Beth Moore and 1,200 Ministers’ Wives!!!

This past weekend me (my husband is our Worship Pastor) and three of the other ministers’ wives (Senior Pastor, Adult Education, and Recreation) from my church trekked to Nashville, TN for the Living Proof Live Event for Ministers’ Wives at Two Rivers Baptist Church. We also attended the pre-conference event on Thursday evening and Friday morning too. The breakout sessions and Q&A panel time was so good! I attended “Laugh a Little for Crying Out Loud,” “Balancing Act,” and “Armed and Dangerous.” They were so good, and very applicable!

Then on Friday evening, we could hardly wait for Beth’s teaching and the music from Travis and the Praise Team and band! On Saturday morning we did a “hymn sing,” and it was M-A-R-V-E-L-O-U-S. Beth went around the church and asked the women to tell where they were from and what hymn they would like to sing. Some of them were “Blessed Assurance,” “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Redeemed,” “Come Thou Fount,” and “I’ll Fly Away!” It was so beautiful to hear all the ladies voices blending together.
Beth with her pink boxing gloves – ready to “FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!
These are my notes from Beth’s sessions. She taught from Galatians and ENCOURAGED us beyond measure! She gave us 6 “Aggravations” and 6 “Alternatives,” each with 6 words…
1. Aggravation: Ministry by default. Life long misfit. Alternative: Chosen by God. Have holy fit. 2. Aggravation: Seek Their Approval. Become Their Slave. Alternative: Seek God’s Approval. Find Your Peace! 3. Aggravation: Work With People. Expect Titanic Problems. Alternative: Choose to Trust. Not to Rust. 4. Aggravation: Trade Your Bondage. Keep Your Chains. Alternative: Don’t Ignore. Get Restored. Then Restore.
5. Aggravation: Sow the Flesh. Reap the Dregs. Alternative: Sow the Spirit. Reap the Life. 6. Aggravation: Lose What Counts. Watch Misery Mount. Alternative: Keep the King the Thing – JESUS!
There was a very special moment that humbled my heart. Toward the end of the event on Saturday morning, Beth asked me to come down and voice a prayer on behalf of all the ministers’ wives for the widow of the slain Rev. Fred Winters who was killed in his pulpit last Sunday, March 8th. To have 1,200 other pastors’ wives all praying together for our sister, Cindy Winters, was a memory that will stay with me for a very long time. May God continue to bless and comfort Cindy and her daughters and meet their every need.
And lastly, here are some Ministers’ Wives SIESTAS!!! Amy W., me, Tammie Fay, and Kristi B!
Much love,
Georgia Jan

UPDATE: Valentine’s Day and Plan B!!!

UPDATE: My daughter-in-love came home from the hospital and she said my son is taking good care of her and Zeke and for that I am most grateful. God is so good to me.

UPDATE: My sweet daughter-in-love is in the hospital and may be there through Thursday – she is a sick young woman – and has a serious case of pneumonia! PRAY FOR HEALING! I am going over to keep Zeke today and tomorrow at their house. Love y’all –

I have spent the entire day – today – Valentine’s Day – with my new love…Zeke, my 6 month old grandson! I call it “Plan B” for Blessings and for Boys! Blessings because I am so blessed to be Gran Jan, and BOYS, for you see – I am the momma of his daddy – the mother of boys, the grandmother of a boy…hence, Plan B! (I wrote an earlier post about this a while back.)

Plan B was put into action early this morning when my first-born son called and asked me to come get Zeke for the day. He had to study some more for his sermon tomorrow because he has been sick this week, and his wife, my daughter-in-love is also very sick (on the verge of pneumonia) and needed to rest. I had a BLAST with Plan B today – we played, we read the story of Jonah from the Bible Story Book, we rocked, we sang songs, we took several naps, I fed him 3 times – and we bonded. So on this day, Zeke’s first Valentine’s Day of his little life, I was able to spend the whole day with him. I am so thankful – God is good, and God is Love – perfect love. The purest and sweetest love of all is because of Jesus, and for that I am thankful as I celebrate this day of LOVE.

Blessings, boys, bonding… Grateful Gran Jan


Do-Overs and A Focus for 2009

Good Evening Y’all: Have you ever heard the term having a “do-over?” That’s how I feel when a new year begins – fresh and clean! A new beginning, a clean slate, a “do-over” so to speak. (My sisters and I use to give each other do-overs in games – at least once a game – for when we would mess up…we were sweet to each other that way…occasionally!) I love to keep order and make lists, even in my prayer journal. It helps me stay focused and on target, as I’ve been told by my precious and loving friends that I “tend toward ADHD.” I know I do, oh yes I do. (I have been known to leave my bathroom while brushing my teeth to go do “something else” and end up slurping the toothpaste foam until I can get back to my bathroom and finish brushing…)

Anyway, I wanted to share Psalm 15 with you all and hope it will touch your heart as it did mine. I am going to memorize it as part of my commitment to memorize scripture in 2009.

Psalm 15 (New Living Translation)
1 Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?
2 Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts.
3 Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends.
4 Those who despise flagrant sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord, and keep their promises even when it hurts.
5 Those who lend money without charging interest, and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent. Such people will stand firm forever.

