Yesterday, May 1, 2020, was the first day in almost a month that our State of Georgia wasn’t under a “shelter-in-place” order due to the Covid-19 Corona virus. I wanted to document this very unusual season in the life of our home, family, state, nation, and…world. A global pandemic.
I’m 62 years old and recently shared with my grandchildren I had never experienced anything like this in my lifetime. They have told me they will talk about this quarantine when they are my age. They are now ages six to eleven.
The closest thing that comes to my mind is standing in a long line as a 6-year-old (with lots of other children), to have sugar cubes placed on our tongues by nurses wearing white starched hats and uniforms, white hosiery, and white shoes. It was 1963 and I was in first grade. We were receiving treatment for polio. It was a Department of Defense School at the Marine Base in Cherry Point, North Carolina.
These are the things I want to remember…and I pray I do remember them. I know we are apt to easily forget and quickly go back to our former selves and routines when normalcy returns. But I seriously hope the good things that came out of this season will remain in my heart and mind.
- I’m a happy homebody, but I really missed seeing my family. It made me think of growing up as a military child and being separated from my dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was too long.
- Face Time was a great gift during this season of quarantine. Not the same as a visit, but I am so thankful for the family face times and technology in general.
- I missed my church, and my church people. We call them our second family at Second Baptist. Not being able to physically attend church made me long to be there. I hope on those occasions when I think I’d like to stay home, I will remember missing church. Yes, we “had church” on-line, and it was great, but not the same. I’m grateful for how pastors and worship leaders just stepped up and did the best they could in such unprecedented times.
- I loved more time to actually focus on my outside spaces. My garden especially, but also the jasmine arbor and the swings I love that are there. So grateful that this quarantine occurred during Springtime and not Winter. Being outside was a place to go and the weather has been so beautiful. Thank you God!
- My mother and I made masks for my sister Joan’s employees at Jackson Heating & Cooling. I made one for my husband and myself to wear to the grocery store. It was the only place I went! I didn’t like wearing the mask and seeing everyone masked. It just felt so weird to me. But don’t we “wear masks” every day anyway? Lord help me to unmask and be genuine and Christlike to others all the time.
- I am thankful for all the medical professionals everywhere – doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, assistants, and anyone who worked on the front line. Heroes! Also our first responders, and all the ways they served and risked their own safety for anyone in need. So many good stories of kindness and hope were to be found. May we remember.
- More time with my husband Gary. We really enjoyed being together and of course, I cooked and he loves when I cook for him! I really did enjoy lots of time in the kitchen and I found some new recipes that will remain in our “rotation.” A new way to make biscuits…after 43 years! I plan on a whole post for that soon.

All in all I remember how people everywhere responded (for the most part) with diligence and attitudes to get through this. A similar theme was “we are in this together.” Yes we were, but truthfully, we are always in “this” life together! Please may we remember. Help ME remember. And not forget.

The Lord is our Rock, in Him we hide, a shelter in the time of storm.
Yes, dear Lord, help us not to forget the good things that have been birthed in this time of such fear and isolation. I don’t want things to go back to “normal.” I want them to be better. More grateful. More Godly. More aware that HE is our only hope, always. God bless you and keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy continually, in Jesus’ name.
Cheryl! YES! BETTER!
And my praise and worship playlists on Spotify have been so instrumental in soothing my soul and guarding my heart during this unprecedented time. I pray you and all your people are safe and healthy too my friend.
In Christ, Jan