South Africa – 8 (Journal Day 3)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today was the longest day of my life and filled with the most varied experiences I’ve ever had in my life to this point. I am very serious! Pastor John from Multi Ministries was due to pick us up around 10:00 this morning. We were going to go to the Multi Ministries offices for our briefing of the upcoming week concerning the mission points and all we have scheduled to do.

Before he arrived, we had a very nice breakfast at the Golden Crest. Dolly served us. She is South African and is of Zulu descent. She works for Chris and Francine, who own and manage the lodge. She loved my husband immediately and sort of “catered” to him. I talked way too fast for her, and most of the time she just looked at me with a puzzled expression. Gary had to remind me to slow down while talking to her. My excitement prevailed, I just don’t know much about slowing down – whether here in South Africa or at home.

The breakfast was amazing – we had eggs, ham, toast, fresh fruit, yogurt, cereal, and something else – grilled tomatoes that accompanied the eggs. Gary loved that, and I feel sure I will be bringing that South African tradition home with us. My favorite thing was a fruit called granadilla. It is very tropical and very delicious. They told me that ‘granadilla’ is the South African word for passion fruit. I don’t know if that is true, but it is wonderful. It was divine, and I also had granadilla juice. I know that we have a lot ahead of us, but right now I do not feel like we are on a “mission trip.” The accommodations are not fancy by any means, but they are nice, and we’ve had food to eat.

We enjoyed seeing the Multi Ministries offices and meeting all the staff. Dr. Peasley and his wife Antoinette were so kind. I had gifts for Antoinette and the administrative assistant, Barbara. I took them women’s ministry tote bags from my church filled with books and goodies. We just happened to be there when one of the volunteers was having a birthday, so they all stopped for “tea.” Tea is everything there – not coffee! I felt right at home there and realized that birthdays are celebrated the same way everywhere – with food and friends!

It is late winter in South Africa, and cold! It actually felt good to us after leaving the heat and humidity of middle Georgia, but they insisted we have jackets. So after our meeting we went to a sort of department store and found a fleece jacket for me. It was almost 45 Rand, which equaled about $5.00 in our money. Unbelievable!

After our meeting we set out with Dr. Peasley for crusades in the Northwest Territory, one of the provinces of South Africa. We were going to Lichtenburg, which was about 3 hours away. We saw the wide open farmland and countryside of South Africa. Even though brown and barren, it was beautiful.

We stopped to visit with the Pastor and some people from a Dutch Reform Church there in Lichtenburg. We had hot tea, Rooibos Tea to be exact, a red tea grown only in South Africa. (I have seen it at Publix and Kroger before, had no idea it is ONLY grown in South Africa.) We met another associate of Dr. Peasley, his name is Pastor Errol Wesson, and he is from Capetown, South Africa. He was there to help with the crusades in the Northwest Territories. The old church was beautiful, but was having some difficulty as a result of having two pastors. Gary and I were going to be singing in the services there, and I am wondering how we will be received.

After our visit with the people from the Dutch Reform Church, we were taken to another B&B, this one called Melvill. It had a strong Dutch influence and was quite old. There are 13 official languages and Afrikaans is the one spoken by many of the people we see. It sounds Dutch or German. It is a mixture of both the Dutch and Portuguese influences mingled with the African tribes migrating south. Most everyone is bilingual.

We settled in our room and then John Kubia from our home church came by! He was so glad to see us and we were glad to see him! (He had stayed over after another group from our church went to Kariba, Zimbabwe back in July.)

John told us about the plans to minister in a tent church in a shanty town called Boikhutsu tonight, and that is just what we did. I have no doubts at all that we are on a mission trip after tonight. I have never seen such in my life. A local pastor from the shanty town, Pastor John, picked us up. We walked door to door among the shanty shacks and invited the people to come to the tent for church tonight. There were children everywhere – they were filthy with snotty noses and rotten teeth. Most had no shoes on and it was very cold. Women were rummaging through huge trash heaps for scraps of food. I was OVERWHELMED at what I saw. Old dogs and chickens were running around – women were outside cooking in pots over fires.

