator God sure makes beautiful flowers.
429. Thanksgiving. Next to Easter, it is my favorite holiday because it is “uncluttered.” Family, food, fellowship, and exactly what this post is about – BLESSINGS. This picture says it all…food everywhere. It was a great year because EVERYONE was around the table. That in itself is a gift of His grace.
430. My dad loves our homeplace and is so proud of this new sign at his driveway. Double M Farm Road. Watching him enjoy life brings me great joy. I love my parents. They celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on November 23rd. Grace.
431. Planting pansies is one of my many fall delights. I love to plant the little violas in my strawberry jar. Another JOY from our marvelous Creator. Flowers in COLD weather!
432. While outside enjoying my gardening day, I had quite an audience.
433. A week off for Thanksgiving. It was the best week I’ve had in a long time. It began with a visit to see my amazing mother-in-law, included time with my grandchildren, my whole family around my table, time in the garden and in the sewing room, and the PEACE and JOY of awaiting our new pastor’s arrival!
434. My church’s women’s ministry has an annual Christmas Brunch and this year we had an amazing speaker – Leah Adams of Point Ministries.  God has given her a message about leaving a Godly legacy. She brought a word from THE WORD and is a delightful woman. I am very thankful for her life and ministry. God is using her and did I mention that she is delightful?
435. This sweet woman is my Merle Norman lady. I love Mrs. Sarah. Isn’t she beautiful? Thank you Mrs. Gayle for sending me this picture from the Christmas Brunch. I thank God for the women He has brought into my life to encourage and mentor me in the faith. My heart’s desire is to do the same for the women He brings in my life.
436. A combination Birthday/Christmas/Valentine’s/Groundhog Day/Anniversary/Fourth of July/Memorial Day, etc. etc. gift. A new embroidery machine for my sewing DELIGHTS. This is my sewing room happy place. The new machine is on the left.
437. Because of #436, I can now make my own labels for my quilts (this is the first one I made and it is for a Christmas table runner I quilted). I really look forward to making personalized gifts for my grandchildren too. I have much to learn but am enjoying every minute. My friend Lanie has been so much help to me.
438. My baby boy with his baby boy. JOY. They are clones. I love this picture and their similar expressions…
439. God sent us the prettiest, brightest, largest, fullest, and most delightful RAINBOW I have ever laid my eyes on. It even made the local news. I pulled off the road 3 times on my drive home from work to just delight in it’s beauty and to praise and thank my COVENANT KEEPING GOD.
440. I babysat my oldest son’s children one night a couple of weeks ago so he and his wife could attend an event for Dr. Johnny Hunt. Out of the blue, this little fellow looked up and said to me, “Gran Jan, we don’t pray to kings…we only pray to God.” I actually took this picture right after he shared that WISDOM with Gran Jan. He is three years old and is the inspiration for my blog. I love you Zeke.
441. DAILY GRACE. One of my many favorite hymns is ““Come Thou Fount” I especially love this line because in the busyness of life as wife, mom, Gran Jan, daughter, sister, friend, employee, choir member, women’s ministry leader, I am prone to WANDER. Sweet Jesus keep my heart centered on You.
442. I love my front porch swing and it now has a fresh coat of red paint. Red is my favorite color and my sweet husband painted it for me. He also surprised me one night last week with supper ON THE TABLE when I came home from work. He is the kindest and most generous man I know and he is mine.
443. This precious red-bowed beauty is my granddaughter Madie. She is sweeter than Georgia sweet tea. She is starting to “talk up a storm” as we say in the South. We were making reindeer cookies. She was putting Rudolph’s red M&M nose in place. Here is a link to making these reindeer cookies from Southern Living. Easy and fun.
Next week is going to be all about CHRISTMAS and I cannot wait to share gifts of the season. If you’re prone to wander, may God bind your wandering heart to Himself and may you intentionally seek quiet moments every day to reflect on the JOY of His coming to this Earth to redeem your soul.

