1,000 GIFTS, #130 to #152

I have not posted on “Multitude Mondays” in a multitude of Mondays, but I’m back and thankful to be here. Life is good but life is busy. I promise I’ve been counting all along the way…and really can affirm that this counting grace gifts has become a habit. A good habit. A way to bring perspective to my day, even to my “situation.”  Blessed.
130. I had a great checkup from my new young doctor, “Dr. Young.” I told him I wanted a young doc to get me to my senior years and his name was a plus! 🙂
131. Celebrating my youngest sister’s birthday April 8th. Peggy Jo was born on Good Friday back in 1966 when I was 8 years old…she’s a sweetheart.
132. Having all the pastors and their wives over to our home for a meal and sweet fellowship a couple of weekends ago…priceless, theraputic, and just plain FUN!
133. Celebrating my Dad’s 77th birthday on April 29th.  “Captain Tom” is a Vietnam War Veteran, a retired Career Marine and one of the finest men I know. I love you Dad.
134. Surprising my sweet Mother-in-law with a visit! She was so excited and apologized for not having her “face fixed.” (Meaning no makeup…she is 88 years old – I love that!)
135. I have finished my quilt top! My bff Lanie and I are taking a quilting class on Tuesday evenings. We have so enjoyed our class, but the fellowship in the car during our commute to and from the quilt shop is an added bonus (we drive for over an hour to our class site).  There’s nothing like good conversation with a trusted friend.  We always get Starbucks on the way home!
136. On Easter Sunday our choir did the most beautiful music and at the end of the song, a HUGE banner was unfurled…it simply said JESUS. I got to “pull the cord” to unfurl it from the choirloft…it was WAY overhead…very high. I have never been so excited in my life as I anticipated letting it go at just the right time…and I am thankful to say it was right on time!
137. Purple Martin birds coming to live in the big birdhouses we have up for them! They are migratory and they found us! 🙂
138. Speaking of birds…the hummingbirds are back…I so love them!
139. A great harvest of snow peas from my garden – delicious.
140. Beautiful tomato plants in the garden now…pictures soon!
141. This visitor on my patio the night before Easter…I am serious.
142. This is my youngest grandson, Jackson. He loves being outside and this picture has brought me a multitude of smiles…that is his momma, my sweet daughter-in-law Erin holding the hose for him.
143. A letter from my Compassion son, Iduar. He was thanking me for his birthday money. He bought tennis shoes. Remember the perspective I told you that this counting grace gifts brings? A little boy that lives in Colombia bought tennis shoes and he was so grateful. Speak LORD.
144. Coffee on the front porch with my grandson Zeke. It was a cool morning and we had our “blankies” and our coffee. I love when he spends the night with me and Pop!
145. Beautiful roses in my garden. My favorite of all is “Mr. Lincoln.” Smells divine.
146. The joy of praying for my dear friend in the fellowship of pastor’s wives, Lisa McKay, who weathered a tornado in the crawl space of her new home with her husband and four children. They are well and are ministering to their community in northeast Alabama. Go here to keep up with her. She is a treasure.
147. The joy of babysitting my little grandgirl recently, Miss Madie Ruth. She will be ONE YEAR OLD tomorrow and we had her birthday party this past Friday evening with a big family BBQ planned by my son and his wife…her parents. The weather was perfect and it was so much fun to be together to celebrate her life!
148. Rocks! Yes, rocks! Rocks to line my flowerbeds. Nice big beautiful rocks from “the Stone Mart” in town. They are beautiful and I plan to do a post soon about my garden because it is a work in progress and it is my happy place.
149. My husband and I took Dr. Robert Smith of Beeson Divinity School (Birmingham, AL – Samford University) and his wife Dr. Wanda Smith out to lunch last Sunday. It was pure JOY to sit with them and receive the wisdom they spoke into our lives. We are on “this side” of a rough season in ministry, but God is faithfully teaching us, and we are receiving all He has for us.
150. We have blueberries on our farm and the earliest varieties are bearing now. They are HUGE (that is a quarter next to the blueberry I picked this evening). I had the best time teaching Zeke which ones to pick! He kept saying, “don’t pick the green ones Gran Jan…they will hurt your belly.”  🙂
151. Celebrating Mother’s Day this past weekend with my boys and sweet daughters-in-law and grandblessings and then having my Mom and sister and her family for Sunday dinner yesterday. Besides knowing JESUS, being a Mom & Gran Jan has brought me more JOY than anything I’ve ever done!
152. The joy of singing a solo in church yesterday with the most wonderful choir in the universe! The song is “Saving Grace.” The second verse always *blesses* me so:
In this life before me, there are trials I must face.
But God has given all I need to finish out this race.
So when the earth’s foundations crumble,
there is refuge in His Hand,
and I will rest in this assurance,
that by His grace alone I’ll stand… 
Yes indeed, by His grace alone I’ll stand!
For ALL is GRACE – to Him alone be ALL glory!

