Scripture Memory Team Verse 17 – September 1, 2015


Psalm 119:57 (NET)
The Lord is my source of security.
I have determined to followed your instructions.

I’m continuing my seasons theme this year with verse 57 from Psalm 119. We are very close to Autumn on the calendar and I’m in the Autumn season of my life. This is a season I am relishing with JOY.  This joy includes witnessing the faithfulness of God in my life…the security and contentment in a beautiful marriage of 38 years to my best friend and the love of my life…the anticipation of retirement in a few years…the gift of having both my parents alive and well and living nearby…the delight of my grown sons and their wives all living for Jesus and taking care of their families and always the sheer JOY of my life…I am Gran Jan to FIVE AMAZING GRANDCHILDREN!

Chapter 119 in the book of Psalms is the longest in the Bible with 176 verses.  It is so beautiful to me. I love that verse 57 also represents my current age of 57 years. [That number will help me remember it as a I continue to memorize scripture as part of this “team” with Living Proof Ministries.]

The theme of seasons applies to me here now because I KNOW without any shadow of doubt that the Lord is my source of security. Why can I say that? Because I’m older and this assurance from living a long time and experiencing God’s faithfulness in the journey. Being able to look back and see God’s Hand and His plan is a gift. And the second part of the verse says I AM DETERMINED to follow His instructions. Yes I am! Because I know that He is good and faithful and His plans for me are true and perfect.




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