Houston – Scripture Memory Team Celebration

I am in Houston even as I type this!  Can’t believe the Scripture Memory Team Celebration is finally here!  I promise to take lots of good notes and wonderful pictures to share with everyone.

The travel so far has been sweet with no issues or problems.  Thank you Heavenly Father for your favor on our trip.  I am enjoying the fellowship and look forward to all God has in store for us this weekend.

What began a year ago as a covenant to memorize 24 verses in 12 months has been one of the greatest joys in my heart and life.

Yes, His Word is Life. 

Georgia Jan


The Life of a Minister’s Wife

Part 1:
The Life of a Ministers Wife – part 1 from stephen proctor on Vimeo.
Part 2:
The Life of a Ministers Wife – part 2 from stephen proctor on Vimeo.
Part 3:
The Life of a Ministers Wife – part 3 from stephen proctor on Vimeo.


Beth Moore and 1,200 Ministers’ Wives!!!

This past weekend me (my husband is our Worship Pastor) and three of the other ministers’ wives (Senior Pastor, Adult Education, and Recreation) from my church trekked to Nashville, TN for the Living Proof Live Event for Ministers’ Wives at Two Rivers Baptist Church. We also attended the pre-conference event on Thursday evening and Friday morning too. The breakout sessions and Q&A panel time was so good! I attended “Laugh a Little for Crying Out Loud,” “Balancing Act,” and “Armed and Dangerous.” They were so good, and very applicable!

Then on Friday evening, we could hardly wait for Beth’s teaching and the music from Travis and the Praise Team and band! On Saturday morning we did a “hymn sing,” and it was M-A-R-V-E-L-O-U-S. Beth went around the church and asked the women to tell where they were from and what hymn they would like to sing. Some of them were “Blessed Assurance,” “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Redeemed,” “Come Thou Fount,” and “I’ll Fly Away!” It was so beautiful to hear all the ladies voices blending together.
Beth with her pink boxing gloves – ready to “FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!
These are my notes from Beth’s sessions. She taught from Galatians and ENCOURAGED us beyond measure! She gave us 6 “Aggravations” and 6 “Alternatives,” each with 6 words…
1. Aggravation: Ministry by default. Life long misfit. Alternative: Chosen by God. Have holy fit. 2. Aggravation: Seek Their Approval. Become Their Slave. Alternative: Seek God’s Approval. Find Your Peace! 3. Aggravation: Work With People. Expect Titanic Problems. Alternative: Choose to Trust. Not to Rust. 4. Aggravation: Trade Your Bondage. Keep Your Chains. Alternative: Don’t Ignore. Get Restored. Then Restore.
5. Aggravation: Sow the Flesh. Reap the Dregs. Alternative: Sow the Spirit. Reap the Life. 6. Aggravation: Lose What Counts. Watch Misery Mount. Alternative: Keep the King the Thing – JESUS!
There was a very special moment that humbled my heart. Toward the end of the event on Saturday morning, Beth asked me to come down and voice a prayer on behalf of all the ministers’ wives for the widow of the slain Rev. Fred Winters who was killed in his pulpit last Sunday, March 8th. To have 1,200 other pastors’ wives all praying together for our sister, Cindy Winters, was a memory that will stay with me for a very long time. May God continue to bless and comfort Cindy and her daughters and meet their every need.
And lastly, here are some Ministers’ Wives SIESTAS!!! Amy W., me, Tammie Fay, and Kristi B!
Much love,
Georgia Jan

Beth Moore: Graciously Genuine, GLORY!

Last weekend I was privileged to attend Travis Cottrell’s live recording concert at the awesome First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Georgia. It was a fast-paced weekend of pure D-E-L-I-G-H-T. I was blessed to stay with my precious friends, Sonny & Mary Perdue…at their residence, otherwise known as the “Govnah’s Mansion.” 🙂 We had two very special guests join us at the Mansion…Mrs. Beth Moore and her beautiful daughter Melissa (who lives here in Georgia). They were delightful…understated elegance, mother and daughter, two precious peas in a pod. We laughed our heads off, enjoyed a meal together, and had the sweet fellowship of Jesus all around.

