1,000 GIFTS, #270 to #287

My heart is so full of JOY from counting blessings, the wonderful Grace of Jesus! Thanking Him today for this Multitude Monday, a rare and peaceful day off from work, a restful day.
270. A new season of Fall Bible study begins tomorrow and a kickoff brunch was held 2 weeks ago with lots of women attending – excited about studying God’s Word.
271. Two littlest grandchildren sliding down slides…they are strong and healthy and I am so thankful.
272. A pretty little cat has taken up at the farm…I hope she stays…outside for sure! 🙂
273. My daughter-in-law Carrie sent a video of grandson Zeke singing a song he wrote, “Every Day We Go to Church…”  I’ve watched it dozens of times. So thankful she shared it with me!
274. Another video sent to me by my son of Zeke asking “Gran Jan, can I spend the night with you? I really want to…”
275. Zeke spending the night…pizza, popcorn and Charlotte’s Web… I really wanted him to!
276. Celebrating my son’s 30th birthday last Monday with this post.  Lots of memories of a fine son. God’s Grace multiplied.
277. Thankful for Jeremy’s wife, who also celebrated a birthday last week…she is a gift to our family.
278. The whole family for lunch on Saturday. I love to cook for them and we had grilled pork tenderloin, hasbrown casserole (recipe here), butter peas, collard greens from my garden (frozen last winter), and these delicious cheese muffins from The Pioneer Woman. I left out the sugar and used self-rising flour. My Dad ate two plates full and that blessed me so much.
279. My two sweet daughters-in-law blowing bubbles for the babies after lunch. They are both so tall and thin…beautiful…one blonde, one brunette, both long prayed for…

280. Three sweet grandbabies chasing those bubbles…it just doesn’t get any sweeter!

281. My daughter-in-law Erin worked so HARD to get a picture of these 3…it is nigh impossible…but I love her for trying!

282. Chocolate-face Jackson…eating his momma’s mini cupcakes!
283. A pot of chili simmering on the stove all day on this wonderful Monday off from work…my husband said it was the best ever.  I love to cook, have I mentioned that? 🙂
284. More material for more quilts…these are called “Charm Packs,” and every square is 5″ and represents all the fabric in a particular line. They make quilting fun and easy because all the fabric blends together…the pink butterflies will be for my granddaughter Madie.
285. I finished Erin’s quilt and gave it to her two weeks ago. She loved all the colors and I hope she enjoys some long naps this fall and winter under her cozy quilt.
286. Just finished Jackson’s “John Deere” quilt top about 3 hours ago. I rode my bike next door to my mom’s house and hung it on her clothesline so I could take a picture. I can’t wait to quilt it. (Zeke picked out the fabric for his John Deere quilt while he was here…)
287. Yesterday our interim pastor Bro. Joel Southerland, brought a message from Job 1:20-22 and I loved this quote…”In the storms of life, our REACTION determines our RECOVERY.” I want my reactions to be right, Spirit-filled, and for His glory. It was a great message.
Count your blessings,
 name them one by one…
and it will surprise you
what the Lord has done!


A Mother’s Memories – 30 Years

HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY Jeremy! There are days it seems like only yesterday since that hot August Saturday night of 1981 when you entered this world and I became a mom. (You were 19 days overdue, but you haven’t been late since, and have been busy making up for lost time.) I love your name! Jeremy is a variant of Jeremiah and means “may Jehovah exalt, appointed by God.” I believe on August 29, 1981, God appointed you and blessed me by allowing me the privilege to raise you and be your mom. To celebrate your 30th birthday today, I poured over lots of pictures and chose some of my favorites to share.

Four months old…still a UGA fan!
Six months old and you STILL love books…
You still have a winning smile.
You were a great big brother…
and you still are…
You love to tell a story…no matter the location.
You love to fish,
and play golf.
You still drive a truck (this was the day you got your license and
I cried when you drove yourself back to school).
You were a good student in Kindergarten…
and high school, and college, and seminary,
and hope to be Dr. Morton in the next year or so…
You’ve always had great friends…
You still do…
You married the girl of your dreams and we adore her!
You have a precious son and daughter…Gran Jan’s JOY!

