1,000 GIFTS, #305 to #324

As I count these grace gifts to 1,000 with Mrs. Ann Voskamp, I am beginning to see a pattern, and that in itself is a gift to me. Back at the beginning of the year, I wrote this post on 1-1-11 and vowed to “Keep It Simple Sister.” A goal to slow down and enjoy life’s simple pleasures, to prioritize my time, my goals. This JOY of counting has helped me to see that the gifts I cherish and count are in God, my faith in Christ, my family, my precious grandchildren, friends, God’s creation, gardening, quilting (my newfound JOY), and not in STUFF. May it ever be so, sweet LORD.
305. As I stepped outside my office one day last week headed to lunch, I saw this beautiful Tiger Swallowtail butterfly on the zinnia flowers. Just that moment…for me. I love the camera on my cell phone for d-e-l-i-g-h-t-s just like this one!
306. First night of Fall Bible study last Wednesday night, as we began Beth Moore’s study from Proverbs: “Wising Up…Wherever Life Happens.”  Wisdom is Supreme, get it! Great group of women all ready and eager to dig into the Word of God. Proverbs 4:7
307. The joy of trusted confidence as a friend shared a prayer request concerning her health, and then the Spirit prompting me to pray for her. Thank you sweet Father for prompts to remember to pray.
308. A song from Travis Cottrell’s newest release that has ministered to my soul, the depth of my soul I say.  It is called “Thanks Be To Our God.”  I love this new CD very much, but song #13 has been on repeat track the most.
309. A first for me where my grandchildren are concerned! I went to Zeke’s school, actually it is a Mother’s Morning Out program at his church (where his daddy, my son, is the Pastor) for “Grandparents Day.” They sang two songs and quoted a Bible verse and every one of them looked adorable.  And I got four spontaneous hugs. I was so sad that I had forgotten my camera. But when I returned to work I received this photo collage in an email. God graced me in that my friend who is a real photographer was there with a camera for his child…which records one of those wonderful hugs from Zeke!
310. The intoxicating divine smell of Tea Olive Shrubs blooming in our garden. My husband and I LOVE them. They bloom in the spring, in the fall, and on a warm winter’s day they can surprise you with small white blooms which smell wonderful. We have them by the front porch swings and this is the shrub in my back patio garden. It was a gift for my 50th birthday from some wonderful friends…they bloom when the weather changes. I hope that I will “bloom in life’s changing seasons too.”  May it ever be, sweet Lord.
311. The full moon. I especially love the big Harvest Moon of this past week. I keep up with it on my Nook with a “moon phases app.” Yes I do. I am a moon phases nerd. I love to talk waning and waxing gibbous…
312. A book and sweet card of encouragement received in the mail from Mrs. Esther Burroughs who spoke at our Women’s Retreat last weekend. She is challenging me to “pour into” the lives of young women. The big watering can at the top of my blog is one of my favorite items – I collect watering cans. I need to remember to splash the Living Water of Jesus everywhere I go…
313. Plans made for a Prayer/Planning Retreat for our Women’s Ministry team, pastor’s wives, and other women’s leaders in our church. It is going to be WONDERFUL. We will all stay in one cabin…with a fireplace…at a Retreat Center on the Savannah River. Can’t wait!
314. My grandson Zeke spent the night this past weekend and while we were playing outside he lightly skinned both his knees when he fell. As I was applying Spiderman bandaids :), he said, “Gran Jan, will you pray and ask God to heal me?” I prayed and hugged him tight. He blesses me so.
315. My son sent me this picture and “asked for prayer.”  He said it was the first time he had taken both children out to breakfast alone. His wife was attending a consignment sale and it is important to be FIRST in line at those…aren’t they PRECIOUS? YES THEY ARE!
316. This is Jackson, the “Master of the Slide.” Isn’t he PRECIOUS? YES HE IS!
317. I finished Jackson’s quilt top last week and am getting ready to put it together. Here is one of the blocks with his name…I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.
318. Reaching for a soft tissue in my purse to hand to a woman next to me in the choir as her tears fell. Thankful for the bond of women, sisters, mothers, friends.
319. Once again our interim Pastor Rev. Joel Southerland blessed us with a word from the Word. God is using him greatly during this season in our church without a Senior pastor. There is a fresh healing wind of the Holy Spirit blowing across our congregation and the JOY is evident each time we gather to meet. I’m very thankful for lessons learned, continuing to pray for everyone…those gone, and that that remain. Soli deo Gloria.
320. A hint of fall in the air…my very favorite season of all.
321. A Girls’ Night Out with my sweet best friend of 23 years, Lanie. Delicious fresh guacamole and chips at a restaurant in Macon…buzzing through Barnes and Noble, the Ulta store…time together that is so precious. Sharing prayer requests, life’s seasons.
322. My first pumpkin spice latte of the season. Yes, that’s a gift! I do love coffee.
323. Thanking God for my health has always been in my prayers to God, but has really been on my heart this week as so many are facing surgery and treatments and struggle with daily issues. Thank you Father for a healthy body.
324. Seeing my father kneel down beside Mrs. Mary’s chair in her home, take her hand, and offer to help her with anything she needs in the days ahead. Mary is an elderly black woman who has just lost her husband of more than 50 years. I love our rural community. We had taken a meal to them…because that’s what Southerners do. I’ve never been prouder of my dad than I was at that moment. He has a heart of gold. Being the tough former Marine that he is, you have to “mine it out sometimes”…but it was shining that moment.  🙂
Multitude Monday Blessings to you,