Having loved Beth Moore “from afar” for many years and having facilitated all her Bible studies…currently “Esther, It’s Tough Being a Woman,” I was so excited about having some face-to-face time with her. Even though I have spent innumerable hours watching and listening to her on CD, DVD, TV…I knew this would be different. To be honest, I was a little jittery inside. I knew for sure that I was going to have a GREAT time…but I wanted it to be a GENUINE time. I wanted to know for sure that the lady IS what she IS and what I felt in my heart that she IS! Praise God, as my spirit bears witness – SHE IS!!! Delightfully real and genuine to the bone. She prayed a blessing over the Perdue home, she loved on their granddaughters, she listened intently as others talked, she came downstairs Sunday morning with her comfy clothes and her black fuzzy houseshoes on and NO MAKE-UP (still gorgeous with flawless skin)! She is no pretense, just precious, polite, and very petite! I don’t know why God allowed me, a simple Baptist Pastor’s wife the opportunity to spend time this past weekend with Beth Moore, a woman who has done more to encourage my spiritual walk than anyone else on the planet…but this I do know: I thank Him and I receive this gift straight from His Hand to my heart. Thank you Jesus – I love You! And I love you all too!

Georgia Jan

PS: I did not take a single picture while we were together – proof of the great fun and bonding time! But my heart holds the memories and will until Jesus comes…Beth said the same thing!


Excited, Energized, and Eager for Esther!!!

This coming Sunday – January 4th, 2009 – I will begin facilitating the new Bible Study by Beth Moore, “Esther, It’s Tough Being a Woman,” at my church, and I am excited – ecstatic – eager – energized! I have no idea how many women have signed up – I’ll know in just a few days, but this I do know: whoever God chooses to bring to Bible Study will be blessed as she digs deep and determines her destiny.

I know many of you are starting this study soon as well, and some (Jenny Hope!) are already through. I love you all – thank you for your encouragement to me as I began my blog this past summer. 2008 has been full of celebrating for “Gran Jan” and my joy in Jesus is complete. I thank God for my precious grandson and look forward to all God has in store for our family in 2009.

Blessings, Georgia Jan
Romans 15:13


Siesta Fiesta – Beth Moore!

What a suprise to find this picture in the group of pictures that Rich (awesome photographer for Lifeway) took during the Siesa Fiesta! I was plum tickled and blessed because it was such a sweet, brief moment and I had no idea it was being captured for me…I was simply telling Beth that I loved her – she has meant so much to my life. (I believe our brief meeting at Deeper Still in Atlanta back in June jogged her memory when she saw me walking across the floor at the Alamodome Saturday afternoon as she hugged me and said “Georgia Jan.” I attended that amazing conference with my dear friend, who just happens to be the wife of the Governor of Georgia and her VIP treatment washed over on me, a very un-VIP person, however favored I was that weekend.) So Georgia Jan is a blessed woman indeed. Thank You, Father. God has used the faithfulness of Beth Moore to encourage my heart…as she also encouraged and inspired untold thousands of women around the world. The Bible studies she writes are amazing, her poetry is precious. Her encouragement, her sense of humor and quick wit are priceless (and I especially love, love, love, when she goes into that “Arkansas twang” and talks…cracks me up every time). The truths and reaffirmations of being an heiress – and not a boring one – were so tender. A poignant hit-home truth was that my intimacy with God will never never replace ministry. As Women’s Ministry Director at my church, may I say, help me Lord! Also, any place that God is not occupying – the devil has…my oh my. This was a great trip, however a very quick trip! God gave me and Deborah (Twinkle) favor from the moment we left Georgia in the wee hours early Friday morning until we flew home Saturday evening with the remants of Hurricane Fay’s rain welcoming us! I left with a divided heart, as my first-born’s firstborn came into our lives just five days before I flew out to Texas. But little Zeke is precious and was in the care of his mommy’s love, my sweet daughter-in-love. What a joy to meet so many Siestas – to hug their necks, to pray with them, worship alongside them, and to just laugh and have fun. God is so good and His Spirit was ever-present. Hallelujah and Amen – what a great trip.
Georgia Jan…aka Gran Jan 🙂
Romans 15:13 <><