So on this your 30th birthday…I want to thank you for being a good son, a blessing to our family, a man of integrity. Your energy and zest for life are a delight. Thank you for being a son who honors the LORD, your calling as a Pastor, your wife, and your family. You are a JOY. Please never forget that for all of your days I’ll see my little boy in the man you’ve become. I know you’re grown, but I can’t help it, don’t want to, don’t plan to…because I’m your Mom and don’t you ever forget it…I love you son!


Three Years Old & THREE Grandchildren!!!

When a baby is born, so is a grandmother.” 

Three years ago today when this little boy, the firstborn of our firstborn, came into our family, I became Gran Jan… This blog, Gran Jan’s Joy, was born out of our family’s journey of faith as we waited on God. The first post I ever wrote, Waiting Room, tells part of the story. Zeke, whose name Ezekiel means “God strengthens” was a much prayed for and anticipated child. Here he is at just 15 minutes old. That is my son’s hand on his little head. I should have known Zeke was going to be a character from the look of that little “peep eye.” He was already checking us out, afraid he was missing some action. Oh if he only knew, he WAS the action!

I picked the name Gran Jan a long time ago, before my boys were even married. I have a special friend who is Gran Sharon, and I told her that one day I would be “Gran Jan,” and so I kept that name close at heart all these years. Little did I know how special it would be. When we locked eyes on this little fellow, everything changed…I was officially Gran Jan!

This picture is very special to me. Jeremy had put on Zeke’s first diaper in the baby nursery at the hospital. I looked up just in time to see my son bending over to kiss the top of his son’s head.  Be still my heart.
I call this picture “In Granddaddy’s Arms.” My husband was talking and Zeke was listening to every single word and did not take his eyes off his Pop!
These special memories resonate in my heart today as we celebrate Zeke’s birthday and I celebrate my JOY in becoming Gran Jan. We have two more miracles now, Zeke’s little sister, Madie Ruth, and our youngest grandson, Jackson. They are both 15 months old, and  are absolutely the greatest joys of our lives. I count my blessings in threes.
Your relationship with your children changes when they become parents themselves. I remember thinking how much more I loved and respected my own mom and dad when I became a mom…the circle of life indeed.  Our sons and daughters-in-law are great parents and I couldn’t be more blessed and proud of them.
Happy Birthday to you Zeke, you are truly Gran Jan’s JOY.  Thank you for opening up a part of my heart that I had no idea existed. I feel as if I have been given a second chance on being a mom, a mom with lots more practice…a grandmom.  I’ve read that grandmothers are mothers come into the fullness of their grace.  Perhaps. I just know this…I love you three grandchildren with all my heart, and I promise as long as God gives me breath I will be there for all of you, for you are Gran Jan’s JOY, and the joy of the Lord is my strength.
Three years of Zeke’s life…
Three years as Gran Jan…
Three little grandchildren..

