Multitude Monday ~ May 30th, Memorial Day – Counting Gifts to 1,000
171. A bouquet of hydrangeas cut from my garden for a friend.
172. Fresh blueberries in my yogurt…from my garden…picked by my husband. Sweetness.
173. Some good conversation with my mother, in the car, uninterrupted.
174. A new sewing machine – makes quilting a dream. Speaking of quilts…
175. My quilt – almost finished except for the binding.
176. A series of messages by our Interim Pastor on family living – so refreshingly practical, biblical, expository preaching at its best. Thank you Rev. Joel Southerland!
177. Pecans toasting in the oven. I sent a box to Paige Greene for her birthday. Buttery, salty goodness!
178. A great time in the Word of God. Habakukk 3:17-19. Within the span of a few minutes, this passage came to me from two entirely different sources, I sat up and paid attention!
179. My son Jeremy, grandson Zeke, and husband Gary picked these blackberries on our farm and I made a blackberry cobbler for Memorial Day dessert today.
180. Celebrating my youngest grandchild’s birthday this past week. Jackson is the son of my youngest son and daughter-in-law. Here he is getting some birthday love from Daddy & Mommy!
181. A nest of Brown Thrasher eggs in the tea olive bush by my back door. This is the official state bird of Georgia. 🙂
182. My oldest son and his wife celebrated 7 years of marriage on May 22. They are a blessing to my heart. He is a pastor and they have two wonderful children who bring Gran Jan’s Joy to life!
183. Our pond at dusk. My favorite time of day.
184. My husband and his associate, Rev. Dawson Hull both wore bowties to church yesterday…Gary in honor of an Air Force Colonel who gave him the tie. (Dawson wears them all the time.) Everyone had a lot of fun with the “Bowtie Brothers.”
185. Our women’s ministry team wanted to set up a Facebook page, so we did. (It is going to be a great communication tool, already has been.) This required me to get back on Facebook after a 6 month break away. I learned a lot during my time away, especially that just like everything, balance is the key. Priorities – Jesus first.
186. It is daylily season here in Georgia and I love to check my garden every morning to see what’s blooming. Some beauties are – that’s for sure.

187. Today would have been the 87th birthday of our pastor of many, many years – Rev. Rastus Salter. We esteemed him greatly. He was a great man of God. He served our church for almost 50 years. What a heritage of faith. Gary and I had the honor to serve with him for almost 20 years.
188. Lastly I would like to share a picture I took early this morning here at the Farm. My Dad is a retired Marine and Vietnam War Veteran. He proudly maintains these flags and they fly every day. I am so thankful to have been raised in a military family and we live in a military town today. I thank God for all the women and men who gave the supreme sacrifice in service to our great country. God Shed His Grace on Thee.
Much love to all!
God Bless America.
Gran Jan your blog name is so fitting because you are a JOY to all! We do have such fun with our Women’s Ministry! Loving Jesus is just fun!
LOVE the flags. I bet your daddy is just as precious as you!! I hope you are surviving this danged hot weather. It is in the low 90’s here in the GA mountains today. Sooooooo ready for fall.
Enjoyed reading your list. As a pastor’s wife your sweet spirit is an encoragement and example to me.