1,000 GIFTS, #231 to #245

Today has been a wonderful Multitude Monday. It started with a sweet time in the Word this morning…
231. I’m so very grateful and thankful for my quiet time place…
232.  I am on day 86 of a 90-day devotional by Beth Moore entitled “90 Days with Jesus the One & Only.”  I’ve lingered way longer than 90 days as I spent the 40 days of Lent reading  a devotional recommended by my friend Joanne Heim a couple of years ago. After I finish Beth’s devotional I am going to read through the book of Acts. I LOVE THE WORD OF GOD!
233. Last Tuesday our Women’s Ministry hosted a “Summer Sisters Salad Supper.” We enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship with salads of every kind and desserts galore. Over 200 women attended and my dear friend Lanie Nash shared her journey through ovarian cancer. Women’s ministry is hard work, but rewarding…I serve with the best team ever. I could NOT imagine this ministry without Cindy, Teresa, and Jennifer. They serve with hearts of gold.
234.  Speaking of women’s ministry, I received a precious email early this morning from Leah Adams of The Point Ministries.  She is a North Georgia gal and my cooking-canning buddy. Leah is coming to be the guest speaker for our Women’s Ministry’s 14th Annual Christmas Brunch, December 3, 2011, 10:00 a.m. to noon. Leah is a delight. She is a disciplined woman with a passion for the Word of God. She emailed to tell me that she is praying as we plan and prepare.  It blessed my soul!  Thank you Leah – I love you girl! 
235. This little buddy spent the night last Thursday with his Pop and Gran Jan…this smile is the result of a quick trip to the Dairy Queen for ice cream.  D-E-L-I-G-H-T!  (Zeke…not the ice cream!)
236.  Please don’t think me irreverent for taking this picture at such a time…but I wanted to capture the JOY of seeing all these men kneeling in prayer at the altar before evening worship last night. We were singing “Somebody’s Praying” as the men filled the altar in prayer.  Oh God, raise up men to lead our homes, our churches, our land…
237.  I love participating in the “SSMT” Siesta Scripture Memory Team.  Today is August 1st, the day we post our verses to the LPM Blog.   Here’s my post from this morning:

August 1, 2011 at 7:52 am
James 3:18 (NLT)
And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

238. Yesterday after church we went to the home of my youngest son and his wife to visit and take a nap as we had to be back at church early Sunday afternoon. We live out in the country and it just saves a trip home!  Besides that…we get to fellowship with our youngest grandboy Jackson.  D-E-L-I-G-H-T.

239.  This is the fabric for another new quilt!!! I had ordered some accompanying fabric and found out it was discontinued.  But just today a kind woman in Customer Service at Hancocks of Paducah, KY told me she personally went and found the exact yardage I needed for my quilt.  What a blessing. I thanked her…

240. The book I ordered came in the mail last week. It is a new book that I love for two reasons.  The topic – the Word of God…and the artist…one of my favorites. Karla Dornacher.  Her gifts bless me.

241. I’ve shared from my heart about the death of my sister Jean 26 years ago.  I wrote this post  last year on the 25th anniversary of her death.  It is the “most read” post on my blog. Just this past Saturday I got to spend time with my niece Amy, Jean’s beautiful daughter.  She lives in California, and is visiting home this week. Time with her is rare. There are no words to describe how much she is like her Momma.  Although Amy was only 23 months old when Jean died…she is JUST LIKE HER.  What a gift.