1,000 GIFTS, #231 to #245

Today has been a wonderful Multitude Monday. It started with a sweet time in the Word this morning…
231. I’m so very grateful and thankful for my quiet time place…
232.  I am on day 86 of a 90-day devotional by Beth Moore entitled “90 Days with Jesus the One & Only.”  I’ve lingered way longer than 90 days as I spent the 40 days of Lent reading  a devotional recommended by my friend Joanne Heim a couple of years ago. After I finish Beth’s devotional I am going to read through the book of Acts. I LOVE THE WORD OF GOD!
233. Last Tuesday our Women’s Ministry hosted a “Summer Sisters Salad Supper.” We enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship with salads of every kind and desserts galore. Over 200 women attended and my dear friend Lanie Nash shared her journey through ovarian cancer. Women’s ministry is hard work, but rewarding…I serve with the best team ever. I could NOT imagine this ministry without Cindy, Teresa, and Jennifer. They serve with hearts of gold.
234.  Speaking of women’s ministry, I received a precious email early this morning from Leah Adams of The Point Ministries.  She is a North Georgia gal and my cooking-canning buddy. Leah is coming to be the guest speaker for our Women’s Ministry’s 14th Annual Christmas Brunch, December 3, 2011, 10:00 a.m. to noon. Leah is a delight. She is a disciplined woman with a passion for the Word of God. She emailed to tell me that she is praying as we plan and prepare.  It blessed my soul!  Thank you Leah – I love you girl! 
235. This little buddy spent the night last Thursday with his Pop and Gran Jan…this smile is the result of a quick trip to the Dairy Queen for ice cream.  D-E-L-I-G-H-T!  (Zeke…not the ice cream!)
236.  Please don’t think me irreverent for taking this picture at such a time…but I wanted to capture the JOY of seeing all these men kneeling in prayer at the altar before evening worship last night. We were singing “Somebody’s Praying” as the men filled the altar in prayer.  Oh God, raise up men to lead our homes, our churches, our land…
237.  I love participating in the “SSMT” Siesta Scripture Memory Team.  Today is August 1st, the day we post our verses to the LPM Blog.   Here’s my post from this morning:

August 1, 2011 at 7:52 am
James 3:18 (NLT)
And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

238. Yesterday after church we went to the home of my youngest son and his wife to visit and take a nap as we had to be back at church early Sunday afternoon. We live out in the country and it just saves a trip home!  Besides that…we get to fellowship with our youngest grandboy Jackson.  D-E-L-I-G-H-T.

239.  This is the fabric for another new quilt!!! I had ordered some accompanying fabric and found out it was discontinued.  But just today a kind woman in Customer Service at Hancocks of Paducah, KY told me she personally went and found the exact yardage I needed for my quilt.  What a blessing. I thanked her…

240. The book I ordered came in the mail last week. It is a new book that I love for two reasons.  The topic – the Word of God…and the artist…one of my favorites. Karla Dornacher.  Her gifts bless me.

241. I’ve shared from my heart about the death of my sister Jean 26 years ago.  I wrote this post  last year on the 25th anniversary of her death.  It is the “most read” post on my blog. Just this past Saturday I got to spend time with my niece Amy, Jean’s beautiful daughter.  She lives in California, and is visiting home this week. Time with her is rare. There are no words to describe how much she is like her Momma.  Although Amy was only 23 months old when Jean died…she is JUST LIKE HER.  What a gift.

242.  Tonight’s supper included zucchini fresh from the garden. My sweet husband cooked and cleaned up the dishes. I love that man.  He takes such good care of me.
243.  My little granddaughter Madie is really talking a lot. She didn’t spend the night last week, but I’m looking forward to girl-time with her.  I didn’t have that as a “boy mom!” I want to teach her to make biscuits…
244.  And as I sit here listening to the beautiful piano music from Ann Voskamp’s blog I was thinking about the wonderfully gifted pianist at our church.  He is actually the Instrumental Worship Pastor. His name is Rev. Dawson Hull and he is a gifted musician.  Just yesterday I was blessed by his gifts.  As our interim pastor Joel Southerland was sharing during the invitation about “being a Friend of God,” Dawson played an impromptu gentle medley that included “What A Friend We Have in Jesus.”  His sweet wife Taneea is also a gifted musician. Their spirits are a blessing to our church family.  We are thankful for them.
It’s time to hit “publish post” and get ready for bed…and read…and continue to count these gifts to 1,000.  My heart is full tonight…another gift.
245.  A quiet heart…a contented heart.

