Good Morning! While the coffee is brewing and I’m listening to the wonderful sound of the rain coming down on the metal roof of my home…
and while thanking the Lord for all His goodness, I decided to celebrate with a giveaway on my blog. It’s my first one and since today is my birthday, I wanted to give something to someone else. I am a blessed woman indeed!
So…all you have to do is:
- 1. Go here to “The Gooseberry Patch” and pick out a cookbook you would like to own. I love this website and their products are great, and I love to cook! I had a cookbook published in one of their cookbooks…
this past year. It’s the recipe for “Gran Jan’s Chicken Pie.” Go here to read the post!
2. Come back and post the 5 things you are most thankful for.
3. Also tell me which cookbook you would like to receive.
4. Do this by Tuesday, November 30th, two weeks from today!
5. I will randomly select a winner on December 1st and have your cookbook sent to you in time for Christmas if you want to give it to someone else!
Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Giveaway to YOU!
*Gran Jan*
First off – Happy Belated Birthday! (I met you at the Women’s Leadership Forum several days ago!)
I’m thankful for:
1) MY Savior.
2) Two beautiful neices who bring so much joy.
3) Loving family and friends (old and new).
4) Times of refreshing (be they moments or days).
5) My heritage.
Oh, Jan! Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear Jan…happy birthday to you!
I’m going to try and think outside of the obvious things that I am truly thankful for…
1. Blogging Christians that inspire me.
2. My monster pumpkin from North Carolina.
3. Hope.
4. My five senses.
5. Family and friends.
It was hard, but I think this one is my favorite:
Homemade Christmas Cookbook (M955)
Love all of these books!
And you, too!
Happy Birthday!
1. I am ever so thankful that through Jesus I am “his righteousness”!
2. I am thankful that I can make a choice everyday to choose to let Christ have dominion in my life and that I don’t have to be defeated!
3. I am thankful for my family!
4. I am thankful for the freedom we still have to worship our heavenly Father.
5. I am thankful to God for his faithfulness to me!
God Bless you!
Vickie Phongsavanh
Oh yes! and I would love to have the Christmas Cookbook!
I would like the Christmas in the Country cookbook
I am thankful for:
1. I am saved by grace
2. For my husband that is serving overseas
3. My children
4. New mercies daily
5. wildlife
Have a blessed day—Terry
ERIN – I am sorry that your comment didn’t post correctly, so I copied and pasted it in!
Hi I jumped here from the Living Proof blog. and you’re having a give away. Happy Birthday.
All of the books look fun. There is one about coffee and tea that looks interesting.
1. Thankful that God loved me first.
2. Thankful that he sent Jesus to die for my sins.
3. Thankful for my sweet husband.
4.Thankful for my 2 daughters and 2 son-in laws
5. Thankful for my 5 grand babies.
Happy Birthday!!!! I hope your day is filled with many delights today! Thank you for a fun giveaway. I love Gooseberry Patch cookbooks. 🙂
I am thankful for:
1. My sons.
2. Jesus and His wonderful Mercy and Grace
3. Sunrises and sunsets
4. the mountains
5. my friends
I would like the Christmas in the Country cookbook.
((((Jan))))) a birthday hug for you. 🙂
Hi Jan!
I am thankful for
1. God’s faithfulness
2. My sisters in the convent
3. My family
4. Babies
5. Good health to enjoy all of the above
Those cookbooks are so cute! I like the Church Suppers -as it is features recipes for a crowd!
This is fun! thanks! Sister Lynn
Aren’t you so sweet to give away a gift on your birthday!!
I’m thankful for:
God’s redeeming grace
My loving husband
my precious children
my wonderful parents
a great cup of coffee!
Thanks for the doing this! I’d love the cookbook on canning, it’s a dying art that I want to learn and pass on!
I would not know where to begin to pick – I want them all! I would say the toughest choice would be between the Quick & Easy, Christmas and the Crafts & Gifts.
I am thankful for:
*My husband – a true man of God and the love of my life
*My boys – a gift from my marriage and such amazing men
*My girls – The gift of adoption. Blessings from HIM as well as sacrafices made by two women who made choices for their babes
*Provision – we have seen plenty and we have seen want. But we have NEVER seen lack, He has always placed before us what we need. He is good.
*Health – Friend fight cancer, disease and loss right before my eyes. I do not take the fact that my people are healthy lightly and I NEVER take it for granted! Prase Him!
(I am also thankful for YOU – ya sweet thing!)
Happy Birthday, my friend. Just stopped by to give you a (((((Jan))))) hug. Have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday!
I am thankful for :
1. The mercy of God and the redeeming love of Jesus.
2. My two beautiful daughters.
3. Sunrises
4. Hot showers
5. The inspired Word of God.
Have a wonderful day!