This picture above touched the gardener in me. Look at this attempt to have flowers and a sense of life in such bleak surroundings.  Oh, I just wept and prayed for the gardener here. 
These little boys were full of joy.  The one on the left had a plastic bread bag on his head for warmth.  That old soccer ball he was clutching for dear life was flat and dented.  They followed me the entire time we visited and ministered in their shanty village.
This little girl was so sad.  She attempted a little smile, but she had an awareness about her as if she knew her plight more than the others.  She was a prisoner of poverty, and much more than that little bamboo fence was holding her hostage…

The children were so precious – they LOVED having their pictures taken and would just squeal in delight at their own reflection on the little screen. They followed me around like I was the Pied Piper.

The tent church was the most unique time of worship I have ever experienced. When we entered the tent with only one light bulb hanging in the center – the people were singing as loudly as they could and dancing and clapping so happily. This went on for about an hour, and then I sang “Jesus the One and Only.” My husband sang the old hymn “I Need Thee Every Hour.” Brother John shared a message about Jesus walking the water and about keeping our eyes on Him in the storms of life. Storms? These people never come out of a storm – they are hungry and cold and pitiful – but they didn’t seem to know all that.

They just sang and worshipped and at least 7 indicated that they had received Christ during the time of prayer at the end of the service. I thought about them walking back to those shanty shacks in the cold dark night.

During the service, one of the pastors that was attending the tent church sang a song. Try to grasp these words:

“When I think of all the Lord has done, I will never complain again.
No, no, no, no, I will never complain again.

Oh my soul above – never complain again? May it be true of me Lord, for I have complained about some mighty insignificant things. But after what I saw today, I know with all my heart that I have nothing to ever complain about again – for as long as I live.

I’d Rather Have Jesus,


What Encourages Me

“Encourage one another and life each other up!” I was asked to write about what encourages me…and so I did. Go here to see why. It is a wonderful new website that just launched! You are going to love it, I promise!

My Encouragers…pretty much in order…pretty much…:)

  • The Security of my Salvation…In Christ Alone
  • The Word of God
  • A Home in Heaven
  • My Faithful Husband of 32 years
  • Two Handsome Sons who love and serve God (see recent post)
  • Two Beautiful Daughters-in-Law who love my Two Handsome Sons
  • Gran Jan’s Joy, my grandson Zeke…I am smitten!
  • My Parents and my Sisters and their Families
  • My Church Family – a true treasure
  • Singing in my Husband’s Choir 🙂
  • Beth Moore…she has encouraged me in my walk with the Lord for over 10 years…and I love her for that
  • Leading in Women’s Ministry (she who refreshes others will herself be refreshed Proverbs 11:25)
  • My Blog Community of Siestas
  • My Garden
  • Creation all around me – Delights Daily

Be Encouraged


Heaven Came Down on July 7, 1985

Please let me share the wonderful day that Heaven Came Down for me! It was 24 years ago today, on July 7, 1985. I was 27 years old…a young minister’s wife and stay-at-home-mother to two little boys who were not quite one year old, and not quite four years old, and the absolute joys of my heart. Here is my story… It was a Sunday morning and our routine was the same. As was his custom, my early-bird husband was already long gone to the church, and I was home getting myself and my two little fellas ready for church. Another “sameness” to the routine was the nagging doubt that had filled my heart for quite some time. I knew deep inside that something was just not right. My heart was heavy and unsettled. I was lacking peace…but I had lots of pride. After years of being a church member and A.G.G. (Always Good Girl), the realization that I was trusting my goodness and not His grace were ever before me. For you see – I had never seen myself as lost. To be found you must first be lost. I was a card-carrying, rule-following, obedient hypocrite. But on that hot summer day of July 7th as the Sunday morning service was nearing an end, I could take it no more! The plagues of doubt were destroying me…but the Holy Spirit of God reached down that morning and brought the deliverance I was desperate for. I quickly slipped out of the choir and made my way to the front of the church. I took the Pastor by the hand. I told him that I had been going through the motions – and that I had never truly accepted the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross as payment for my sins. I had lots of “cranial” knowledge but no “cardio” knowledge. My head was full – my heart was empty! The surprised Pastor told me to have a seat on the pew and fill out a card to “join the church!” I gently told him that was what had gotten me off track years before…and this time I wasn’t joining the church, I was joining with Jesus! I turned aside and knelt down at the altar of that precious church and for the first time in my life realized my lost soul needed a Savior – a Redeemer – not a religious experience. I remember praying and asking Jesus to forgive me and come into my heart. My heavy heart was lightened, and the pride in “what would the church members say when they discovered the Music & Youth Pastor’s wife wasn’t even a Christian?” would worry me no more! Heaven came down and glory filled my soul! There’s an old hymn of the same title by J.W. Peterson that I absolutely love. Go here Heaven Came Down to listen to the festive melody that reminds me of a carousel at the fair!

