Moonflowers…I LOVE them!

I love gardening…besides spending time with my men-folks (husband, sons, grandson) and my girls (daughters-in-law), it’s my most favorite thing to do. Gardening is pure therapy for me…and much cheaper…unless I’ve been to the Lowe’s Garden Center!
Have you ever seen a moonflower? Well they are wonderful and I grow them from seed every year! They grown on a beautiful vine and the foliage is heart-shaped. The flowers are spectacular, about 6″ across, lightly scented, and they are white with a “star” in the center. They begin to bloom at dusk…when the day is winding down.

One of my favorite authors, Jan Karon wrote a wonderful book entitled The Trellis and the Seed, a book of encouragement for all ages. It is all about waiting for a moonflower to bloom, it is delightful.
I just wanted to share some gardening joy today. I’m sorta like those moonflowers in that I am not a morning person (or a morning glory)! I begin to wind up when the day is winding down myself. Maybe that’s why I love these flowers so much. There’s nothing sweeter that sitting in my back porch swing and enjoying the moonflowers blooming. Did you know there’s even a night-time hummingbird? Oh yes there is…I’ll save that for another post!
Georgia Jan
Isaiah 58:11…your soul will be like a well-watered garden…


  1. Hi Jan!
    Love the moonflower!
    I have a blue morning glory that takes my breath away it is so beautiful. I can just imagine how pretty this moonflower is.
    I’ve not seen a night hummingbird but we do see whippoorwills right before the sun rises. Ugly critters but they do sing pretty.
    Blessings to you and your family!

  2. These flowers are beautiful:) Thankyou for coming to my blog and “saying” such encouraging words. It has been a hard time for me this year, but it has been such a time of spiritual growth too! So, I know I am right where God wants me. I just want to “do this thing” right as Beth would say:)


  3. Mama Moonflower:)
    I replied to you on the blog:)
    I hope you are having a great day:)


  4. Gratefulinga – YES! The hydrangea is from my garden, the variety is Nikko Blue. So southern, isn’t it?

    Holly..let’s be “nightinGALS” together…:)

    I’m going to research the nighttime hummingbird and find that for you. It may actuall be a moth, but it flutters and flies and since you can’t see it that well…the joy is the same.

    Zeke is doing do well, I am absolutely smitten. I’m going to post a recent picture soon. Yolanda, from Higher Grounds said it is just pure sugar to be a grandma, she is so right.

    Ang – I would love to see garden pictures from your mama. I love my new nickname.

    And I love y’all. Back to studying, I took a little break. I’m leading the revised version of “A Woman’s Heart” and it is wonderful.

    GA JAN

  5. Hello Miss Mama Moonflower:) There we go, a good nickname:)

    You are such in touch with nature:) How sweet:)
    You’d love my momma’s garden:)
    I’ll have to send some pics:)
    Hope you are well:)

    Have a great day:)


  6. I have wondered about that book–have to get it now. I am a night flower, too. We can be the nightingales 🙂

    I canno wait to read about the night hummingbirds. I love hummingbirds, esp. the ruby throated ones.

    How’s that grandbaby doing? Praying over him this moment.

  7. Beautiful! Try as I might, gardening I can not do. Not that I don’t give it a try every year…If the color motif is brown, I’m your girl.

    I so appreciate those who can. And that blue hydrangea on your side bar, from your garden?

    Who needs clip art when you’ve got that!

    Good night Moonflower Girl!

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