I am BEYOND excited to share the news that we are going to welcome TWO MORE grandbabies to our family in May 2010! Both of my sons and their sweet wives are expecting babies just FIVE DAYS APART!
My oldest son Jeremy and his wife Carrie (they are the couple on the left) are the parents of Zeke, my 15 month old grandson and “Gran Jan’s Joy.” (This blog began as a way for me to process and record the joy of waiting for his arrival, which was a miracle of divine design.)
So their little boy, Ezekiel (everyone calls him “Zeke”) is going to be a big brother sometime around May 16, and then he will welcome his cousin to the family around May 21!
My youngest son Jonathan and his wife Erin are on the right in the photo above. They are expecting their first baby! Erin made these matching shirts as a way to “tell” the Double Delight news to my parents (the great-grandparents) who live next door to me. Here they are walking over to my parents to share the news. I was following behind with my camera to record the event!
Here they are going back over to my house after they told my Mom and Dad…it was almost more than I could take in one evening. I can’t believe I am going to be Gran Jan times three, and I am counting my blessings. The other day I heard a woman call her grandchildren “Grandblessings,” and I loved that. They truly are grand blessings, and I can’t wait to meet the May Babies!
Today is my birthday…and I can’t think of a more fitting day to celebrate LIFE and God’s goodness to our family.
i am thanking God for the promise fulfilled in my life from His Word, found in Psalm 128, verse 6:
Psalm 128:6
May you live to see your children’s children.
Thank you Lord,
Gran Jan
A double portion – you are blessed, doubly blessed! And happy belated birthday dear one!
Rejoicing with you,
I am remembering Psalm 16 this moment going through the inheritance on my own…and then visiting this blog this moment…I think the boundary lines have definitely fallen in pleasant places:)
love you to pieces!
How FUN for you Gram!!! I can’t wait to be a Grandma.
Oh Jan!!! How fun for you AND for the girls to be sharing this experience together! God is blessing your family with a double portion!
That is THE best news! You are going to be one very busy lady come May! Woo Hoo! I am just thrilled to pieces for you because I know that you love those grand babies so very well. SO excited for you, sweet Jan!
I love you, lady!
Congratulations to all the Mortons! What a way to celebrate a birthday, too.
What exciting news!!! Just imagine what Christmas will be like next year!!!!
It seems this is our time sweet Jan! Your precious Zeke and my little Andy are exactly the same age (just a few days difference) and my 2nd born and her husband are expecting their first Feb. 21. My second little Grandblessing is a little girl….Eva Kate is on her way! Oh what a glorious season we find ourselves in! Praise Him!
Wow, how incredible is that????? What a delight and joy grandbabies are, I love mine to pieces. And I know you do as well!
YAY GJ! More sweetness to love! Congrats!
Love you!!!
I am still smiling over this news! More Grandblessings to fill your home and heart. 🙂
God is Good!
I love the t-shirts! What a wonderful idea!!
Much love,
O Praise Him!
Isn’t that just like the LORD?!? I’m remembering your testimony about crying out concerning the gift of Zeke. Yes! Yes! Yes!
What a testimony your family has of God’s AWESOME blessings.
BTW, my BD is May 22. Praying for nothing but moments of delight ahead for these newest additions.
I’m thinking 2 daughters/gdaughters…
Happy Birthday and congrats! May will be here soon;)
Jan, Happy Birthday!!! I’m so sorry I late getting you a birthday blessing. I worked yesterday and it was a long day at the pharmacy.
I hope you had a great day and congratulations on your coming grandbabies. They will be so blessed to have such a wonderful grandmother.
So very thrilled for you! So thrilled. Double blessing! And it’s on top of your joy of a grandson.
I know what you’ll be doing this coming summer!
That is FANTASTIC news!
How wonderful 🙂
I love the t-shirts what a neat idea!!
You are so blessed!!!
Much love