1,000 GIFTS, #207 to #215

 I have had one of the absolute BEST weeks in a long time! It has been very peaceful and quiet – and this wafted over to the same PURE Joy in my spirit – all from Jesus. This JOY will be reflected in my list of counting grace gifts to 1,000:
207. Nowhere to go last week…off work…reconnecting with all things H-O-M-E…stillness.
208. Celebrating my re-birthday this week, the day I became a born again believer in Jesus Christ, on 7-7-85. I’m 26 years old in the LORD, and I wrote my story here.
209. Lots of garden time last week and the daily delights of fresh tomatoes.
210. A “sew-in” with my friend Lanie. I had a pattern for a “sewing mate,” and we made them together. So peaceful and fun, more JOY. This creation holds all your sewing notions close at hand. The bag on the far right is a little trash container for threads, etc.
211. My son is fishing in Canada this past weekend, and he is so proud of this Walleye, the biggest catch at the Lodge this summer. He is a JOY to my heart.
212. On my backroad drive to go to my friend’s for our sew-in, I saw this hay bale. I loved it and was reminded to pray for my friend Beth Moore as she wraps up her study on the book of James.  The other side of the bale said “James 5:16.” 
213. Plans are being made for a baby shower in a few weeks, and I’m one of the hostesses. The baby girl we are celebrating will be born into a family of strong women of faith and she will mark the Fourth Generation!  I sure love y’all – Mrs. Mary (great-grandmother), Pat (grandmom), Pam (great Aunt), Jennifer (mom-to-be), Lindsey (aunt), Allison (aunt), Stephanie (aunt), and little miss Taylor Kate (baby girl due in August).  The joy of long-time friends from serving in one church for over 23 years…PRICELESS!
214. My mom and I spent most of Saturday morning painting our front gates…the fellowship was so good and I really did enjoy spending that time with her.
214. The reference of Habakkuk 3:17-19 has come to me from many sources the past month. Again this morning while listening to David Jeremiah and his new series entitled “The Joy of Encouragement.”  He did.
215. My daughter-in-law Erin saw this bookrack in a magazine and that smart girl duplicated it! Her Dad made the rack and I sewed the fabric that made the “shelves.”  Jackson loves it – he loves books. So did his daddy. 
Counting my blessings, naming them one by one – all the way to one thousand!

1,000 GIFTS, #190 to #206

It has been a month since I shared the wonderful story of Caitlyn’s conversion. She was baptized a couple of weeks ago and is aglow in her new walk with Christ. We still rejoice in being in the right place to water the seeds others faithfully planted. I am continuing to count His gifts with JOY and Ann Voskamp. This counting discipline has affirmed more and more the value of simple things in my life. This simplicity keeps me centered and brings me the most JOY. I don’t take them for granted – I am very thankful.  It has also reassured me of the purpose of blogging – my way of documenting my simple life – my family, our home, our ministry – all grace gifts and His blessings.
190. Celebrating 34 years of marriage 6/11/77 to 6/11/11!  Blessed and spoiled. I love you so much Gary and thank God for bringing us together – high school sweethearts.
191. A blessed productive afternoon spent with two outstanding women’s ministry leaders. Cindy, Teresa, and I inventoried our entire Bible study library and put together a spreadsheet. We are ready and geared up to serve the women of our church. God sure blessed me by sending these women to serve alongside. I love them both so much.
192. Attending the wedding of Jordan and Kristin and knowing them both since they were wee ones – that is so special.
193. A sweet little helper in the garden…this is my grandson Jackson.
194. Being released from the ortho doctor after 5 months – I had torn the PCL in my right knee and it is healing beautifully with physical therapy alone.  Thank you LORD.
195. Another quilt class called “Take 5.”  Five fabrics used in every block.  This is the class I took where I made the quilt for Beth Moore. I received a sweet thank-you note from her day before yesterday. God has used her so much in my life, and I know He is rewarding her in ways that will matter for eternity.
196. Father’s Day dinner with ALL my menfolk around the table (the two below in matching shirts for Father’s Day): Husband Gary, sons Jeremy & Jonathan, Dad Tom, and grandsons-Zeke & Jackson. Blessed indeed. (Thankful for the women around that table too…)

197. A churchwide picnic with fantastic food, fellowship, fanfare (music), fireworks and FUN.  I went by and picked up my grandson Zeke and we had a blast. He was mesmerized with the orchestra.  I adore this picture:

198. An antique biscuit cutter that has scalloped edges…and my grandmother’s biscuit recipe (in the post right before this one).
199. Blueberry bounty and a little granddaughter who loves them.
200. Another new quilt started with a jellyroll of fabric. A jellyroll is pre-cut strips and these are especially beautiful.