242.  Tonight’s supper included zucchini fresh from the garden. My sweet husband cooked and cleaned up the dishes. I love that man.  He takes such good care of me.
243.  My little granddaughter Madie is really talking a lot. She didn’t spend the night last week, but I’m looking forward to girl-time with her.  I didn’t have that as a “boy mom!” I want to teach her to make biscuits…
244.  And as I sit here listening to the beautiful piano music from Ann Voskamp’s blog I was thinking about the wonderfully gifted pianist at our church.  He is actually the Instrumental Worship Pastor. His name is Rev. Dawson Hull and he is a gifted musician.  Just yesterday I was blessed by his gifts.  As our interim pastor Joel Southerland was sharing during the invitation about “being a Friend of God,” Dawson played an impromptu gentle medley that included “What A Friend We Have in Jesus.”  His sweet wife Taneea is also a gifted musician. Their spirits are a blessing to our church family.  We are thankful for them.
It’s time to hit “publish post” and get ready for bed…and read…and continue to count these gifts to 1,000.  My heart is full tonight…another gift.
245.  A quiet heart…a contented heart.

1,000 GIFTS, #190 to #206

It has been a month since I shared the wonderful story of Caitlyn’s conversion. She was baptized a couple of weeks ago and is aglow in her new walk with Christ. We still rejoice in being in the right place to water the seeds others faithfully planted. I am continuing to count His gifts with JOY and Ann Voskamp. This counting discipline has affirmed more and more the value of simple things in my life. This simplicity keeps me centered and brings me the most JOY. I don’t take them for granted – I am very thankful.  It has also reassured me of the purpose of blogging – my way of documenting my simple life – my family, our home, our ministry – all grace gifts and His blessings.
190. Celebrating 34 years of marriage 6/11/77 to 6/11/11!  Blessed and spoiled. I love you so much Gary and thank God for bringing us together – high school sweethearts.
191. A blessed productive afternoon spent with two outstanding women’s ministry leaders. Cindy, Teresa, and I inventoried our entire Bible study library and put together a spreadsheet. We are ready and geared up to serve the women of our church. God sure blessed me by sending these women to serve alongside. I love them both so much.
192. Attending the wedding of Jordan and Kristin and knowing them both since they were wee ones – that is so special.
193. A sweet little helper in the garden…this is my grandson Jackson.
194. Being released from the ortho doctor after 5 months – I had torn the PCL in my right knee and it is healing beautifully with physical therapy alone.  Thank you LORD.
195. Another quilt class called “Take 5.”  Five fabrics used in every block.  This is the class I took where I made the quilt for Beth Moore. I received a sweet thank-you note from her day before yesterday. God has used her so much in my life, and I know He is rewarding her in ways that will matter for eternity.
196. Father’s Day dinner with ALL my menfolk around the table (the two below in matching shirts for Father’s Day): Husband Gary, sons Jeremy & Jonathan, Dad Tom, and grandsons-Zeke & Jackson. Blessed indeed. (Thankful for the women around that table too…)

197. A churchwide picnic with fantastic food, fellowship, fanfare (music), fireworks and FUN.  I went by and picked up my grandson Zeke and we had a blast. He was mesmerized with the orchestra.  I adore this picture:

198. An antique biscuit cutter that has scalloped edges…and my grandmother’s biscuit recipe (in the post right before this one).
199. Blueberry bounty and a little granddaughter who loves them.
200. Another new quilt started with a jellyroll of fabric. A jellyroll is pre-cut strips and these are especially beautiful.

201. It is coming together nicely:

202. My backyard garden, a happy place for me to be (if I’m not in the sewing room). :)
203. I have had the blessing to keep my two older grandchildren for 5 whole days (and nights). My daughter-in-law is away visiting her sister & brother-in-law who serve as missionaries. My son is also staying with us and he has been a wonderful help. It has been good to see him be a daddy up close. I worked so hard to get a picture of them…
204. My youngest grandson and his first trip to the ocean. Delight…
205. Blackberry bounty. My dad’s vines. We have had good family time picking these blackberries. Simple things yet again.
206. On this Fourth of July, I’m so thankful and yes, proud – to be an American and live in the greatest country on Earth. Even with all the flaws, I’d still rather live here than anywhere I know.  Send a revival to our land dear LORD.
As I wrap up this list, you can see there is nothing as glorious as the salvation of Caitlyn last month, but these are grace gifts all the same. Family time on the farm surrounded by good food and sweet fellowship…and yes at times some tempers and tired folks, but still all GRACE. And I’m so grateful.

A Birthday Quilt for Beth

I wanted to do something very special this year for Beth Moore’s birthday. God has used Beth to teach, encourage, and equip me as a pastor’s wife, as a mom, and as a woman for the past 13 years…  I could never repay her or thank her, but I wanted to try.  A few months ago my bff Lanie and I attended a beginning quilting class together.  We had a blast! I did not win any “best of class” awards, but I discovered that I really loved quilting.  So I decided to make a quilt for Beth for her birthday. It is flawed just like me, but I somehow knew that Beth wouldn’t mind my mistakes. She’s the real deal.