1,000 GIFTS, #111 to #129

Continuing to count His gifts, all is grace…
111. Spring Break, a week away from work…what a gift.
112. A birthday lunch with my Mom and sisters – sweet times for sure.
113. Dinner with good friends in a quaint restaurant that was featured in Southern Living Magazine. Yesterday Cafe is known for buttermilk pie. (But my mother-in-law’s buttermilk pie is better!)
114. Spending time with my daughter-in-law Erin one afternoon during spring break.  She and Carrie are both such good little mommas, it blesses me so. Long answered prayers. 
115. Help planting my moonflower seeds…Gran Jan’s JOY!
116. New porch swing with a special spring that makes it bouncy and fun!
117. Extra time to read, one of my favorite things.
118. Signing up to take a machine quilting class with my bff Lanie!  Can’t wait! First class is Tuesday…
119. Attending two bridal showers back to back on Saturday and the JOY of knowing the bride of one and the groom of the other for most of their lives (the blessing of serving in one church for almost 23 years).
120. A long long visit with my mother-in-law and the chance to serve her by helping her buy groceries and then putting them away for her. She needs assistance with a walker now, so getting around takes lots of effort. It was good for me to s-l-o-w down…
121. New ferns on the front porch – a sure sign of spring for my gardening delights!
122. A crop duster flying low over the farm and bringing great JOY to Zeke (and Gran Jan and Pop too). A beautiful day full of God’s blessings. (Pop & Zeke are in the picture below.)
123. A word from my son that brought about some deep personal reflection.  A good thing. I love my two boys very much. Sometimes I forget they still need their mom even though they are grown MEN.  It’s a different season…this empty nest.
124. The first grass cutting of the season – I love the smell of a freshly mown lawn.
125. Cherry blossoms…I love Spring in the South.
126. The delight of texting back and forth one afternoon about the JOY of old hymns with my friend Beth, and we especially lingered long over “How Firm a Foundation.”  We had church across the miles. We are “same season sisters.”
127. Avocados on my salad…love them.
128. Balancing my checkbook…quickly…the first time.
129. Being awakened by my little grandson very early one morning last week…and when I opened my eyes…we were eye-to-eye. Sweet.
Thank you for sharing in Gran Jan’s JOY!

For Grandmothers & Grandmothers Yet-to-Be

For all Grandmothers, whatever your “Grandma name”
“Grammy, Mimi, Gramma, Gran, Nana, Grandma, Mamu, Granny, Mimmie, Mawmaw, Grandmother, Big Mama, Nanny, Memama, Gigi, and of course, my sweet friend Bibby!

I began this blog almost 3 years ago anticipating the JOY of becoming a first-time grandmother; hence,Gran Jan’s JOY. My very first post was entitled  “The Waiting Room” as I journaled about this new season in my life. I came across these “grandmother” quotes recently and wanted to share them. (I apologize if perchance you are the author, please reply and I will give due credit.)   

I suspect many of you young women probably never think much about becoming grandmothers. I honestly didn’t when I was your age. However, I can surely testify to you first-hand that aside from the precious love of Jesus Christ…it is the most wonderfully sweet and delightful pure love, and I am smitten with these three grandbabies of mine:

Here are the “Grandma Quotes:”
 Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting…
What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change,
and they give me a million dollars’ worth of pleasure.
Grandmothers are just antique little girls.
 Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.

 A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the children instead
of the television…on purpose.

When a baby is born, so is a grandmother…

Becoming a grandmother is wonderful.
One moment you’re just a mother…
the next you are all-wise and prehistoric.

A grandmother is a mother who has a second chance…
God’s best “do-over!”

 When grandmothers enter the door, discipline flies out the window.

Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done she becomes a grandmother…

Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting just to see you

 and now her day was complete!
 Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies.
  Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.

