Scripture Memory Team Verse 19 – October 1, 2015


Psalm 12:3 (HCSB)
May the Lord cut off all flattering lips

and the tongue that speaks boastfully.

In this Psalm, David is crying out to God for deliverance from folks who were double-minded and used flattery to deceive. According to Dr. Thomas Constable’s notes, David placed confidence in the promises of God to deliver those who look to Him. Can we just go ahead and say this verse sounds a bit harsh? Cutting off flattering lips and boastful tongues? Hyperbole, yes, but it spoke to me and I pray it sticks (to the roof of my mouth and deep in my heart.) 🙂 

My friend Patsy Randall and I are team-teaching women’s bible study classes on Sunday afternoons. We are both in the same season of life, moms to grown sons, and both of us are also grandmothers…to our great delight and joy. We are just finishing up Jennifer Rothschild’s Hosea Bible study, and getting ready to begin The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer in a couple of weeks.

But we’ve already decided we are going to begin the New Year of 2016 with a study by Karen Ehman called “KEEP IT SHUT!”  We may as well just go ahead and say that title isn’t very soft or appealing either…however, it is a discipline that I crave and I know Patsy does too.

Today the author Karen Ehman has a list called “7 Tips to Stop Shooting From the LIPS!” Woohoo! Don’t you want that list? If so, there is a free printable for you to download at her website and can be found at this link: 7 TIPS TO STOP SHOOTING FROM THE LIPS  I’ve already printed mine and so has Patsy!

My mouth sometimes gets me in a heap of trouble – yes it does! Yesterday was one of those days. Mrs. Ehman says “we have to make the choice every day to put away the verbal ammunition and restrain our words.” Some days we make it, some days we don’t. God is faithful and by His Spirit and armed with the truths learned in His Word, we can overcome!

Blessings to you today!



Scripture Memory Team Verse 18 – September 15, 2015


Psalm 91:14-16 (NLT)
14 The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.

    I will protect those who trust in my name.
15 When they call on me, I will answer;
    I will be with them in trouble.
    I will rescue and honor them.
16 I will reward them with a long life
    and give them my salvation.”

What a glorious group of promises from Psalm 91 – which happens to be one of my favorite Psalms. I want to break this down into all the “I’ wills.”  Note the verse begins with THE LORD SAYS – so when He says…we believe and trust!

  • I will rescue those who love me. Do you love Him? Have you ever needed rescuing? From a situation, from a relationship, from your own self? He will rescue those who love Him. That’s a promise.
  • I will protect those who trust in my name. Have you ever needed protection? How about every day? Of course we all do from the enemy of our souls. But then often  I need protection from my own thoughts and mouth (speaking before thinking) which takes me back to my April 15 verse from James 1:19 about being slow to speak.
  • I will answer. This is sometimes harder to understand because we don’t know when He will answer. Sometimes the answers are:
    • Direct
    • Denied
    • Delayed
    • Different
      ut the promise is there – HE WILL ANSWER. Wait in faith.
  • I will be with them in trouble. Trouble comes calling to all of us in our lives. It could be of our own making or we could be completely blindsided by trouble. God is with us and He promises that.
  • I will rescue and honor them. God will rescue us and He is always on time. Trust in Him.
  • I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation. A long life and salvation. A life here and eternal life there. The greatest promise of all.




Scripture Memory Team Verse 17 – September 1, 2015


Psalm 119:57 (NET)
The Lord is my source of security.
I have determined to followed your instructions.

I’m continuing my seasons theme this year with verse 57 from Psalm 119. We are very close to Autumn on the calendar and I’m in the Autumn season of my life. This is a season I am relishing with JOY.  This joy includes witnessing the faithfulness of God in my life…the security and contentment in a beautiful marriage of 38 years to my best friend and the love of my life…the anticipation of retirement in a few years…the gift of having both my parents alive and well and living nearby…the delight of my grown sons and their wives all living for Jesus and taking care of their families and always the sheer JOY of my life…I am Gran Jan to FIVE AMAZING GRANDCHILDREN!

Chapter 119 in the book of Psalms is the longest in the Bible with 176 verses.  It is so beautiful to me. I love that verse 57 also represents my current age of 57 years. [That number will help me remember it as a I continue to memorize scripture as part of this “team” with Living Proof Ministries.]

The theme of seasons applies to me here now because I KNOW without any shadow of doubt that the Lord is my source of security. Why can I say that? Because I’m older and this assurance from living a long time and experiencing God’s faithfulness in the journey. Being able to look back and see God’s Hand and His plan is a gift. And the second part of the verse says I AM DETERMINED to follow His instructions. Yes I am! Because I know that He is good and faithful and His plans for me are true and perfect.