Beth Moore’s Gravy Recipe

Beth Moore is not only a great writer, Bible teacher, (and wife, mother and grandmother), the woman can cook. In her words she claims not to be “stellar,” but rather just a good country cook.  Well…those kinds of cooks are my favorite. My Granny and my parents are both great cooks. I’m a good cook myself – based on what my family tells me, and their estimation is all that matters to me.  In fact, my husband often says, “that was a feast” and it has become a family saying that especially tickles my daughter-in-law Erin.

Anyway, Beth wrote a great post on her blog this week about “Holiday Cooking Hints” and she and I had talked earlier in the day about doing a tutorial next year. How FUN! Go here for the complete post  with lots of great recipes and great ideas. Siestaville is the best blog community anywhere.  Following is her gravy recipe taken from the blog post:

Beth Moore’s Gravy Recipe

Now, for a few gravy hints. The drippings to a turkey are absolutely divine. After you’ve let the bird cool off enough to work with the drippings, tear open your roasting bag and use a cup or ladle to pour a generous amount into a measuring cup exactly like this:

See how the spout is at the bottom? The fattest part of the liquid will rise to the top after just a few minutes. You only want to use the bottom part to make your gravy or it’s too greasy. Set the filled measuring cup to the side until it’s time to make your gravy. Do you girls have iron skillets? They are best for making gravy but not imperative. You want it to be one of the last things you do before serving your meal. I’m going to tell you how to do basic gravy rather than giblet gravy so you’ll know how to make it from any roast whether beef, pork, or bird. I’ll leave giblet gravy to one of the other cooks on here.

Go back to your measuring cup of drippings. Pour that lower (less fat) half of your liquid in a skillet. Heat it up to a rolling boil. Depending on how much liquid you have in your skillet, put about a heaping tablespoon of flour (not into your pan yet!) into about a fourth cup of warm water and stir it up really well until the lumps are out. While the liquid in your skillet boils, pour in the flour mixture and stir constantly for at least several minutes. After it’s well mixed, decrease your heat to a low boil. Add some salt and pepper if the liquid needs it. (You can’t be afraid to taste it in process or it won’t be well seasoned.) The liquid in the skillet will all begin to thicken. Keep it boiling until it looks like gravy. Grin. And add some water – just a little at a time – until it has the consistency you’re looking for. Especially with any of my bird-gravies (chicken or turkey), I like to add no more than a dime-size of this:

It simply adds a little color. For those of you with access to a Williams Sonoma, however, this is absolutely FABULOUS (this is the only thing on here today you can’t get from a regular grocery store):

I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by loved ones and that you take the time to truly give thanks to our Great God for His goodness to us.  This past Sunday night at my church our interim pastor, Joel Southerland, actually had us physically write down our blessings. Since I’ve been “counting to 1,000” with Ann Voskamp on Multitude Mondays that was near and dear to my heart. I’ll be sharing my list soon. 

Happy Gravy Making!


Meet My New Pastor!

Praising God this Thanksgiving Week from Whom ALL Blessings Flow!
Ephesians 3:20-21
20   Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly
 abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us,
21   to Him be glory in the church
by Christ Jesus to all generations
forever and ever. Amen.
My home church (Second Baptist Church) has a new pastor and he will begin his ministry on January 1, 2012. Our wonderful Pastor Search Team sought the heart of God for our church and we have supported them in prayer. This video below is how the team presented the pastor to our church. (It was created by a very talented young woman, Mrs. Brooke Hering. Thank you Brooke for sharing your work with me for my blog.)
God is blessing us exceedingly abundantly above all that we could have asked (and we did ask in much prayer). My new pastor’s name is Dr. Jim Perdue, his wife is Stephanie and they have four precious children, two sons and two daughters. Jim grew up at our church and he is coming home after being gone away to college, seminary, marrying and having a family, and pastoring. I am especially thankful to God for His mercy and love. His timing is His timing and it is always right and always for our good and His glory. 