Here I am in class at the quilt shop (the shop is called A Scarlet Thread  and is owned by Christians). Beth’s quilt pattern is called “Take 5” because there are 5 coordinating fabrics and each fabric is in the block in five varying positions throughout the quilt.  I think that’s what the instructor said…remember, I am a beginner.

Here are the five different fabrics in the quilt.  I sent an email to Nancy Mattingly (I met her at the So Long Insecurity Conference and LOVED her) at Living Proof Ministries to ask her what colors Beth liked…and she said “pink.”  So I bought fabric that had lots of pink!  The material is called “In the Garden.” (Now there’s a subject I know and love, gardening!) But I did have a blast learning to quilt. It’s just hard for me to be still that long.

My sweet husband set up tables for me in our living room so I could lay the quilt out to baste and get ready to quilt…there is a label on the back with a note from me for Beth!

It wishes sweet Beth a Happy Birthday and reminds her that she is “covered in His love.”
Here is the Birthday Girl and her beautiful office manager Sabrina Moore, holding up the quilt. Beth was sweet enough to let me know that she had received her quilt. (In fact both Sabrina & Evangeline at LPM went out of the way to let me know the quilt had arrived. Beth’s staff serve with hearts of gold!) I hope that every time she snuggles for a nap or takes some Sabbath rest, Beth will feel just how much I love her! God has used her ministry to bless me, and I have attempted to bless other women as I serve in women’s ministry at my church out of the overflow of His grace in my life. 

I am so thankful that we are all covered in His love!  Happy Birthday Bethie! 🙂


1,000 GIFTS, #111 to #129

Continuing to count His gifts, all is grace…
111. Spring Break, a week away from work…what a gift.
112. A birthday lunch with my Mom and sisters – sweet times for sure.
113. Dinner with good friends in a quaint restaurant that was featured in Southern Living Magazine. Yesterday Cafe is known for buttermilk pie. (But my mother-in-law’s buttermilk pie is better!)
114. Spending time with my daughter-in-law Erin one afternoon during spring break.  She and Carrie are both such good little mommas, it blesses me so. Long answered prayers. 
115. Help planting my moonflower seeds…Gran Jan’s JOY!
116. New porch swing with a special spring that makes it bouncy and fun!
117. Extra time to read, one of my favorite things.
118. Signing up to take a machine quilting class with my bff Lanie!  Can’t wait! First class is Tuesday…
119. Attending two bridal showers back to back on Saturday and the JOY of knowing the bride of one and the groom of the other for most of their lives (the blessing of serving in one church for almost 23 years).
120. A long long visit with my mother-in-law and the chance to serve her by helping her buy groceries and then putting them away for her. She needs assistance with a walker now, so getting around takes lots of effort. It was good for me to s-l-o-w down…
121. New ferns on the front porch – a sure sign of spring for my gardening delights!
122. A crop duster flying low over the farm and bringing great JOY to Zeke (and Gran Jan and Pop too). A beautiful day full of God’s blessings. (Pop & Zeke are in the picture below.)
123. A word from my son that brought about some deep personal reflection.  A good thing. I love my two boys very much. Sometimes I forget they still need their mom even though they are grown MEN.  It’s a different season…this empty nest.
124. The first grass cutting of the season – I love the smell of a freshly mown lawn.
125. Cherry blossoms…I love Spring in the South.
126. The delight of texting back and forth one afternoon about the JOY of old hymns with my friend Beth, and we especially lingered long over “How Firm a Foundation.”  We had church across the miles. We are “same season sisters.”
127. Avocados on my salad…love them.
128. Balancing my checkbook…quickly…the first time.
129. Being awakened by my little grandson very early one morning last week…and when I opened my eyes…we were eye-to-eye. Sweet.
Thank you for sharing in Gran Jan’s JOY!

For Grandmothers & Grandmothers Yet-to-Be

For all Grandmothers, whatever your “Grandma name”
“Grammy, Mimi, Gramma, Gran, Nana, Grandma, Mamu, Granny, Mimmie, Mawmaw, Grandmother, Big Mama, Nanny, Memama, Gigi, and of course, my sweet friend Bibby!

I began this blog almost 3 years ago anticipating the JOY of becoming a first-time grandmother; hence,Gran Jan’s JOY. My very first post was entitled  “The Waiting Room” as I journaled about this new season in my life. I came across these “grandmother” quotes recently and wanted to share them. (I apologize if perchance you are the author, please reply and I will give due credit.)   