1. Oh what a wonderful, wonderful day, day I will never forget.
After I’d wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Savior I met.
O what a tender, compassionate friend, He met the need of my heart. Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling, He made all the darkness depart.

Chorus: Heaven came down and glory filled my soul! When at the cross the Savior made me whole. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!

2. Born of the Spirit with life from above into God’s family divine.
Justified fully thru Calvary’s love, O what a standing is mine!
And the transaction so quickly was made, when as a sinner I came.
Took of the offer, of grace He did proffer,
He saved me, O praise His dear name!

3. Now I’ve a hope that will surely endure after the passing of time.
I have a future in heaven for sure there in those mansions sublime.
And it’s because of that wonderful day, when at the cross I believed.
Riches eternal and blessings supernal, from His precious hand I received.

So on this my Spiritual Birthday, I wanted to share my joy with you. The joy of knowing Jesus and the blessed assurance that it isn’t about what I do – but about what He did! It isn’t about my works, but the wondrous exchange of His death for my life! Born on November 16…Born Again on July 7! (Pastor’s wives make such better church members when they get saved!) 🙂

Because He Lives,


The HOPE He Gives

Easter is my favorite time of year, hands down! (Actually hands up as I praise His Name for all He did for me on the cross!) HE.TOOK.MY.PLACE. I will never get over that fact – ever – never – ever. (Thanksgiving is my second favorite – family, fall, football, food, and no commercialism…yay!)

Y’all know I began this blog out of the hope of waiting for a grandchild (if you have time read some of my very early posts about waiting). I call this bit of cyberspace “Gran Jan’s Joy” because of the joy of knowing Jesus and the joy of sojourning here until He calls me home.

Easter is our HOPE – Jesus is ALIVE AND WELL and seated at His Father’s right Hand – making intercession for us. Can you hardly stand the blessings and joy of knowing that??? Many so-called gods/saviors have been born and died – but ONLY ONE – JESUS THE ONE AND ONLY rose and conquered sin, hell, and the grave. Hallelujah, He is Risen Indeed!

Another joy is my grandboy. I just got these pictures from my daughter-in-law. I’ve been outside gardening all morning (another JOY of mine…for I come to the garden ALONE and He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own…)
I mailed Zeke an Easter card and can you believe he is already reading it and he is not quite 8 months old? 🙂 These pictures brought me out of the garden and into the house and straight to my blog to tell somebody -anybody – THERE IS HOPE! We hoped for more than 3 years that we would have a grandchild, and God showed Himself strong when my daughter-in-love became a mother after the doctors said she probably never would! No matter what you are facing today – here is HOPE – Jesus is our HOPE! His resurrection is PROOF OF THE HOPE He gives.

Proverbs 13:12 speaks of that hope and this verse brought me great hope through many seasons:

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the longing is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.”

The hope we have in what happened on that TREE as He bore our sins brings LIFE ETERNAL! As we gather tomorrow in our churches all across this country and sing of that HOPE, may you be blessed in knowing there is a HOPE beyond the grave. There is HOPE in daily living, there is a BLESSED HOPE and I know Him personally – His name is JESUS!