I want to do all these things in 2009 (and beyond). From Psalm 15, I want to: worship in His sanctuary, enter His presence, lead a blameless life, do what is right, speak the truth from a sincere heart, refuse to gossip, refuse to harm my neighbors, refuse to speak evil of my friends, despise flagrant sinners, honor faithful followers of the Lord, keep my promises even when it hurts, lend money without interest, and take no bribes or lie about the innocent. I WANT TO STAND FIRM FOREVER!

I love y’all so, Georgia Jan


Gran Jan’s Joy = ZEKE

I couldn’t let 2008 slip away without posting one more time…this year has been one of great joy and God’s blessings upon our family. We added two new members – a daughter-in-love, and our first grandchild, a boy. We became empty-nesters and grandparents in a matter of weeks! My oldest son brought Zeke by for a little visit this afternoon. I took Zeke and we went to my reading chair, a very special place to my heart. We read the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den and I told him how I hoped and prayed he would always “dare to be a Daniel.” I know he is only 4 1/2 months old, but God’s Word is so alive, and I love reading to him already. He was so attentive! I highly recommend this children’s bible book, The Jesus Storybook Bible. I look forward to reading to him often in the years ahead. Good night to all, and may 2009 dawn in our lives tomorrow and find us faithful servants to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for He alone is worthy.

Love y’all, Georgia Jan


Soli Deo Gloria “To God ALONE the Glory”

This beautiful maple tree is all alone in a pasture of evergreens. The name of this tree is “Glory Maple.” This is Mr. Glory Maple’s first year at our farm and it is showing off! We planted him back in January.
I am re-naming this tree: Soli Deo Gloria! To God Alone be the Glory! For He is the one Who made this tree and all glory is due Him. I love Him because He first loved me and He “planted me” too…and I want my roots to grow deep in Him so that I can truly say, so that I can TRULY say…To God ALONE be the Glory!
So what is it that truly matters to the Lord? The great composer Johann Sebastian Bach signed each one of his masterpieces soli deo gloria…to God alone the glory.”
I met a wonderful woman named Tammy (a.k.a. “Grateful in Georgia”) at the Siesta Fiesta back in August, and with whom I bonded in an instant (over Holly’s [a.k.a. Crown Laid Down] wonderful cookbook compilation). Tammy and I are the same age, same birthday (one day apart), same JESUS (THE Reason for the instant bond). She wrote a blog post about her life and grandbaby that blessed me so very much this morning. Go here to read it Breaking Free. She is attending the re-taping of Beth Moore’s study by the same name. What a powerful post to ascribe to “Soli Deo Gloria.” The people of Micah’s day had much the same problem that we see in our lives as believers today. In Micah 6:6-8, the prophet asks a question and then answers it himself.
“With what shall I come before the Lord and bow myself before the exalted God? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

To Act Justly, To Love Mercy, To Walk Humbly,

Help me Lord,

Soli Deo Gloria, Georgia Jan


Especially for Holly

For my friend Holly from Colorado, vist her here. This wonderful concept is taught in the study, Believing God, by Beth Moore. Visit Beth here. I posted last month about my moonvine that has large white flowers and blooms at night…hence the name “moonflower.” I also shared about the fascinating night-time hummingbirds that visit. Holly replied that she was interested in these nighttime creatures, so I told her I would try to send some information. I looked around the world wide web, but the pictures were not really pretty and I wanted to actually TAKE a picture, so I’ve been waiting! Well tonight during my evening stroll around the garden I heard the familiar “sound” of rapid wings fluttering and my heart skipped a beat…because it has been a long time since I actually saw the nighttime visitors…check it out Holly!!! Can you see this one in flight as well? This was taken just about an hour ago. The night hummingbird (actually a moth) is just above the pink flowers right at the edge of the sidewalk. Here’s another view where he is taking off again. I had the absolute best time attempting to take these pictures, all the while thinking how blessed I was to see this “delight.” This picture on the left is not great because I was fluttering around myself (what a sight in itself!) trying to take the pictures. The hummingbird moth is right near the window on the far right of the picture. They are quite large. What does all this mean to me? I am reminded that we serve a God who never sleeps or slumbers, He is always awake (Isaiah 40:28). We can rest in Him, because He cares for us. Our God who is up all day and night for ever and ever even created wondrous delights that are up at night too! Now, me personally, I look forward to the day when there will be NO MORE NIGHT – because we will be with Jesus and He is the LIGHT and will SHINE forever and ever, AMEN! Night-night, sleep tight… Love, Jan


Record Keeping


Have you ever had to cry out to God for forgiveness of your sins? We all have sinned and need that peace and forgiveness that comes when we realize that GOD KEEPS NO RECORDS of our sins – as we cry for mercy from the depths (verse 1)

Psalm 130

1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD
2 O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.
5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
6 My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Also the waiting time is so hard, as seen in verse 6, as the watchman have to wait for the morning. They know when they see that first light that morning will soon arrive and they can get some much needed rest, so they watch for the morning with great intensity.

Lord help us to WAIT upon You and Hope in Your Word alone.

Thank You Lord for forgiving us when we cry out to You and ask You. Thank You Lord for not being a record-keeper. Forgive us when we keep records against others. Help us to know how to cry out to You and make a difference for others.