I suspect many of you young women probably never think much about becoming grandmothers. I honestly didn’t when I was your age. However, I can surely testify to you first-hand that aside from the precious love of Jesus Christ…it is the most wonderfully sweet and delightful pure love, and I am smitten with these three grandbabies of mine:

Here are the “Grandma Quotes:”
 Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting…
What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change,
and they give me a million dollars’ worth of pleasure.
Grandmothers are just antique little girls.
 Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.

 A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the children instead
of the television…on purpose.

When a baby is born, so is a grandmother…

Becoming a grandmother is wonderful.
One moment you’re just a mother…
the next you are all-wise and prehistoric.

A grandmother is a mother who has a second chance…
God’s best “do-over!”

 When grandmothers enter the door, discipline flies out the window.

Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done she becomes a grandmother…

Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting just to see you

 and now her day was complete!
 Grandmas never run out of hugs or cookies.
  Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.

It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace...


My grandkids believe I’m the oldest thing in the world.
And after two or three hours with them, I believe it, too!

 If becoming a grandmother was only a matter of choice,
I should advise every one of you straight away to become one.

Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.
An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again.

 The best baby-sitters, of course, are the grandparents.
I wish I had the energy that my grandchildren have, if just to keep up with them.
Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple:
grandmas are short on criticism and long on love…
nobody can do for little children what grandparents do.
 Grandmother – a wonderful mother with lots of practice.
A grandparent is old on the outside but young on the inside.

  One of the sweetest handclasps is that of a new
grandbaby around the finger of a grandmother.
It’s amazing how grandparents seem so young once you become one.
 If your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses,
sleeps on schedule and burps on demand,
an angel all the time, you’re the grandma.
 Grandparents are similar to a piece of string – handy to have
around and easily wrapped around the fingers of their grandchildren.
Grandchildren don’t make a man feel old;
it’s the knowledge that he’s married to a grandmother…

1,000 GIFTS, #99 to #110

This sweet discipline of counting the gifts of grace is precious and priceless. Thank you for indulging me as I once again list graces of the past week. Yes, as Ann Voskamp says, all is grace…

99. A surprise gift from my sweet husband just for me. Yes, this is a garden TILLER!  I have wanted one for a long time to support my gardening passion.  It is the perfect size for me to use.
100. The SUPERMOON of this past Saturday night! Beth Moore posted this picture on Twitter and it was absolutely the BEST picture of the night.  What a great Creator God! I kept going outside every few minutes to enjoy God’s handiwork.
101. A swing for my littlest grandboy…Jackson. My son and his wife were “testing it out” prior to hanging it outside. They are sure enjoying this little boy. Guess what? He has 2 grandmothers, 4 great-grandmothers, 2 grandfathers, and 2 great-grandfathers! 
102. My husband grilled porkchops for us all this past Saturday – great weather and a delicious meal with the family.
103. Zeke drove his John Deere tractor next door to make a special delivery of buttermilk to my father, his Papaw. He LOVES this tractor!  
104. This double rainbow appeared as the family was leaving the cemetery after the burial of two sisters who died last week. It was seen for miles and miles…this is in my front yard. Thank God for His precious promises. We are still praying for the Sullivent family in their grief.
105.Today is my Mom’s birthday, I am so thankful for her life. She is a strong woman from a generation of self-sacrificing women, a good wife and mother. She took care of my sisters and I while my Dad was in Vietnam; gone for 13 months at a time on two occasions – all this before the days of Skype and email and internet…a strong woman of faith. I love her! Happy Birthday Mom! 
106. My daughter-in-law sent me this picture of Madie Ruth via text last week.  This little girl has won our hearts! She and Zeke have 2 grandmothers, 2 great-grandmothers, 2 grandfathers and 2 greatgrandfathers. Blessed indeed.
107. My favorite Easter candy…Starburst Jelly Beans! I am not a fan of chocolate (truly). But I love jelly beans 🙂 These are sitting on my desk at work. They are “hard to get into” which is a good thing…because did I mention they are my favorite? 
108. A conversation this past Wednesday night after Bible study with long-time friends that lingered long. Cindy, Jean, Joy…thank you! Pure therapy for our hearts and souls. God be praised!
109. A letter in the mail from each of the children we sponsor through Compassion International. The joy of seeing that “letter from your sponsored child” envelope in my mailbox is overwhelming.
110. The joy of the truth of 2 Corinthians 12:9 settling over my heart and soul last night after a message by Dr. Ron Lynch (guest preacher at my church yesterday) gave me such hope. Our God is Greater!
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,
so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
