ZEKE Arrived…He is a Sunday’s Child…How Fitting

Zeke Arrived last Sunday…

What a day it was. He is beautiful and all you grandmothers out there who told me there is “nothing like it” were so right. What an amazing gift. Ezekiel means “God is Strong.” God showed Himself strong by bringing this little boy into our lives. We prayed him in…and we are claiming him – he is already turning our lives in and out and up and down. And we are loving every minute…stay tuned…more from Gran Jan to follow…:)


Still Waiting…

We are still waiting on Zeke-man’s arrival! No signs of labor yet – but full of faith and hope as we await the blessed event. I am beyond myself…can’t wait for all that being Gran Jan will entail…it should be within the next week… I’ll let you know – you will hear me “holler!” 🙂


Waiting Room

Well, just a few more days until I will become Gran Jan. I am beyond excited – for this has been a long journey…not only for me – but even more so for little Zeke’s parents – my first-born son and his precious wife. While they waited for a baby, I was waiting for a grandbaby, and when I quit asking God for the baby – and began praying for His will, the peace came – and so did the pregnancy (in that order). It came out of my time at the “Deeper Still” conference in Nashville, Tennesse in September of 2007. God used His Word and the words from sweet Beth Moore to minister to my heart, calm my spirit, and give me the assurance to pray for His Will – whatever that meant. The story is miraculous, and after a failed adoption (of triplets), the conception came – when we least expected it to come. Isn’t that just like our Father? While we are in the waiting room, He is busy all around us, preparing, working, teaching – being God. My heart is full of joy today, and I am so thankful to my heavenly Father for His peace, and that out of the waiting time for the past 3 years, I will soon be in a real-live waiting room…as I wait for the birth of my first grandchild.

A Well-Watered Soul…
soon to be…