It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace...


My grandkids believe I’m the oldest thing in the world.
And after two or three hours with them, I believe it, too!

 If becoming a grandmother was only a matter of choice,
I should advise every one of you straight away to become one.

Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.
An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again.

 The best baby-sitters, of course, are the grandparents.
I wish I had the energy that my grandchildren have, if just to keep up with them.
Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple:
grandmas are short on criticism and long on love…
nobody can do for little children what grandparents do.
 Grandmother – a wonderful mother with lots of practice.
A grandparent is old on the outside but young on the inside.

  One of the sweetest handclasps is that of a new
grandbaby around the finger of a grandmother.
It’s amazing how grandparents seem so young once you become one.
 If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses,
sleeps on schedule and burps on demand,
an angel all the time, you’re the grandma.
 Grandparents are similar to a piece of string – handy to have
around and easily wrapped around the fingers of their grandchildren.
Grandchildren don’t make a man feel old;
it’s the knowledge that he’s married to a grandmother…

1,000 GIFTS, #99 to #110

This sweet discipline of counting the gifts of grace is precious and priceless. Thank you for indulging me as I once again list graces of the past week. Yes, as Ann Voskamp says, all is grace…

99. A surprise gift from my sweet husband just for me. Yes, this is a garden TILLER!  I have wanted one for a long time to support my gardening passion.  It is the perfect size for me to use.
100. The SUPERMOON of this past Saturday night! Beth Moore posted this picture on Twitter and it was absolutely the BEST picture of the night.  What a great Creator God! I kept going outside every few minutes to enjoy God’s handiwork.
101. A swing for my littlest grandboy…Jackson. My son and his wife were “testing it out” prior to hanging it outside. They are sure enjoying this little boy. Guess what? He has 2 grandmothers, 4 great-grandmothers, 2 grandfathers, and 2 great-grandfathers! 
102. My husband grilled porkchops for us all this past Saturday – great weather and a delicious meal with the family.
103. Zeke drove his John Deere tractor next door to make a special delivery of buttermilk to my father, his Papaw. He LOVES this tractor!  
104. This double rainbow appeared as the family was leaving the cemetery after the burial of two sisters who died last week. It was seen for miles and miles…this is in my front yard. Thank God for His precious promises. We are still praying for the Sullivent family in their grief.
105.Today is my Mom’s birthday, I am so thankful for her life. She is a strong woman from a generation of self-sacrificing women, a good wife and mother. She took care of my sisters and I while my Dad was in Vietnam; gone for 13 months at a time on two occasions – all this before the days of Skype and email and internet…a strong woman of faith. I love her! Happy Birthday Mom! 
106. My daughter-in-law sent me this picture of Madie Ruth via text last week.  This little girl has won our hearts! She and Zeke have 2 grandmothers, 2 great-grandmothers, 2 grandfathers and 2 greatgrandfathers. Blessed indeed.
107. My favorite Easter candy…Starburst Jelly Beans! I am not a fan of chocolate (truly). But I love jelly beans 🙂 These are sitting on my desk at work. They are “hard to get into” which is a good thing…because did I mention they are my favorite? 
108. A conversation this past Wednesday night after Bible study with long-time friends that lingered long. Cindy, Jean, Joy…thank you! Pure therapy for our hearts and souls. God be praised!
109. A letter in the mail from each of the children we sponsor through Compassion International. The joy of seeing that “letter from your sponsored child” envelope in my mailbox is overwhelming.
110. The joy of the truth of 2 Corinthians 12:9 settling over my heart and soul last night after a message by Dr. Ron Lynch (guest preacher at my church yesterday) gave me such hope. Our God is Greater!
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,
so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)


1,000 GIFTS, #24 to #44

Multitude Monday is proving to be a real blessing and something in my heart feels lighter with joy as I anticipate counting to 1,000…thank you Ann Voskamp.  God gave you this plan for His people for this time. Gratitude is healing therapy.  This past week…
24. The gift of my husband’s life as we celebrated his birthday on Feb 15th. I LOVE THIS MAN!