Hallelujah, What a Savior!

Resurrection Ferns

John 11:25
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.”
I first learned about resurrection ferns while reading the historical novels of one of my favorite authors, Eugenia Price. Most of her books are set on or around my beloved Georgia coast, St. Simons Island. Her books on the beautiful city of Savannah are marvelous. When we built our home and moved to “farm country” almost 2 years ago, I noticed that some of our pecan trees have these resurrection ferns on the main trunks and large branches. They appear dead but after the rain they revive. What an analogy of this great verse from John 11:25 and especially as we prepare to celebrate the GLORIOUS resurrection of Jesus Christ this coming weekend. Resurrection ferns feed off the air and may curl up and look dead, but they aren’t. They’re just surviving… They bloom when they receive lots of water! The resurrection fern gets its name because it can appear dead, but when just a little water is present, the fern will uncurl and reopen, and “resurrect.” Sometimes I too may “curl up and look dead” but thankfully, I am not! (I may be in survival mode myself!) But Hallelujah and Praise His Name when the Living Water of Jesus is poured out on me, I will uncurl and open and be alive to Him, and hopefully will remain dead to sin.

Springtime abounds here in Georgia! The hope and power and promise of the Resurrection can be seen, even in the ferns on my pecan trees.
Love, Jan


Prayer Priority and the Practice Thereof

As the wife of a minister I am often asked “Will you pray for…?” I’m sure many of you in the family of faith receive requests for prayer as well. This has been on my mind of late, even more so as my church is going through an intense 40 days of prayer and fasting emphasis – asking God for revival.

I’m thankful when someone asks me to intercede in prayer. I am blessed to pray for them and with them, and grateful to be part of what God is doing. (I love to pray right then and there – in grocery stores, in the hall at church, over the phone, in a car, wherever – it is marvelous.) I know I have much to learn, but the power and privilege of prayer blesses me so – and I wanted to share about that on this very rainy day here in Georgia.

Besides trying to stay in an attitude of prayer, I have a way that I organize my prayers so that I have a prayer focus each day. Be assured I am not bound by this, but it helps me stay focused and fruitful. I get off track just like we all do, but I always go back to this pattern. I started this prayer plan close to 20 years ago and first got the idea from a book by Emilie Barnes.

Daily: My husband, sons, daughters-in-law, grandson, my sisters and their husbands/kids, and the other pastors/wives at my church

Sunday: My husband as worship leader, my son who is a pastor, my other son who leads worship, and my pastor and other church leaders, our choir and orchestra, the deacons, Sunday School teachers, and God bless the nursery workers

Monday: Extended family

Tuesday: Leadership – Ministry leaders, Missionaries, Political leaders, my doctors and dentist

Wednesday: Those sick, bereaved and with special needs

Thursday: My list of those needing salvation

Friday: ME – specific things in my own life, goals, needs

Saturday: Whatever is on my heart – and also a good time to just read my Bible longer since I don’t have to go to work

Also, here are some ideas about praying for others:

  • If possible, pray right then! I’ve NEVER had someone say no when I’ve asked, “may we pray right now?
  • Write down the prayer request and transfer it to your prayer journal.
  • When God wakes you up in the middle of the night – PRAY! 🙂 Because I am easily distracted and I know the enemy of souls does not want me praying, I keep a pad on my nightstand and in my prayer chair and if my mind wanders…I jot down what is interrupting me, and get back to praying.

One of life’s greatest joys is seeing God answer prayer. As Oswald Chambers says, “Prayer is the greater work.” I would love to hear from y’all – do you have any prayer practices to share?
Love & Prayers, Jan


The Life of a Minister’s Wife

Part 1:
The Life of a Ministers Wife – part 1 from stephen proctor on Vimeo.
Part 2:
The Life of a Ministers Wife – part 2 from stephen proctor on Vimeo.
Part 3:
The Life of a Ministers Wife – part 3 from stephen proctor on Vimeo.
