481. This gorgeous tree is in full bloom…although Spring is still 6 weeks ago, this big tulip magnolia (magnolia lilifloria) is a JOY and sight to behold (downtown Perry, GA).
1,000 GIFTS, #479 to #499
Last Day of 2011 & Christmas Reflections
As this last day of 2011 comes to a close in about 5 hours, I have been reflecting as most of us do when a new year rolls around. The same thing is going on over on Beth Moore’s Blog, and I also loved the post on the InCourage blog with 20 Questions for Reflection by Tsh Oxenreider.
Christmas…I am blessed with a job in our local school system and the office closes for the last 2 weeks of the year which gives me a great Christmas break. I’ve been extra busy but have enjoyed every moment. Here are a few pictures for my memories on this blog…
Ready for 2012 and all that our Almighty God has in store. He has been Faithful and True to me with abundant Grace and Mercy in 2011. I love Him so.
1,000 GIFTS, #427 to #443
So many times on this journey to 1,000 gifts I am reminded of the old hymn “Count Your Blessings.” I’ve heard it and sang it so many times in church with my husband leading in worship. I’ve been in church services when people would testify of His blessings. So really this counting is not a new thing, but a great discipline of old. The chorus of the hymn says:
Name them one by one
427. Since my post almost a month ago I celebrated my birthday on November 16. I’m thankful for all the cards and gifts and wonderful birthday messages on Facebook. I really was overwhelmed with love. I’m thankful for LIFE.
1,000 GIFTS, #386 to #408
I’m so thankful because:
1,000 GIFTS, #347 to #369
My spirit is overflowing with grace gifts, and it’s not just because my counting is overdue…it is because of the tender mercies of Christ in my life. Many of my blessings this week surround a wonderful time away last week at the beach. I am in a very good place right now, both physically and spiritually at rest. God has taught me so much this past year and I love HIM so, MORE every day. Thank you sweet readers for sharing life’s JOY with me.
347. Blueberry pancakes are sweet, but not as sweet as this grandgirl eating them…
348. Continuing to read The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer. Every woman needs to read/embrace this book, no matter her age or season of life.
349. A movie date to see “Courageous” with my sweet husband. WE LOVED IT. Praying that God will use this movie for His glory (He already is). If you have not seen it yet – go go go.
350. Have I mentioned that my parents live “across the pasture?” Well they do, and I am blessed to have them so close – they are wonderful, loving, giving people. They dog-sat my younger sister’s two dogs week before last, and along with their dachsund, Dixie – they had a kennel. Here they are on an outing over to my house. The dogs and the parentals needed a break.
351. My husband and I vacationed at the beach (Florida Gulf Coast) last week, and that in itself is a grace gift. There is something about being near the ocean that is restful to my spirit. Psalm 95:5 I’ve heard others speak of this peace, and it is certainly true for me. This year the weather was amazing, so cool and refreshing. We are thankful for the time to rest and spend time together – unbound by clocks and schedules. My favorite time is as the sun begins to set. Whether I’m home or at the ocean, I love dusk.
355. I met a beautiful woman, Sybil, while shopping at the Destin Commons Mall day before yesterday. She assisted me in an Estee Lauder purchase at the Belks store. We shared more than mascara and lipstick…we shared Jesus Christ. When she was checking me out, she said “thank you Georgia Jan.” Now Sybil had no idea that I use “Georgia Jan” as my blog name…she just knew I was from Georgia. Well that led into conversation about blogs, Bible study, and our favorite teachers…Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, and Kay Arthur. We discovered that she and I both attended the very first Deeper Still conference in Nashville four years ago and enjoyed sharing memories of that time. I love random meetings like this. God bless you Sybil.
356. My youngest son and his wife and son joined us at the beach later in the week. Sweet family times. Pop was in heaven when Jackson fell asleep in his arms during a morning walk on the beach. We loved having lots of time with this little fella. He is SO smart!
358. Pumpkin spice coffee…on the balcony…with the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. The wind blowing, the waxing gibbous moon (almost full), sweet conversation, hearts in love, souls at peace, minds at rest. G-R-A-C-E.
359. New crocs for the grandchildren. Boys=camo, girl=pink. Simple as that and I’m not waiting until Christmas to give them to them.
360. My husband loves seafood. (He even teased some friends and told them he would have shrimp milkshakes if he could.) We took a seafood break and ate Chinese at P.F. Changs one day, and I called him “P.F.” the rest of the week. P.F. stood for “Platter/Feast” because every meal he ordered had either the word platter or feast in the title…
361. I found a twenty-dollar-bill on the floor at the CVS drugstore last week. When I turned it in, I thought the manager was going to call a press conference. He said, “people don’t turn in money.” I told him that the money didn’t belong to me, but that I belong to Jesus, and His Spirit in me enabled me to do the right thing. I will say however, that it was quite a rush to look down and see that $20 lying there 🙂
362. On our way home from the beach we had a tire going flat so we stopped at a Wal-Mart to get it fixed. We thanked the Good LORD that it happened exactly when it did and not on a remote road. We also thanked Him for His perfect timing and provisions. The GPS said there was no Wal-Mart or auto store nearby…oh, really? Yes there is/was.
363. While the tire was being repaired I meandered through the store and bought sewing machine needles and a new rotary cutter for some quilt fabric I have. So thankful for my quilting JOY!
364. While walking back to the auto department, I saw an elderly gentleman in one of those little scooters going up and down the aisles. He seemed a little “out of sorts,” so I asked him if I could help him. He told me that he lived alone and was looking for a pot to cook in, to warm up food. I found a perfect one on clearance and he was so pleased. That little random act of JOY was a blessing to my heart. I thanked the Lord for our low tire and my divine appointment. We also shared Jesus in that clearance aisle.
365. A great report, a super great report from my annual physical. Aside from my salvation, God’s grace gift of excellent health is so very precious to me. I thank Him daily.
1,000 GIFTS, #305 to #324
1,000 GIFTS, #231 to #245
August 1, 2011 at 7:52 am
James 3:18 (NLT)
And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.
238. Yesterday after church we went to the home of my youngest son and his wife to visit and take a nap as we had to be back at church early Sunday afternoon. We live out in the country and it just saves a trip home! Besides that…we get to fellowship with our youngest grandboy Jackson. D-E-L-I-G-H-T.
239. This is the fabric for another new quilt!!! I had ordered some accompanying fabric and found out it was discontinued. But just today a kind woman in Customer Service at Hancocks of Paducah, KY told me she personally went and found the exact yardage I needed for my quilt. What a blessing. I thanked her…
240. The book I ordered came in the mail last week. It is a new book that I love for two reasons. The topic – the Word of God…and the artist…one of my favorites. Karla Dornacher. Her gifts bless me.
241. I’ve shared from my heart about the death of my sister Jean 26 years ago. I wrote this post last year on the 25th anniversary of her death. It is the “most read” post on my blog. Just this past Saturday I got to spend time with my niece Amy, Jean’s beautiful daughter. She lives in California, and is visiting home this week. Time with her is rare. There are no words to describe how much she is like her Momma. Although Amy was only 23 months old when Jean died…she is JUST LIKE HER. What a gift.