25. I am so grateful for the way Gary takes care of me and that God brought him into my life and that our marriage was part of God’s plan before we were ever born.
26. Bible study with my ladies every Wednesday evening…we just finished Loving God With All Your Mind by Elizabeth George on Feb 16th, such a timely study.
27. Two days off from work this past Thursday and Friday, a chance to s-l-o-w down a bit, and b-r-e-a-t-h-e.
28. Time in my garden with red potatoes, Texas sweet onions, English peas, and snow peas all planted.
29. A harvest of the collard greens I planted last fall to make room for the onions, and the greens are now in the freezer…can’t wait to cook them, my three men love them!
30. A family lunch on Saturday with the boys and their wives and our 3 grands…simple joys that are priceless.
31. A bottle of bubbles and a 2 1/2 year old grandson to chase them…
32. A new camera…I can’t wait to learn how to use it.
33. A missionary from South Africa who preached Sunday at church.  Dr. Harold Peasley of Multi Ministries from Johannesburg preached a message from Genesis on the life of Lot. So good. 
34. Memories of our trip to South Africa from August 2009 were so real as we reunited with Dr. Peasley and my journal contains everything.  I will never forget these children:

35. The joy of singing a solo Sunday about “The Power of the Cross” and the sweetest folks I know singing behind me in the choir…
36. My Sunday afternoon nap…short but oh so sweet.
37. Choir rehearsal on Sunday afternoons and catching my husband’s eye as he leads in worship.
38. A trip to Kroger after church and a husband who doesn’t rush me…
39. A quiet day at the office today.
40. My sweet boss Mrs. Linda took me to lunch today at “The Oil Lamp,” a local restaurant run by the Mennonites, and they sure know how to cook.
41. Blueberry plants growing and warm temperatures today.
42. My husband was off today, and he had grilled steaks ready when I got home from work. Reference Gifts #24, #25, #37, #38.
43. My grandson Zeke just called me on my cell phone, “whatcha doin’ Gran Jan?” I’m loving you Zeke.
44. A walk across the farm after supper to visit my parents next door. They’re good people and I’m thankful for them too, even when it’s inconvenient. 
Count your many blessings
Every doubt will fly
And you will be singing
As the days go by!

Christmas 2010 Family Photos

Merry Christmas
from the Mortons!
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

*Gran Jan*



Good Morning Friends.  I am writing this Sunday morning from the balcony of a beautiful condo in Sandestin, Florida.  My husband and I are here for an extra long weekend, a time of rest and renewal.  As my sweet daughter-in-law Carrie told me before we left, “this will be a vacation, when the whole family comes, it’s a trip!”  There are times for both, but she is right…this has been a vacation, long awaited.

I am on Day Eight of one of Beth Moore’s devotionals entitled 90 Days With JESUS The One & Only. I should complete this one around Christmas. This morning’s reflection was from one of my favorite passages in scripture, the verse from Luke 2:19, “But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

As I was writing in my journal and took note of today’s date 10-10-10; and since I have time and haven’t posted in a while, I wanted to do a “Ten” List. Very unorginal, but I’m inspired with the whole Ten-Ten-Ten date today.  This list is not a Top Ten, but rather ten things I have often pondered in my heart.

Ten Ponderings
1.  The amazing grace of God and why He loves me like He does…
2.  The blessed gift of a long and faithful marriage with the love of my life…
3.  How absolutely right all my friends were about the sheer joy of being a grandmother…the inspiration for Gran Jan’s Joy
4.  The great delight it is to be friends with my boys, now grown men…and the thankfulness that their wives are taking such good care of them…
5.  How I absolutely love to garden and wonder if those things are truly inherited and if so, then it came from my maternal grandmother…
6.  Sometimes at night when I slip outside I marvel that God really gave names to all the stars and that He knows my name too… Psalm 147:4 “He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.”
7.  After my trip to South Africa last year, I think of the beauty there, but also the devastating poverty in the shanty towns, and I especially ponder a little boy that used a plastic bread bag as his hat. My South Africa journal for that day is here...
8.  How some songs are so anointed and touch me every single time, and how thankful I am to have my own music man for a husband and that I know I am and have always been his favorite choir member…
9.  When God allows me to serve other women even with all my flaws, His mercy overwhelms me…
10. The older I get the more I understand the peace of being quiet and listening more…and often wonder why I didn’t glean this truth earlier in my life, but the ways of God are a mystery…

Well, 10-10-10 is here and I’m getting up to enjoy my last day on the glorious Gulf Coast of Florida!

Gran Jan

P.S.  10-10-10 is also some mighty good garden fertilizer.  I’m just saying…
