How fun to have a picture prompt for our writing assignment for The Loft Linkup this week! Especially when these hay bales are tugging at my heart as they remind me of my father…and of course, it’s also Father’s Day Weekend.
When we moved to the Morton Farm eight years ago one of the things my dad was most excited about was a 25 acre field of coastal Bermuda hay that was already there. Of course it needed some care and fertilizer and so that’s what he began to do. It now feeds the cows that have been added and dad also sells it to farmers and horse owners around our county. Here is dad on his BIG JOHN DEERE tractor, the hay barn full of baled hay, and the cows getting a fresh bale in the hay ring.
So this lovely prompt of the peaceful hay bales reminds me of my dad. He celebrated his 81st birthday this past April. He is active and healthy (slowing down some, yes), a career Marine (still a Marine), and a great daddy to me and my 3 little sisters growing up. He also has 7 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren that call him Papaw. I dedicated a post to him when he celebrated his 79th birthday in 2013 because we almost lost him a few months earlier due to a serious pneumonia and 52-day hospital stay. But he rallied and as he prayed recently over a family meal “Lord, I know I’m really not supposed to be here, but I thank you…”
I say thank you too for a father who I’ve always looked up to and respected.
Jan, I loved your beautiful post and dedication to your dad! What a wonderful blessing that you still have your dad in your life…enjoy every precious moment!
Suzanne – He’s a good man – he really is. I have a friend who told me recently that when your parents (or any loved one) pass away, your heart really only remembers the “good things” about them and the sweet memories. So on the days when he needs me to come over (next door) and fix something on his iPad or order a golf club from eBay and it isn’t convenient…I tell myself that I will miss those calls one day. Thank you for your comment!
Aww, lovely! I love that you turned this post into a Father’s Day tribute too! I love stories of people finding something and turning it into a business <3 You're dad sounds like a great guy! Coming from The Loft!
Ren – He is – he’s still a Marine and tries to be the “boss of all of us” sometimes, but we’re used to it! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Thank you for visiting Gran Jan’s JOY.
I was almost grown when I learned, or figured out, that not all little girls had kind and loving dads. I was one of the forever-blessed ones, another one of God’s gracious gifts that we shouldn’t take for granted. Thank you for remembering your dad on this Father’s Day weekend. I really enjoyed your post and your pictures.
Rosemary – what a sweet comment and truth. I had a wonderful childhood of a caring and supporting father too. He showed his love by providing for us girls and he’s still that way today at age 81. We are thankful. Thank you for taking the time to comment here.
A pleasure to read your post, Jan. Gave me sweet smiles. Thank you.
Kathie – Thank you again – I have enjoyed getting to know you through The Loft too! Thankful Leah put this together for us. Enjoy your weekend.
How wonderful that you still have your father with you! Enjoy your remaining time with him and store up the memories. They remain our lifetime treasures. So happy to be linking up with you via The Loft!
I was so happy to see this comment from across the big Atlantic Ocean! I just imagine how beautiful Italy must be. I enjoyed your post too and I thank you for stopping by Gran Jan’s JOY. Thank you for encouraging me to store up the memories with my dad. I was just over at his house (next door across the pasture) last night purchasing a golf club from eBay for him! He’s something else for sure. I hope to hear from you again and I will be visiting your blog too!
Oh how precious! I love seeing the pictures of your sweet Daddy working his farm. Makes me miss my Daddy so much. He loved mowing grass, and the hay bales you see in the prompt picture sit on my parents’ property. Thank you, Jan, for linking up with us. What a beautiful reminder of the importance of fathers.
Leah – I had no idea that those hay bales were from your parents’ home place. That makes the picture even more special. Thank you for taking the time to set this place in cyber space up for us to enjoy. I hope your birthday week has been special like you!