Scripture Memory Team Verse 16 – August 15, 2015


Ephesians 3:16 (NLT)
 I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources
he will empower you with
inner strength through his Spirit

What a great prayer for busy women of God, for anyone truly. Whatever your current life season – busy mom, working a busy job, empty nester, student, single mom – we all need the power of the Spirit of God to strengthen us.  I love the Amplified version of this verse too:  May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].  This isn’t about fatigue. In fact, I don’t know many women who aren’t fatigued – this is about inner strength – HOPE – JOY – PEACE in your inner person.

This is my prayer for you today – for whenever you happen to come across this post. It is timeless and forever. Call upon the Name of the Lord, His strength will carry you with any task or burden you are facing. Way down deep.  Where it counts.

Lord help me memorize this one well, to be able to pray it over and over again, for myself and for others.  Amen.



Scripture Memory Team Verse 15 – August 1, 2015


Psalm 116:2 (HCSB)
Because He has turned His ear to me,
I will call out to Him as long as I live.

This verse is amazing and oh so comforting to me! Dr. Thomas Constable  says this Psalm is uncommonly affectionate. A heart of gratitude to God for hearing the cries of His child. I saw the picture below while scrolling through Instagram recently. My friend Michelle Rodriguez had posted this picture and it caught my attention. Then last week at the funeral of a pastor, I heard the verse referenced again. I perked up and listened to the context. IMG_0465It is simple, really. God listens to us when we pray. Why do we make it so hard or complex? (I said we.) There is a little book that I dearly love and love to recommend. It is called The Power of Crying Out, When Prayer Becomes Mighty, by Bill Gothard. I’ve read through the book several times. It’s a go-to book for me. I remember during the season of praying for my oldest son and his wife as they were desperately asking God for a child. I believe with all my heart, soul, mind and strength that when I get to Heaven it will be revealed to me that God heard my intercessory cries on their behalf and Zeke Morton was born. [And then followed Madie, and Abe…Zeke’s younger siblings and more gifts straight from the Hand of God.] This picture was made a couple of months ago after Zeke had spent some time at the Morton Farm with me and Pop. [We Mortons dearly love to stop at The Atlanta Varsity!]GranJan-ZekeHere is an overview of that powerful little book:

When members of the early church cried out to God in urgent need, the place shook with the power of their supplication. In this compelling vision for modern-day supplication, Bill Gothard recognizes the key truth that only God’s almighty power can rescue His children in times of distress. Using illustrations from Scripture and testimonies from everyday people, Gothard demonstrates the power of crying out — and how God can shake the world of those who cry out to Him today.

I encourage you to really trust God in that He hears and He listens. There is a difference you know. He cares. I am confident.

Blessings today to you,



Scripture Memory Team Verse 14 – July 15, 2015


Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.

I don’t believe I can make this verse any clearer without insulting you blog readers.  I know for myself there are times when I want to run to a friend or co-worker with an issue that doesn’t even concern them. I find myself wanting to just talk it out. That isn’t always a wise decision on my part. The older I get the more I realize the wisdom in keeping some things to myself. Taking time to let things “press in and process” in my heart…mull over as the old-timers say. Now this isn’t to discount that there aren’t times I need to seek wise counsel. When that need arises in my life I always talk to my husband. He is wise and trustworthy and he genuinely always desires the best for me, but he isn’t afraid to call it what it is. Whatever “it” may be. 🙂 I also have several friends I can count on to speak truth to me. Lanie, Patsy, Cindy, Teresa…

However in those times when you need a “refuge,” [shelter or protection from danger, trouble] you better take it to the Lord. Don’t trust in people. They will let you down and sometimes the way down is a hard fall. To me taking refuge in the Lord means getting alone with Him, the Bible in my hands, and a quiet place to pray and wait. Time to be still and cease striving. Hope this encourages you today and this verse will come to you just when you need that refuge the most!



Scripture Memory Team Verse 12 – June 15, 2015


Those of us participating in the Scripture Memory Team with Beth Moore’s Living Proof Ministries have crossed the halfway point now. I don’t have my 11 prior verses perfectly memorized, but I’m starting to go over them more and more.

Psalm 119:114
You are my hiding place and my shield;

I hope in Your word.

He is my hiding place and my shield. A Place to go and a Protector to defend. He is everything, and His Word is truth, my lifeline. His Word sustains me in every situation I face.  My pastor, Dr. Jim Perdue preached through Psalm 119 [Life By the Book] last Fall. This is his message below from the portion of Psalm 119 from which my verse is selected:

Keep clean and close to Jesus. He wants to be and will be your hiding place and shield too. Your hiding place when you need to rest and renew…your shield when the battle is raging all around. You can emerge from the hiding place because He is your shield. After the battle you can run back to the hiding place. Either situation or time, rest or battle…HE IS ALWAYS THERE!

