Gardening is a passion of mine, and one that brings me great peace and joy as I work and think and pray and ponder and just enjoy being outside in the presence of God. I especially love gardening in Autumn!
I love this plant. I think of it as a cultured wildflower of sorts, and have heard it called “Golden Glow,” or “Swamp Sunflower,” but it’s real name is Helianthus Angustifolia. (My name is Jan, but my real name is written down in the Book of Life because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross for me, and my acceptance of His blood atonement for my sins!)
Golden Glow blooms in glorious October and it truly does GLOW with bright yellow flowers.
I am celebrating this year because my Golden Glow has made it’s way back home to me…and I am so happy to have it back in my garden. It was first given to me years ago by a precious senior adult woman. I grew it for years and shared cuttings with many others. I gave some to my daughter-in-law’s mother and she planted it in her garden. We share a love for gardening and also a new grandson…named Zeke…have I mentioned him lately? 🙂
When we moved to our farm a year ago, I neglected to bring any Golden Glow from my old garden with me and I really was missing this “Delight” to my soul! This past spring, a friend with whom I had shared some cuttings brought it back to me and now I can start the tradition again. My Mom has already asked for some new plants next Spring, and I will gladly share with her!
Lessons learned:
*Share from the abundance of what you have…
*The blessings will return back to you…
*Get outside and enjoy God’s glorious creation…
*Be sure and know what your “real name” is…
*Bask in the GLOW of His Love for you…
What a great post!! Your flowers are beautiful. I wish I had them in my garden. 🙂
What a delight for you and us!!
Have a blessed weekend!
That is so neat how your gift of flowers was returned back to you!
I have some pansies and mums I need to plant right now!
Is there any way in the whole wide world to send and share that with me in Kansas? I loved the post, the picture and the thought of blessing others by simpling…sharing. NOT HOARDING!
I love ya friend!
Oh, Amen! Basking in his glow…I love the beauty of His creation so.
Thanks for sharing your delights! They made me smile really big.
Wish I could sing in choir right beside you tomorrow…someday I’ll be in Jan;s choir again 🙂
Love and prayers,