201. It is coming together nicely:

202. My backyard garden, a happy place for me to be (if I’m not in the sewing room). :)
203. I have had the blessing to keep my two older grandchildren for 5 whole days (and nights). My daughter-in-law is away visiting her sister & brother-in-law who serve as missionaries. My son is also staying with us and he has been a wonderful help. It has been good to see him be a daddy up close. I worked so hard to get a picture of them…
204. My youngest grandson and his first trip to the ocean. Delight…
205. Blackberry bounty. My dad’s vines. We have had good family time picking these blackberries. Simple things yet again.
206. On this Fourth of July, I’m so thankful and yes, proud – to be an American and live in the greatest country on Earth. Even with all the flaws, I’d still rather live here than anywhere I know.  Send a revival to our land dear LORD.
As I wrap up this list, you can see there is nothing as glorious as the salvation of Caitlyn last month, but these are grace gifts all the same. Family time on the farm surrounded by good food and sweet fellowship…and yes at times some tempers and tired folks, but still all GRACE. And I’m so grateful.

1,000 GIFTS, #171 to #188

Multitude Monday ~ May 30th, Memorial Day – Counting Gifts to 1,000
171. A bouquet of hydrangeas cut from my garden for a friend.
172. Fresh blueberries in my yogurt…from my garden…picked by my husband. Sweetness. 
173. Some good conversation with my mother, in the car, uninterrupted.
174. A new sewing machine – makes quilting a dream.  Speaking of quilts…
175. My quilt – almost finished except for the binding.
176. A series of messages by our Interim Pastor on family living – so refreshingly practical, biblical, expository preaching at its best.  Thank you Rev. Joel Southerland!
177. Pecans toasting in the oven. I sent a box to Paige Greene for her birthday. Buttery, salty goodness!
178. A great time in the Word of God. Habakukk 3:17-19. Within the span of a few minutes, this passage came to me from two entirely different sources, I sat up and paid attention!
179. My son Jeremy, grandson Zeke, and husband Gary picked these blackberries on our farm and I made a blackberry cobbler for Memorial Day dessert today.
180. Celebrating my youngest grandchild’s birthday this past week. Jackson is the son of my youngest son and daughter-in-law. Here he is getting some birthday love from Daddy & Mommy!
181. A nest of Brown Thrasher eggs in the tea olive bush by my back door. This is the official state bird of Georgia. 🙂
182. My oldest son and his wife celebrated 7 years of marriage on May 22.  They are a blessing to my heart. He is a pastor and they have two wonderful children who bring Gran Jan’s Joy to life!
183.  Our pond at dusk. My favorite time of day.
184. My husband and his associate, Rev. Dawson Hull both wore bowties to church yesterday…Gary in honor of an Air Force Colonel who gave him the tie. (Dawson wears them all the time.)  Everyone had a lot of fun with the “Bowtie Brothers.”
185. Our women’s ministry team wanted to set up a Facebook page, so we did. (It is going to be a great communication tool, already has been.) This required me to get back on Facebook after a 6 month break away. I learned a lot during my time away, especially that just like everything, balance is the key. Priorities – Jesus first.
186. It is daylily season here in Georgia and I love to check my garden every morning to see what’s blooming.  Some beauties are – that’s for sure.JMM 024
187. Today would have been the 87th birthday of our pastor of many, many years – Rev. Rastus Salter. We esteemed him greatly.  He was a great man of God. He served our church for almost 50 years. What a heritage of faith. Gary and I had the honor to serve with him for almost 20 years.
188.  Lastly I would like to share a picture I took early this morning here at the Farm. My Dad is a retired Marine and Vietnam War Veteran.  He proudly maintains these flags and they fly every day. I am so thankful to have been raised in a military family and we live in a military town today.  I thank God for all the women and men who gave the supreme sacrifice in service to our great country.  God Shed His Grace on Thee.
Much love to all!

God Bless America. 
